- (人,人の態度が)考え深げな,思いを巡らす
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English Journal
- Rumination is independently associated with poor psychological health: Comparing emotion regulation strategies.
- Zawadzki MJ1.
- Psychology & health.Psychol Health.2015 Oct;30(10):1146-63. doi: 10.1080/08870446.2015.1026904. Epub 2015 Apr 7.
- OBJECTIVE: Emotion regulation (ER) strategies are related to psychological health, with most work examining reappraisal and suppression. Yet, emerging findings suggest that rumination may have stronger relationships with psychological health, namely depression, than other ER strategies. This paper r
- PMID 25748334
- The Effects of Computerized Cognitive Control Training on Community Adults with Depressed Mood.
- Calkins AW1, McMorran KE2, Siegle GJ3, Otto MW4.
- Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy.Behav Cogn Psychother.2015 Sep;43(5):578-89. doi: 10.1017/S1352465814000046. Epub 2014 Mar 3.
- BACKGROUND: Depression is frequently characterized by patterns of inflexible, maladaptive, and ruminative thinking styles, which are thought to result from a combination of decreased attentional control, decreased executive functioning, and increased negative affect. Cognitive Control Training (CCT)
- PMID 24589123
- Transdiagnostic mechanisms in depression and anxiety: The role of rumination and attentional control.
- Hsu KJ1, Beard C2, Rifkin L3, Dillon DG4, Pizzagalli DA4, Björgvinsson T2.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2015 Aug 28;188:22-27. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.08.008. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Deficits in attentional control have been hypothesized to cause rumination, suggesting that the relationships between attentional control and clinical symptoms may be mediated in part by rumination. However, to date, no clinical study has examined these constructs transdiagnostically in
- PMID 26340079
Japanese Journal
- 有光 興記
- 感情心理学研究 22(2), 53-59, 2015
- … Further, these experiences were considered more similar to "embarrassment" than "shame." (b) The experiences of "zaiakukan" were considered more serious than "haji" and overlapped more with its English equivalent, "guilt." (c) The experiences of "shitto" were more similar those of "netami" and "jealousy" than were other emotions, distinct because they shared feelings of resistance towards emotions and ruminative thoughts. …
- NAID 130005064068
- 多次元アイデンティティ発達尺度(DIDS)によるアイデンティティ発達の検討と類型化の試み
- 中間 玲子,杉村 和美,畑野 快 [他],溝上 慎一,都筑 学
- 心理学研究 85(6), 549-559, 2014
- … Two surveys of undergraduate and high school students showed that the DIDS-J had good reliability and validity and that it consisted of 25 items with five factors: commitment making, identity with commitment, exploration in breadth, exploration in depth, and ruminative exploration. …
- NAID 130004922569
- 多次元アイデンティティ発達尺度(DIDS)によるアイデンティティ発達の検討と類型化の試み
- 中間 玲子,杉村 和美,畑野 快,溝上 慎一,都筑 学
- 心理学研究, 2014
- … Two surveys of undergraduate and high school students showed that the DIDS-J had good reliability and validity and that it consisted of 25 items with five factors: commitment making, identity with commitment, exploration in breadth, exploration in depth, and ruminative exploration. …
- NAID 130004707238
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- ruminate / ˈru məˌneɪt / Show Spelled [roo-m uh-neyt] Show IPA verb, ruminated, ruminating. verb (used without object) 1. to chew the cud, as a ruminant. 2. ... 1533, "to turn over in the mind," also "to chew cud" (1547), from L ...
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