- 英
- killing、kill
- 関
- 殺す、殺人、殺人者
- overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration; "The comedian was so funny, he was killing me!"
- cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"
- destroy a vitally essential quality of or in; "Eating artichokes kills the taste of all other foods"
- tire out completely; "The daily stress of her work is killing her"
- the destruction of an enemy plane or ship or tank or missile; "the pilot reported two kills during the mission"
- mark for deletion, rub off, or erase; "kill these lines in the Presidents speech" (同)obliterate, wipe_out
- thwart the passage of; "kill a motion"; "he shot down the students proposal" (同)shoot down, defeat, vote down, vote out
- be fatal; "cigarettes kill"; "drunken driving kills"
- be the source of great pain for; "These new shoes are killing me!"
- cause the death of, without intention; "She was killed in the collision of three cars"
- cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
- deprive of life; "AIDS has killed thousands in Africa"
- hit with great force; "He killed the ball"
- hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games; "She killed the ball"
- very funny; "a killing joke"; "sidesplitting antics" (同)sidesplitting
- a very large profit (同)cleanup
- the act of terminating a life (同)kill, putting to death
- an event that causes someone to die (同)violent_death
- 〈人・動物〉‘を'『殺す』,死亡させる / 〈植物〉‘を'枯らす / …‘を'だめにする,失わせる / 《話》…‘を'ひどく痛ませる(疲れさせる,不快にさせる) / 〈時間〉‘を'つぶす / 〈記事など〉‘を'没にする,握りつぶす / 人殺しをする / 殺すこと;(特に狩猟の)獲物をしとめること / (猟の)獲物
- 殺害;屠殺(とさつ) / 《話》(特に商売での)大もうけ / (仕事などが)疲労こんぱいさせる,ひどく骨の折れる
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Japanese Journal
- 国内のホルスタイン集団における胚死滅および子牛致死をもたらす遺伝的不良形質のキャリア頻度
- 第11回 アネロファーマ・サイエンス社のビフィズス菌創薬技術
- 片岡 之郎
- ファルマシア 55(5), 438-440, 2019
- … ビフィズス菌は偏性嫌気性菌であり、低酸素状態の固形がんでは生育できるが、血液中や正常組織では死滅する。 …
- NAID 130007641258
- 脱脂乳中における <i>Lactobacillus gasseri</i> LA39 の長期培養と環状バクテリオシン"ガセリシン A"の生産性
- 脇本 彩加,増田 哲也,白田 淳,齋藤 真由,原田 悠暉,長嶋 曜,山戸 泰成,春日 元気,荒川 健佑,川井 泰
- ミルクサイエンス 68(1), 30-36, 2019
- … LA39 株(初発生菌数8.2 log CFU/mL)の生菌数はほぼ一定で(約8.3 log CFU/mL),その後は徐々に低下し,30日で検出限界以下(死滅)となった。 …
- NAID 130007638498
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- 関
- homicide、kill、murder
- 英
- homicide、murder
- 関
- 死滅、殺人者
- 英
- homicide
- 関
- 殺人、死滅