- 英
- retrospective study
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- ケース・コントロール研究
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- 1. 成人における単極性うつ病:疾患経過unipolar depression in adults course of illness [show details]
… life expectancy in depressed individuals was roughly 11 years shorter. In addition, a retrospective study of military veterans with a history of depression (n >700,000) or without depression (n >4 …
- 2. 慢性労作性コンパートメント症候群chronic exertional compartment syndrome [show details]
…In a retrospective study of 108 patients with lower leg pain of unknown cause, elevated intracompartmental pressures were found in 15 patients (13.9 percent) . In retrospective observational studies of …
- 3. 心サルコイドーシスのマネージメントと予後management and prognosis of cardiac sarcoidosis [show details]
…adverse cardiac events including sustained VT and death, as illustrated by the following studies. A retrospective study of 118 patients referred for cardiac PET with known or suspected CS with a mean follow-up …
- 4. 患者の生存と維持透析patient survival and maintenance dialysis [show details]
…been shown in multiple studies. The following studies suggest that preserved kidney function is associated with improved survival among HD patients : In a retrospective study of 650 incident HD patients …
- 5. 高齢者における膠芽腫(グリオブラストーマ)のマネージメントmanagement of glioblastoma in older adults [show details]
…affecting survival in patients with malignant glioma are age and performance status In a large retrospective study that included over 700 patients with glioblastoma diagnosed at 70 years of age or older, the …
Japanese Journal
- Incidence of Filter Slow flow in Patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome Using Distal Protection Device
- Oo Phyo Htet,Soe Ko Ko,Fujioka Ayumu,Iwasaku Toshihiro,Minami Takeya,Fujie Hiroaki,Oyamada Naofumi,Hamanaka Ichiro,Ueda Kinzo
- 洛和会病院医学雑誌 (30), 86-91, 2019-03-31
- Aim: Effectiveness of distal protection device in primary PCI has been controversial. Actually, in daily practice we sometimes experience filter slow-flow after stenting and sometimes not. So we assum …
- NAID 120006801109
- Effect of Predilatation Methods on Drug Coated Balloon Treatment in In-Stent Restenosis Lesions
- Soe Ko Ko,Oo Phyo Htet,Fujioka Ayumu,Iwasaku Toshihiro,Minami Takeya,Fujie Hiroaki,Oyamada Naofumi,Hamanaka Ichiro,Ueda Kinzo
- 洛和会病院医学雑誌 (30), 79-85, 2019-03-31
- Background: Even in the modern drug eluting stent (DES) era, in stent restenosis (ISR) is still the problem and existing treatment options are debatable. Among these, treatment with drug coated balloo …
- NAID 120006799529
- 超音波検査による下肢深部静脈血栓症の血栓分布の検討
- 佐藤 洋,江藤 博昭,辻川 恵美,岡 彩子
- 超音波検査技術 43(3), 239-248, 2018
- … の中で,下肢DVTと診断した183例とした.性別,年齢分布,検査依頼診療科,下肢DVT発生分布,下腿型DVTの存在部位,伏在静脈への血栓波及,表在静脈瘤の合併,下大静脈血栓例の超音波学的特徴について後向き研究を行った.</p><p><b>結果と考察</b>:男性53例,女性130例で,男性は71–80歳代が最も多く,女性では81–90歳代が最も多かった.DVT部位は,腸骨型<大腿型<下腿型で左右差を認めなかった …
- NAID 130007404023
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- ランダム化試験=前向き、コホート研究=後ろ向き、ではありません。この記事では、ハーバードでの「前向き・後ろ向き研究」の定義を紹介し、その意味を解説します。これを読めばはっきり理解できます。暴露因子とアウトカムの時系列こそが決め手。
- 後ろ向き研究 retrospective study. 一定の期間を経て後ろ向きにデータをとる, 縦断研究 の一つです.研究を開始する時点から,過去にさかのぼって疾患や障害を引き起こした要因(人工股関節全置換術を施行された患者における転倒など)にさらされたかどうかを調べる方法です.起こったことを振り返って確認するので, 交絡因子 の把握が困難ですが,研究を終える ...
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- 英
- retrospective
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- 遡及的、レトロスペクティブ