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- 1. 心タンポナーデcardiac tamponade [show details]
… process. In both cardiac tamponade and constrictive pericarditis, cardiac filling is impeded by an external force. The normal pericardium can stretch to accommodate physiologic changes in cardiac volume. However …
- 2. 心臓腫瘍cardiac tumors [show details]
…(with risk of sudden cardiac arrest) , myocardial dysfunction, and conduction disturbances also occur. Echocardiography supplemented with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) or cardiac computed tomography …
- 3. 心臓リハビリテーションプログラムcardiac rehabilitation programs [show details]
…outcomes . In an observational study of 1241 patients hospitalized for a cardiac event or cardiac surgery, a delay in beginning cardiac rehabilitation by more than 30 days was an independent predictor of a …
- 4. 一時的心臓ペーシングtemporary cardiac pacing [show details]
… approach. Rapid temporary cardiac pacing can be used in some situations to prevent a tachyarrhythmia from occurring. Post-cardiac surgery — Overdrive pacing has been used after cardiac surgery to prevent atrial …
- 5. 心アミロイドーシス:臨床症状および診断cardiac amyloidosis clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
… to diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis. The initial diagnostic evaluation of the patient with suspected cardiac amyloidosis includes a clinical examination to identify and assess cardiac and extracardiac …
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- 正式には「アンギオ・グラフィー」と言い、日本語では「血管造影法」と呼ばれます。血管はレントゲンに写りませんが「造影剤」と言われるX線不透過の薬剤を注入して形状をレントゲンに写し、血管の狭サク、詰り、膨らみ、破れ等を見て診断を行う技術です。
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- 関
- 心シネアンギオグラフィ
- 英
- heart、mind、cardiac
- 関
- 核心、強心、心臓、心臓性
- 精神、心陰影
- 心虚
- 1. 意識水準を保つ
- 2. 覚醒・睡眠のリズムを調節する
- 3. 血を循環させる
- → 心虚
- 焦燥感、不安感、集中力の低下、不眠、嗜眠、情緒不安定、顔面紅潮、舌尖の真紅、動悸、脈の結代、胸内苦悶感、息切れ