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- 1. 小児における無気肺atelectasis in children [show details]
…breaths, prolonged positioning, and reduction of end-expiratory lung volume (functional residual capacity) due to relaxation of thoracic musculature . Relaxation or passive atelectasis develops when contact …
- 2. 陣痛のマネージメントに対する非薬理学的アプローチnonpharmacologic approaches to management of labor pain [show details]
… on childbirth present relaxation techniques, including a variety of rhythmic breathing patterns intended to complement and promote relaxation or to provide distraction… issue, 30 to 50 percent of women approaching their first birth are inadequately informed, even at the end of their pregnancy, about issues such as episiotomy, indications for cesarean section, role of doulas …
- 3. 癌に対する補完代替療法complementary and alternative therapies for cancer [show details]
… either regular relaxation training and imagery or standard care only . The experimental group experienced better quality of life than the control group. Another trial of relaxation therapy in… the studies were flawed and that a conspiracy was underway to discredit a valuable therapy. In the end, each of these therapies submerged into a medical subculture, and cancer patients continued to be attracted …
- 4. 成人における単極性うつ病:初期治療の選択unipolar major depression in adults choosing initial treatment [show details]
… we suggest adding relaxation techniques (eg, progressive muscle relaxation or relaxation imagery [imagining beautiful or peaceful places],… the evidence indicates that the efficacy of antidepressants compared with psychotherapy at the end of treatment is generally comparable .…
- 5. 癌疼痛に対する心理療法、リハビリテーション療法、および統合療法psychological rehabilitative and integrative therapies for cancer pain [show details]
… monitored during the relaxation process. The deep breathing techniques used in relaxation training should be introduced in a gradual manner. Until a relaxation technique is mastered… End-state imagery is a technique intended to produce a specific physiologic or biological change in the body. Its clearest objective is to reduce sympathetic nervous system arousal. End-state imagery…
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- 3.死の数日から数時間前の兆候元気が出てくることがときにあります。見当ちがいがみられた人でも、はっきりと、てきぱきして話をするようになることがあります。何日も食事をとらなかった人が、好きなものを欲しがったり、実際に食べたりするかもしれません。
Related Pictures

- 英
- end-diastolic, end-diastole ED
- 同
- 拡張末期、弛緩末期
- 関
- 心周期
- 英
- terminal stage、end stage、terminal、full-blown、terminally
- 関
- 最後、最終段階、終端、終末、ターミナル、末端、最も悪化した、末端側、満開
- 英
- relaxation、relax
- 関
- 緩和、ほどける、リラクゼーション