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- 1. 重症患者における栄養補給:概要nutrition support in critically ill patients an overview [show details]
…less may be more accurate for patients with antecedent undernourishment, with the precise duration depending on the severity of the undernourishment. Inflammation-related malnutrition may develop indolently …
- 2. 熱傷患者への栄養管理の概要overview of nutrition support in burn patients [show details]
…adult patients have a higher incidence of malnutrition (age- and disease-related wasting and/or undernourishment) at the time of injury, which may result in poorer outcomes unless nutritional status is effectively…
- 3. 小児や青年のスポーツ参加:参加前の身体評価sports participation in children and adolescents the preparticipation physical evaluation [show details]
…method to assess proportionality and nutritional status, and is particularly useful in assessing undernourishment. Low percent IBW, especially in wrestlers and female athletes with menstrual or eating disorders…
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- リフィーディング症候群の予防および治療 リフィーディング症候群は発症予防が可能である。ま た,万一起こった場合にも早急な対処により重大な事故 を防ぐことができる症候群である。低栄養の患者に対し て栄養補給を行うときには,合併症としてリフィーディ
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- マラスムス、無栄養症 athrepsia。wasting disease?
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- 栄養失調症、GVH反応
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- nutrition、nutrient、vegetative, alimentation
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- nutritio
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- Na:体重x 1mEq
- K:体重x 0.5mEq
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