- 英
- brooding、brood
- 関
- 介卵、同腹
- sit on (eggs); "Birds brood"; "The female covers the eggs" (同)hatch, cover, incubate
- hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing; "The terrible vision brooded over her all day long" (同)hover, loom, bulk large
- the young of an animal cared for at one time
- think moodily or anxiously about something (同)dwell
- sitting on eggs so as to hatch them by the warmth of the body (同)incubation
- deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the Byronic hero - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man"; (同)broody, contemplative, meditative, musing, pensive, pondering, reflective, ruminative
- (同時に生まれた)『ひな』 / 《軽べつして》(一家の)子共たち / 〈鳥などが〉〈卵〉'を'抱く / …'を'熟考する;…'を'思い悩む / 卵を抱く;巣につく / (…について)思い悩む,くよくよと考えこむ《+『on』(『over』,『about』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / (…を)おおう,(…の上に)たれこめる《+『above』(『over』)+『名』》
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- 1. 抗菌薬感受性試験の概要 overview of antibacterial susceptibility testing
- 2. リステリア菌感染の臨床症状および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of listeria monocytogenes infection
- 3. リケッチア痘瘡 rickettsialpox
- 4. マラリアの臨床症状 clinical manifestations of malaria
- 5. 狂犬病の臨床的特徴および診断 clinical manifestations and diagnosis of rabies
Japanese Journal
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- 英
- brooding、brood
- 関
- 同腹、抱卵
- 関
- brood
- 英
- brood
- 関
- 介卵、抱卵