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- 1. 扁平苔癬lichen planus [show details]
… Oral lichen planus, vulvar lichen planus, lichen planopilaris, nail lichen planus, and lichenoid drug eruption (drug-induced lichen planus) are discussed in greater detail separately. The epidemiology …
- 2. 外陰部の扁平苔癬vulvar lichen planus [show details]
…papulosquamous lichen planus, hypertrophic lichen planus, and lichen planopilaris . Erosive lichen planus is the most common type of vulvar lichen planus seen in the secondary care setting. The desquamative …
- 3. 口腔扁平苔癬:病因、臨床的特徴、および診断oral lichen planus pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Lichen planus (LP) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Oral LP is a mucosal subtype of LP that most commonly occurs in middle-aged adults. Oral LP may occur …
- 4. 苔癬型薬疹(薬剤誘発性扁平苔癬)lichenoid drug eruption drug induced lichen planus [show details]
…drug-induced lichen planus, is an uncommon cutaneous adverse effect of several drugs . It is characterized by a symmetric eruption of flat-topped, erythematous or violaceous papules resembling lichen planus on the …
- 5. 口腔扁平苔癬:マネージメントおよび予後oral lichen planus management and prognosis [show details]
… Oral lichen planus (oral LP) is a mucosal subtype of LP that presents with a variety of clinical features. Patients may develop reticular oral LP (white papules and plaques), erythematous (atrophic) oral …
Japanese Journal
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- http://www.huidinfo.nl/pityriasisrubrapilaris.html
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