- 英
- double
- 関
- 二重、倍加、ダブル
- used of flowers having more than the usual number of petals in crowded or overlapping arrangements; "double chrysanthemums have many rows of petals and are usually spherical or hemispherical"
- increase twofold; "The population doubled within 50 years" (同)duplicate
- a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base; "he hit a double to deep centerfield" (同)two-base hit, two-bagger, two-baser
- someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrichs double"; "shes the very image of her mother" (同)image, look-alike
- a stand-in for movie stars to perform dangerous stunts; "his first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clark Gable" (同)stunt man, stunt woman
- a quantity that is twice as great as another; "36 is the double of 18"
- twice as great or many; "ate a double portion"; "the dose is doubled"; "a twofold increase" (同)doubled, twofold, two-fold
- consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs; "an egg with a double yolk"; "a double (binary) star"; "double doors"; "dual controls for pilot and copilot"; "duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure" (同)dual, duple
- having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R.W.Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison (同)dual, twofold, two-fold, treble, threefold, three-fold
- having two meanings with intent to deceive; "a sly double meaning"; "spoke with forked tongue" (同)forked
- bridge: make a demand for (a card or suit)
- do double duty; serve two purposes or have two functions; "She doubles as his wife and secretary"
- downward and forward; "he was bent double with pain"
- hit a two-base hit
- large enough for two; "a double bed"; "a double room"
- two together; "some people sleep better double"
- (数量・強さ・重さ・価値などが)『2倍の』,倍の / 『二重の』,二様の;複の,対の,2人用の / 表裏のある,二心ある / (意味が)二様にとれる,あいまいな / (花が)八重の,重弁の / 『2倍に』,2倍だけ(twice) / 二重に,二様に / 対をなして,二人いっしょに / 〈U〉『2倍』[の数量・価額など] / 〈C〉2倍のもの / 〈C〉よく似た人(物),生き写し / 〈C〉(映画の)代役 / 《複数形》《単数扱い》(テニスなどの)ダブルス / 〈C〉(獲物が追っ手を逃れるときなどの)逆走,急転回 / 〈C〉2塁打 / 〈C〉(ブリッジの点の)倍加 / 〈C〉(競馬・ドッグレースの)重勝式のかけ,複式 / …‘を'『2倍にする』 / …‘を'『二つ折りにする』 / …‘の'2倍の数(量)がある / 〈二役〉‘を'ひとりで演ずる / 〈船が〉〈岬〉‘を'回る / 『2倍になる』 / (…の役を)兼ねる《+『as』+『名』》 / (急に)取って返す,逆戻りする《+『back』》 / 二つ折りになる / (ブリッジで)相手のせり高を倍加する / 2塁打を打つ
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Japanese Journal
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- 英
- doublet、double、duplex、dual、twofold、doubly
- 関
- 二重項、二重鎖、二重線、二倍、二本鎖、倍加、倍増、一対、ダブル
- 英
- doubling、double
- 関
- 二重、倍増、ダブル
- 英
- double
- 関
- 二重、倍加、倍増
- 英
- photomultiplier
- 関
- 光電子増倍管、光電増倍管、フォトマル
- 英
- multiplier
- 関
- 増倍管