- make sharp or acute; taper; make (something) come to a point
- (of a leaf shape) narrowing to a slender point
- a leaf narrowing to a slender point
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Chart illustrating leaf morphology terms. Click the image for the details.
Oddly pinnate, pinnatifid leaves (
Apium graveolens, Celery).
Perfoliate bracts completely surrounding the plant stem (
Lonicera sempervirens).
Simple, palmate-veined leaves
A single
laciniate leaf of
Adenanthos sericeus
In botany, leaf shape is characterised with the following terms (botanical Latin terms in brackets):
- Acicular (acicularis): Slender and pointed, needle-like
- Acuminate (acuminata): Tapering to a long point
- Acute: pointed, having a short sharp apex angled less than 90°
- Aristate (aristata): Ending in a stiff, bristle-like point
- Asymmetrical: With the blade shape different on each side of the midrib
- Basal: arising from the crown, bulb, rhizome or corm, etc. as opposed to cauline
- Bipinnate (bipinnata): Each leaflet also pinnate
- Caudate: tailed at the apex
- Cauline: borne on the stem as opposed to basal
- Compound: Not simple; the leaf is broken up into separate leaflets, and the leaf blade is not continuous
- Cordate (cordata): Heart-shaped, with the petiole or stem attached to the cleft
- Cuneate (cuneata): Triangular, stem attaches to point
- Deltoid (deltoidea) or deltate: Triangular, stem attaches to side
- Digitate (digitata): Divided into finger-like lobes
- Elliptic (elliptica): Oval, with a short or no point
- Entire: having a smooth margin without notches or indentations
- Falcate (falcata): Sickle-shaped
- Fenestrate (fenestrata) "windowed" with holes (e.g. Monstera deliciosa or Aponogeton fenestralis), or window-like patches of translucent tissue. (cf Perforate)
- Filiform (filiformis): Thread- or filament-shaped
- Flabellate (flabellata): Semi-circular, or fan-like
- Hastate, spear-shaped (hastata): Pointed, with barbs, shaped like a spear point, with flaring pointed lobes at the base
- Laciniate: Very deeply lobed, the lobes being very drawn out, often making the leaf look somewhat like a branch or a pitchfork
- Laminar: Flat (like most leaves)
- Lance-shaped, lanceolate (lanceolata): Long, wider in the middle
- Linear (linearis): Long and very narrow
- Lobed (lobata): With several points
- Mucronate: Ending abruptly in a sharp point[1]
- Obcordate (obcordata): Heart-shaped, stem attaches to tapering point
- Oblanceolate (oblanceolata): Top wider than bottom
- Oblong (oblongus): Having an elongated form with slightly parallel sides
- Obovate (obovata): Teardrop-shaped, stem attaches to tapering point
- Obtuse (obtusus): With a blunt tip
- Orbicular (orbicularis): Circular
- Ovate (ovata): Oval, egg-shaped, with a tapering point
- Palmate (palmata): Consisting of leaflets[2] or lobes[3] radiating from the base of the leaf.
- Pedate (pedata): Palmate, with cleft lobes
- Peltate (peltata): Rounded, stem underneath
- Perfoliate (perfoliata): Stem through the leaves
- Perforate (perforata): marked with patches of translucent tissue, as in Crassula perforata and Hypericum perforatum, or perforated with holes (cf "Fenestrate")
- Pinnate (pinnata): Two rows of leaflets
- Odd-pinnate, imparipinnate: Pinnate with a terminal leaflet
- Paripinnate, even-pinnate: Pinnate lacking a terminal leaflet
- Pinnatifid and pinnatipartite: Leaves with pinnate lobes that are not discrete, remaining sufficiently connected to each other that they are not separate leaflets.
- Bipinnate, twice-pinnate: The leaflets are themselves pinnately-compound
- Tripinnate, thrice-pinnate: The leaflets are themselves bipinnate
- Tetrapinnate: The leaflets are themselves tripinnate.
- Pinnatisect (pinnatifida): Cut, but not to the midrib (it would be pinnate then)
Serenoa repens showing pleated elliptic leaves of seedling and pleated palmate leaves of mature plant
- Plicate (plicatus, plicata): folded into pleats, usually lengthwise, serving the function of stiffening a large leaf.
- Pungent (spinose): Having hard, sharp points.
- Reniform (reniformis): Kidney-shaped
- Retuse: With a shallow notch in a broad apex
- Rhomboid (rhomboidalis): Diamond-shaped
- Round (rotundifolia): Circular
- Sagittate (sagittata): Arrowhead-shaped
- Simple: Leaf blade in one continuous section, not divided into leaflets (not compound)
- Spear-shaped: see Hastate.
