- 英
- precancerous
- 関
- 前癌性
- of or relating to a growth that is not malignant but is likely to become so if not treated
- 前癌(がん)症状の
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- 1. プライマリケア医および腫瘍専門医のための癌生存ケアの概要overview of cancer survivorship care for primary care and oncology providers [show details]
… example, the impact of pre-existing diabetes in cancer patients was evaluated in a 2008 meta-analysis that included 23 articles . Compared with patients with cancer without pre-existing diabetes, those …
- 2. 大腸癌長期生存患者へのアプローチapproach to the long term survivor of colorectal cancer [show details]
… having had cancer and cancer therapy. Long-term survivors are at risk for a CRC recurrence (which is less common after the first five years following treatment), a new primary CRC, other cancers, and both …
- 3. 頭頚部癌の長期生存者に対するアプローチの概要overview of approach to long term survivors of head and neck cancer [show details]
… rehabilitation to the head and neck cancer survivors. A prospective, randomized, controlled trial of the H&N Cancer Survivor Self-management Care Plan (HNCP) involving pre- and post-intervention assessments …
- 4. Overview of the approach to early breast cancer in older womenoverview of the approach to early breast cancer in older women [show details]
… ≥67 years with breast cancer with non-breast-cancer controls matched for age, comorbidity, prior mammography use, and social demographics . Women diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or stage …
- 5. 癌の治療中や治療後の小児に起きる睡眠障害sleep disorders during and after cancer in children [show details]
… increase over time and cause sleep disruption in cancer survivors. These include the anxiety and depression (any cancer); residual physical effects of the cancer, including chronic pain; and sometimes disruption …
Japanese Journal
- 肺扁平上皮癌の組織発生と諸問題(第21回日本肺癌学会肺癌ワークショップ)
- P-248 肝前がん性病変の細胞学的特徴(消化器-(4),一般演題・示説,第45回 日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会)
- <集談会記録>肺癌29例の前がん性病変にみられたp53遺伝子変異, 3p, 9p及び17pのヘテロ接合性の消失の評価(学位論文抄録)
Related Links
- ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 - 前癌状態の用語解説 - 病理学上からは,癌であるかないかの二者択一で,中間状態は存在しないから,明確な定義はない。しかし臨床的には,放置すると癌ができる確率が高いと考えられるとき ...
- がん検診や人間ドックなどの検査で、「がん」ではなく「前癌状態」「前癌病変」「異形成」という診断を受けたことがある人も多いと思います。
- TOP / 記事一覧 / レナリドミドは高リスク前がん性骨髄腫から多発性骨髄腫に進行するリスクを軽減 [ 記事 ] レナリドミドは高リスク前がん性骨髄腫から多発性骨髄腫に進行するリスクを軽減
Related Pictures
- 英
- premalignant、precancerous
- 関
- 前悪性、前癌、前がん性
- 英
- former、prior、anterior、fore、pre、before
- 関
- 以前、前者、プレ、前側、優先、形成剤
- 英
- cancerous、carcinomatous
- 関
- がん、癌、癌性