- 英
- pilar cyst
- 同
- 外毛根鞘嚢腫 trichilemmal cyst
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- 1. 皮膚の良性病変の概要overview of benign lesions of the skin [show details]
…keratosis , dermatosis papulosa nigra) Appendageal (adnexal) tumors Cysts (epidermoid cyst , pilar cyst , vellus hair cysts) Vascular tumors (cherry hemangioma , pyogenic granuloma) Tumors of …
- 2. 外陰病変:赤色病変の鑑別診断vulvar lesions differential diagnosis of red lesions [show details]
… An epidermal/epidermoid cyst (also called sebaceous cyst) is a keratin-filled, subcutaneous cyst originating from a hair follicle. Epidermoid cysts are the most common cysts on the vulva. They are lined …
- 3. 妊娠への母体の適応:皮膚、毛髪、爪、粘膜maternal adaptations to pregnancy skin hair nails and mucous membranes [show details]
… Scalp hair becomes thicker, but the hair line may recede. A temporary period of hair loss is common (telogen effluvium) postpartum.… Vulvar varicosities may be associated with pelvic congestion syndrome. They can be misdiagnosed as cysts or masses, including disorders of the Bartholin glands . Hemorrhoidal disease is most common in …
- 4. 頭皮の発疹を有する患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with a scalp disorder [show details]
… stratified squamous epithelium and contain other cutaneous structures (eg, hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands) . Dermoid cysts most frequently are found periorbitally, but may also appear on the …
- 5. 先天性爪肥厚症pachyonychia congenita [show details]
…airway obstruction in young children . Cutaneous cysts, including epidermal inclusion cysts and pilosebaceous cysts such as steatocystomas and vellus hair cysts, typically develop around or after puberty and …
Japanese Journal
- 粟飯原 輝人,山本 英一,秋定 健,佐藤 幸弘,矢田 和子,山川 純至,折田 洋造
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊 1994(Supplement69), 126-130, 1994
- A 52-year-old female was admitted to our hospital with a complaint of left submandibular mass. Ultrasound echo, CT-scanning and MRI-scanning revealed a cystic lesion. The mass was resected and diagnos …
- NAID 130004683723
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- 外毛根鞘嚢腫(毛髪嚢腫)は,表皮封入嚢腫と同じに見えることがあるが,90%が頭皮に生じる。しばしば外毛根鞘嚢腫の家族歴がみられ,遺伝様式は常染色体優性である。
- 毛髪嚢腫っていったい何だ? 毛髪嚢腫 とは、ということなのだけれど、これは呼び名がいっぱいあってちょっと難しい・・・。外毛根鞘嚢腫(がいもうこんしょうのうしゅ)とも言われ、頭皮によく出て来るものらしい。
- 毛髪嚢腫(外毛根鞘嚢腫または粉瘤)は、表皮封入嚢腫と同じに見えることがあります。毛髪嚢腫の約90%は頭皮に生じます。外毛根鞘嚢腫の生じやすさは遺伝することもあります。
Related Pictures

- 英
- trichilemmal cyst
- 英
- cystoma
- 同
- 嚢胞性腫瘍 cystic tumor
- 関
- シスト、嚢胞、被覆体、水滑性嚢腫、嚢胞性リンパ管腫、水滑性嚢胞、滑液嚢水腫、腫瘍性嚢胞
- 関
- がん、腫瘍、腫瘤、良性新生物