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- トキソプラズマ性脈絡網膜炎
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- 1. 偶然見つかった腎病変の評価evaluation of the incidental renal lesion [show details]
…indicates a stable lesion . Longitudinal surveillance series indicate that such lesions rarely metastasize and are probably either benign or indolent renal cell carcinoma . Hence, lesions demonstrating long-term …
- 2. 胆道鏡検査および膵管鏡検査cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy [show details]
… Mother-daughter systems are comprised of a mother duodenoscope and a daughter cholangiopancreatoscope. The daughter scope is inserted through… of main pancreatic duct lesions is important, as the risk of high-grade dysplasia or malignancy is higher than with side-branch lesions alone .…
- 3. Approach to the adult patient with an incidental solid liver lesionapproach to the adult patient with an incidental solid liver lesion [show details]
… Liver lesions may be detected on imaging studies performed for an unrelated reason (ie, incidental liver lesion). The approach in this topic applies to liver lesions found incidentally in adult patients …
- 4. エキノコックス症の治療および予防treatment of echinococcosis [show details]
… (which may contain daughter cysts). Establishing whether daughter cysts are present is important for guiding treatment, since the presence of daughter cysts reduces the likelihood… abdominal sites (eg, abdominal cavity, spleen, kidney), although many experts would approach these lesions surgically. Cysts in extra-abdominal sites such as lung or bone are less amenable to management with …
- 5. エキノコックス症の臨床症状および診断clinical manifestations and diagnosis of echinococcosis [show details]
… The majority of children and adolescents with lung lesions are asymptomatic despite having lesions of impressive size,… which is predominantly solid with daughter cysts. Establishing whether daughter cysts are present is important for guiding treatment.…
Japanese Journal
- 肺内娘病巣を認めた非小細胞性肺癌切除例の検討 : 肺内転移
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- 掌蹠膿疱症を治すために扁桃腺を切除しましょう!あなたは、そう医師から言われたことないですか? 僕は、あります。 掌蹠膿疱症はどうして発症するのか?現在でもまだはっきりとした原因が分かっていない病気です。 可能性として、いくつか挙げられているのですが、その中のひとつに ...
- 病巣や線維化病変・気腫性病変など既存の肺構造に異常 が多く,ここに結核が発病した場合に所見が複雑になる ためかその画像所見をまとめた研究はあまりみられな い。岩崎は「結核の病理」を明らかな免疫不全のない症
Related Pictures

- 肺扁平上皮癌の胸部エックス線写真で見られるのはどれか。
- a. 空洞
- b. 石灰化
- c. 胸膜嵌入
- d. 肺血管の末梢性収束
- e. 娘病巣
※国試ナビ4※ [097B015]←[国試_097]→[097B017]
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