- Spatulate, spathulate (spathulata): Spoon-shaped
- Subulate (subulata): Awl-shaped with a tapering point
- Subobtuse (subobtusa): Somewhat blunted, neither blunt nor sharp
- Sword-shaped (ensiformis): Long, thin, pointed
- Trifoliate (or trifoliolate), ternate (trifoliata): Divided into three leaflets
- Tripinnate (tripinnata): Pinnately compound in which each leaflet is itself bipinnate
- Truncate (truncata): With a squared off end
- Unifoliate (unifoliata): With a single leaf
See also[edit]
- Sinus (botany)
- leaflet and rachis
- petiole and plant stem
- ^ Mucronate, Answers.com, from Roget's Thesaurus.
- ^ "Cumulative Glossary for Vascular Plants". Flora of New South Wales.
- ^ "palmate (adj. palmately)". GardenWeb Glossary of Botanical Terms.
English Journal
- Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Musa sp. leaf extracts against multidrug resistant clinical pathogens causing nosocomial infection.
- Karuppiah P, Mustaffa M, Fredimoses M.SourceAddiriyah Chair for Environmental Studies, Department of Botany and Microbiology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh-11541, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ; Department of Microbiology, K.S. Rangasamy College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode- 637 215, Tamil Nadu, India.
- Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine.Asian Pac J Trop Biomed.2013 Sep;3(9):737-42. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(13)60148-3.
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate different Musa sp. leave extracts of hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol were evaluated for antibacterial activity against multi-drug resistant pathogens causing nosocomial infection by agar well diffusion method and also antioxidant activities.METHODS: The four different Mu
- PMID 23998016
- Molecular cloning and expression of five glutathione S-transferase (GST) genes from Banana (Musa acuminata L. AAA group, cv. Cavendish).
- Wang Z, Huang S, Jia C, Liu J, Zhang J, Xu B, Jin Z.SourceKey Laboratory of Tropical Crop Biotechnology, Ministry of Agriculture, Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Hainan, 571101, China, wangzhuocd@yahoo.com.cn.
- Plant cell reports.Plant Cell Rep.2013 Sep;32(9):1373-80. doi: 10.1007/s00299-013-1449-7. Epub 2013 May 8.
- KEY MESSAGE: Three tau class MaGSTs responded to abiotic stress, MaGSTF1 and MaGSTL1 responded to signaling molecules, they may play an important role in the growth of banana plantlet. Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are multifunctional detoxification enzymes that participate in a variety of cellul
- PMID 23652818
- Plant extracts for the topical management of psoriasis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Deng S, May BH, Zhang AL, Lu C, Xue CC.SourceSchool of Health Sciences, and Traditional & Complementary Medicine Research Program, Health Innovations Research Institute, RMIT University, Bundoora, VIC, 3083, Australia.
- The British journal of dermatology.Br J Dermatol.2013 Aug 2. doi: 10.1111/bjd.12557. [Epub ahead of print]
- Psoriasis sufferers frequently use preparations of plant extracts. Physicians need to be aware of the current evidence concerning of these products. This review evaluates the efficacy and safety of preparations of plant extracts used topically for psoriasis. Searches were conducted of PubMed, EMBASE
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Japanese Journal
- Deflection Characteristics and Heat Transfer of Plywood for Wood–based Flooring by Cross–band Veneer Composition
- Pi Duck-Won,Kang Seog-Goo,Hasegawa Masumi,長谷川 益己
- Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University 58(1), 109-114, 2013-02-00
- … The tropical timber used as raw flooring material, such as Red Meranti (Shorea acuminate), has been depleted. …
- NAID 120005227256
- Taxonomic Study of Podostemaceae in Loei Province, Northeastern Thailand
- APG : Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica 63(1), 11-28, 2012-10-31
- … The new species of Hydrobryum are distinct in the caudate or acuminate long bract and in the long pedicel. …
- NAID 110009553742
- 中西 良孝,今里 みどり,岡元 孝太郎 [他],髙山 耕二,萬田 正治,ナカニシ ヨシタカ,イマサト ミドリ,オカモト コウタロウ,タカヤマ コウジ,マンダ マサハル,NAKANISHI Yoshitaka,IMASATO Midori,OKAMOTO Kohtaro,TAKAYAMA Koji,MANDA Masaharu
- 鹿児島大学農学部農場研究報告 (33), 1-8, 2011-03-00
- … Ex Murray) Mueller-Arg., Solidago altissima L., Thelypteris acuminate (Houtt.) Morton, Miscanthus sinensis Anderss., whereas preference ranking for KNB was also higher in the order of Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud., Mallotus japonicas (Thunb. … Ex Murray) Mueller-Arg., Miscanthus sinensis Anderss., Thelypteris acuminate (Houtt.) Morton, and Solidago altissima L. …
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