- 英
- floatation technique, floatation method
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- 集卵法
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- 1. 帝王切開における胎児頭部の深い骨盤嵌入および浮動のマネージメントmanagement of deeply engaged and floating fetal presentations at cesarean delivery [show details]
…unengaged, floating fetal head (-3/5 station or above) is a difficult problem. In contrast to the deeply engaged, impacted fetal head, where maternal anatomy can impede access to the head, the floating head …
- 2. 胆道結石のレーザー砕石術laser lithotripsy for the treatment of bile duct stones [show details]
…fluoroscopic control can be difficult or impossible due to anatomic variations, bouncing fragments, or floating debris. Although nonlinear optical breakdown does not cause significant thermal energy exposure …
- 3. 胆道寄生虫症の内視鏡診断およびマネージメントendoscopic diagnosis and management of biliary parasitosis [show details]
…irregular leaf-like filling defects due to fragmented membranes; Round or oval lucent filling defects, floating in the common bile duct due to daughter cysts; Brown, thick, amorphous debris; Treatment of hydatid …
- 4. 小児における前腕骨遠位端部:診断および評価distal forearm fractures in children diagnosis and assessment [show details]
…forearm fractures in children. Patients with a forearm fracture and a supracondylar elbow fracture ("floating elbow") are at increased risk of an acute compartment syndrome . Thus, the elbow warrants careful …
- 5. 肋骨骨折の初期評価およびマネージメントinitial evaluation and management of rib fractures [show details]
…sternum . Ribs 8 to 10 attach anteriorly to the costal cartilage. The lowest two ribs are "floating" and do not connect anteriorly . Immediately below each rib travels its neurovascular bundle, including …
Japanese Journal
- サイエンスよみもの 航空宇宙分野で開発された浮遊法を用いて溶融物の物性を測定する : 静電浮遊法とガス浮遊法
- Ατομοσ : journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan = アトモス : 日本原子力学会誌 60(12), 749-753, 2018-12
- NAID 40021744027
- ガス浮遊法を用いた溶融酸化物の物性測定 (創立70周年記念号)
- 無容器浮遊法を用いたガラスおよび高温融液の構造と物性 (特集 量子ビームを用いたガラス・非晶質材料のナノスケール構造解析)
- Ceramics Japan = セラミックス : bulletin of the Ceramic Society of Japan 52(5), 349-351, 2017-05
- NAID 40021416733
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