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- 殿筋内注射
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- 1. 関節内および軟部組織注射:注射剤の種類および投与頻度intraarticular and soft tissue injections what agents to inject and how frequently [show details]
…reactions generally occur within one week of injection and after a follow-up injection rather than after the first injection, involve an effusion from 10 to 70 mL in volume, have nucleated cell counts of …
- 2. SCIT(皮下免疫療法):標準的な投与計画、用法、副作用、モニタリングscit standard schedules administration techniques adverse reactions and monitoring [show details]
…systems distant from the injection site. Most serious systemic reactions occur within 30 minutes after the injection. Therefore, a 30-minute waiting period following injection is recommended. These reactions …
- 3. 成人における関節吸引または注射:手技および適応joint aspiration or injection in adults technique and indications [show details]
…near remission from previous injections. Injection of soft tissue structures such as the subdeltoid bursa, trochanteric bursa, and tendon sheathing. Soft tissue injections can be curative in some cases …
- 4. 小児や青年への定期予防接種:概要standard immunizations for children and adolescents overview [show details]
… (IM) or subcutaneously The preferred position of the child and site of injection vary with age and route of injection The injection site should be as free as possible from risk of local neural, vascular …
- 5. Acute hydrocarbon exposure: Managementacute hydrocarbon exposure management [show details]
…burns is determined by the extent and depth of the burn as discussed separately. Parenteral injection of hydrocarbons can cause major tissue destruction including tissue necrosis and necrotizing fasciitis …
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- 英
- intragluteal injection
- 同
- 殿内注射
- 関
- 筋肉内注射
- 英
- injection、shot、inject
- 関
- インジェクション、充血、注入、発射、注射剤、ショット、注射薬、インジェクト、撃つ
- 皮内注射:皮膚にほぼ並行::アレルギー反応の判定
- 皮下注射:皮膚に対し20-30°:持続性:インスリン、ワクチン
- 筋肉注射:皮膚に対し直角:中殿筋、三角筋。皮下注射に比較して即効性がある(吸収性の悪い薬品)。:ブスコパン、オピオイド系鎮痛薬、トキソイド
- 静脈注射:静脈に刺入:即効性、確実性