- 英
- radicular fila
- ラ
- fila radicularia
- 関
- 中枢神経系、末梢神経、神経根
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- 1. Serious neurologic complications of neuraxial anesthesia procedures in obstetric patientsserious neurologic complications of neuraxial anesthesia procedures in obstetric patients [show details]
… use flexible reinforced epidural catheters and thread the catheter no more than six cm into the epidural space to minimize the risk of damage to nerve roots. Flexible reinforced catheters reduce the incidence …
- 2. 毛髪や環状玩具などによる指ターニケット症候群:臨床症状、診断、治療hair tourniquet and other narrow constricting bands clinical manifestations diagnosis and treatment [show details]
…tourniquets and also strangulation of digits or external genitalia by thread or other narrow constricting bands. Hair tourniquet or hair-thread tourniquet syndrome describes swelling or ischemia of an appendage …
- 3. 多発神経根症:脊柱管狭窄症、感染症、癌、および炎症性神経根症候群polyradiculopathy spinal stenosis infectious carcinomatous and inflammatory nerve root syndromes [show details]
…because nerve root injury in radiculopathy is most often proximal to the dorsal root ganglion . Nerve fiber degeneration therefore occurs in the axon that projects centrally from the dorsal root ganglion rather …
- 4. 脊髄および後根神経節に影響を与える腫瘍随伴性症候群paraneoplastic syndromes affecting the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia [show details]
…demyelinating features may occur, complicating the differential diagnosis between peripheral nerve and dorsal root ganglia involvement. Neurophysiologic features that can help distinguish sensory neuronopathy from …
- 5. 頸部神経根障害の臨床的特徴および診断clinical features and diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy [show details]
…dorsal and ventral spinal nerve roots are formed from rootlets that emerge from the spinal cord. The dorsal roots supply afferent sensory information, and the ventral roots contain efferent fibers that subserve …
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- nerve root
- ラ
- radix
- 同
- root
- 関
- 根糸
- 英
- ventral root?, ventral root filament?
- 関
- 前根
- 関
- 頚髄神経、前根糸
- 英
- thread
- 関
- 筋道、通す