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- 1. 合併症の発症リスクの高い中等症から重症のクローン病を患う成人患者に行う治療の概要overview of medical management of high risk adult patients with moderate to severe crohn disease [show details]
…preferred for induction therapy, some high-risk patients with moderate to severe Crohn disease are good candidates for anti-TNF monotherapy. We suggest anti-TNF monotherapy as induction therapy for patients …
- 2. 高次多胎妊娠率のコントロール戦略strategies to control the rate of high order multiple gestation [show details]
… of high order multiple pregnancy without increasing cycle cancellation rates or decreasing implantation rates. The most effective method of avoiding high order multiple pregnancy is single embryo… of twin and high order multiple gestations (ie, triplets or more) has risen over the past few decades, mainly due to increased use of fertility drugs for ovulation induction,…
- 3. 尿管瘤ureterocele [show details]
… associated with the upper pole of a duplex collecting system, and 60 percent of these are ectopic , whereas intravesical ureteroceles are more common in single systems.… Abnormal induction of the bladder trigone development that results in the…
- 4. 全身麻酔の導入:概要induction of general anesthesia overview [show details]
… be rapidly increased to produce a high concentration during induction of general anesthesia in an awake patient, these properties of desflurane limit its use as an induction agent.… Typically this single breath technique achieves the 2 percent alveolar sevoflurane concentration required to tolerate a painful intervention such as a surgical incision . Advantages for induction of general…
- 5. 肺移植後の免疫抑制の導入induction immunosuppression following lung transplantation [show details]
… of induction therapy, although it probably contributes to the initial immunosuppression. The use of induction therapy remains controversial in lung transplantation although an increasing number… investigating the efficacy of induction therapy are limited . A systematic review of six single center randomized trials evaluating the use of T-cell antibody induction with anti-thymocyte globulin,…
Japanese Journal
- 秋江 靖樹,斉藤 裕之,永山 幸利,楯 美樹,岡田 啓
- 日本トキシコロジー学会学術年会 37(0), 140-140, 2010
- … また,四肢に電極を装着し,動物用心電図解析装置(6000AX-D)を用いて,双極肢誘導(I,II,III)及び増高単極肢誘導(aVR,aVL,aVF)を記録した。 …
- NAID 130007004151
- 蘇 〓莉,戸尾 祺明彦,王 明升 [他],姜 延年,潘 銘正
- 動物の循環器 = Advances in animal cardiology 35(2), 86-95, 2002-12-01
- … 小動物用心電計(501XD, FMD, 東京)を用い,臨床および血液検査で異常を認めない台湾の健常飼育犬,雌および雄,計30例(年齢1.3~8.0歳,体重 4.7~19 kg)について,無処置右側臥位保定で,四肢に電極を装着し,双極肢誘導 (I, II, III) ならびに増高単極肢誘導 (aVR, aVL, aVF) を同時記録した。 …
- NAID 10010285263
- 生後180日齢までの仔犬における心電図の変化とその性差について
- 石黒 博之,千野 和彦,井上 満,助川 輝美,吉田 仁夫
- 動物の循環器 21(21), 42-47, 1988
- … <BR>心電図の記録は,標準肢誘導(I,II,III)と増高単極肢誘導(aVR,aVL,aVF)で行った。 …
- NAID 130003659134
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- 英
- augmented unipolar extremity lead, augmented unipolar limb lead
- 同
- 増高単極肢誘導、ゴールドバーガー誘導 Goldberger lead
- 英
- induction、guidance、derivation、induce、inductive
- 関
- ガイダンス、指導、導入、引き起こす、誘起、誘導性、誘導的、誘発、帰納的、帰納法、溶原菌
- 英
- single electrode、monopolar、unipolar
- 関
- 単一電極