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- 1. PHACE(フェイス)症候群phace syndrome [show details]
…signs or symptoms of dysphagia or speech or language abnormalities . Speech and language abnormalities most commonly occurred in association with posterior fossa malformations (9 of 16) and with hemangiomas …
- 2. 失語症患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with aphasia [show details]
… discrete areas, important neural networks subserving critical language function have been identified: Broca area or Brodmann area 44 in the posterior inferior frontal gyrus innervates adjacent motor neurons …
- 3. 成人の脳腫瘍の臨床的特徴と診断の概要overview of the clinical features and diagnosis of brain tumors in adults [show details]
…tumors in the posterior temporal lobe more often cause difficulties with language comprehension (receptive aphasia). Tumors in the dominant parietal lobe and thalamus also commonly cause language dysfunction …
- 4. 言語発達を含む萌芽的読み書きemergent literacy including language development [show details]
…literacy requires not only competent oral language skills, but an understanding of the relationship between oral and written language . Literacy and language are related in important ways. Both occur in …
- 5. 後方循環系の脳血管症候群posterior circulation cerebrovascular syndromes [show details]
…within the posterior circulation. Unlike the vertebral and basilar arteries, atherosclerosis and dissection of the posterior cerebral arteries is not common. Most infarcts in the posterior cerebral artery …
Japanese Journal
- 板倉 徹,中 大輔,前島 伸一郎
- 失語症研究 : 日本失語症研究会誌 = Higher brain function research 22(3), 175-182, 2002-09-30
- 著者らは本稿において近年の脳神経外科手術の発展について述べた。手術用顕微鏡の導入,CT や MRI などの画像診断の進歩,頭蓋底外科の進歩などが,脳神経外科手術の進歩を担った主要なものであるが,手術ナビゲーションと覚醒下手術の発展は術中言語野や運動野の正確な同定を可能とし,脳神経外科手術の成績向上に貢献した。手術ナビゲーションで病変部への正確な到達が可能となり,不必要な術後神経脱落症状は減少した。 …
- NAID 110007558206
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- 言語中枢