English Journal
- Cystic Neoplasms of the Pancreas.
- Chandwani R1, Allen PJ1.
- Annual review of medicine.Annu Rev Med.2016 Jan 14;67:45-57. doi: 10.1146/annurev-med-051914-022011. Epub 2015 Nov 6.
- Cystic neoplasms of the pancreas are being identified at an increasing frequency largely due to the increased use of abdominal cross-sectional imaging. These neoplasms represent a heterogeneous group of tumors with various genetic alterations, molecular features, and risks of malignancy. Despite the
- PMID 26565675
- Demographics of benign parotid tumours: Warthin's tumour versus other benign salivary tumours.
- Patel DK1, Morton RP1.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2016 Jan;136(1):83-6. doi: 10.3109/00016489.2015.1081276. Epub 2015 Oct 8.
- CONCLUSION: Some variation from the 'classical' clinical picture for Warthin's tumours is evident in these patients. A predilection for the parotid tail and a propensity for multiplicity has been confirmed.OBJECTIVES: This study sought to analyse demographic and clinical features of a Warthin's pati
- PMID 26449442
- Laryngeal oncocytic cystadenomas masquerading as laryngoceles.
- Feinstein AJ1, Peng KA1, Bhuta SM2, Abemayor E3, Mendelsohn AH4.
- American journal of otolaryngology.Am J Otolaryngol.2016 Jan-Feb;37(1):17-21. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2015.09.010. Epub 2015 Sep 10.
- OBJECTIVE: To describe an experience with laryngeal oncocytic cystadenomas and review the published literature regarding this uncommon diagnosis.METHODS AND RESULTS: A clinical review of patients presenting with cystic laryngeal masses in an urban academic medical center between January and December
- PMID 26700253
Japanese Journal
- The Fascinating Field of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Primary xanthoma of the mandible: a case report
- 顕微鏡的多発血管炎による急速進行型腎炎症候群の加療中に発症した非外傷性腹直筋血腫の1例
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- cys·to·ma (s-st m) n. pl. cys·to·mas or cys·to·ma·ta (-m-t) A cystic tumor. cystoma [sistō′mə] pl. cystomas, cystomata Etymology: Gk, kystis + oma, tumor any tumor or growth containing cysts, especially one in or near the ovary.
- Cystoma definition, a cystic tumor. See more. Thesaurus Translator Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Dictionary My Account Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary Thesaurus Translator More...
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- 英
- cystoma
- 同
- 嚢胞性腫瘍 cystic tumor
- 関
- シスト、嚢胞、被覆体、水滑性嚢腫、嚢胞性リンパ管腫、水滑性嚢胞、滑液嚢水腫、腫瘍性嚢胞