- 同
- outlet right ventricle
- used of flowers having more than the usual number of petals in crowded or overlapping arrangements; "double chrysanthemums have many rows of petals and are usually spherical or hemispherical"
- increase twofold; "The population doubled within 50 years" (同)duplicate
- a base hit on which the batter stops safely at second base; "he hit a double to deep centerfield" (同)two-base hit, two-bagger, two-baser
- someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrichs double"; "shes the very image of her mother" (同)image, look-alike
- a stand-in for movie stars to perform dangerous stunts; "his first job in Hollywood was as a double for Clark Gable" (同)stunt man, stunt woman
- a quantity that is twice as great as another; "36 is the double of 18"
- twice as great or many; "ate a double portion"; "the dose is doubled"; "a twofold increase" (同)doubled, twofold, two-fold
- consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs; "an egg with a double yolk"; "a double (binary) star"; "double doors"; "dual controls for pilot and copilot"; "duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure" (同)dual, duple
- having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities; "a double (or dual) role for an actor"; "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence"- R.W.Emerson; "every episode has its double and treble meaning"-Frederick Harrison (同)dual, twofold, two-fold, treble, threefold, three-fold
- having two meanings with intent to deceive; "a sly double meaning"; "spoke with forked tongue" (同)forked
- bridge: make a demand for (a card or suit)
- do double duty; serve two purposes or have two functions; "She doubles as his wife and secretary"
- downward and forward; "he was bent double with pain"
- hit a two-base hit
- large enough for two; "a double bed"; "a double room"
- two together; "some people sleep better double"
- change into a duplex
- (used technically of a device or process) having two parts; "a duplex transaction"
- allowing communication in opposite directions simultaneously; "duplex system"; "duplex telephony"
- a grammatical number category referring to two items or units as opposed to one item (singular) or more than two items (plural); "ancient Greek had the dual form but it has merged with the plural form in modern Greek"
- in a twofold manner; "he was doubly wrong" (同)in two ways
- to double the degree; "she was doubly rewarded"; "his eyes were double bright" (同)double, twice
- by a factor of two; "the price increased twofold last year" (同)two times
- an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment; "a double-blind procedure is used to guard against both experimenter bias and placebo effects" (同)double-blind experiment, double-blind_study
- an illegal dribble in basketball (the player uses both hands to dribble or the player starts to dribble a second time after coming to a stop)
- increase by a factor of two; "doubling with a computer took no time at all"
- raising the stakes in a card game by a factor of 2; "I decided his double was a bluff" (同)double
- badminton played with two players on each side
- tennis played with two players on each side
- (数量・強さ・重さ・価値などが)『2倍の』,倍の / 『二重の』,二様の;複の,対の,2人用の / 表裏のある,二心ある / (意味が)二様にとれる,あいまいな / (花が)八重の,重弁の / 『2倍に』,2倍だけ(twice) / 二重に,二様に / 対をなして,二人いっしょに / 〈U〉『2倍』[の数量・価額など] / 〈C〉2倍のもの / 〈C〉よく似た人(物),生き写し / 〈C〉(映画の)代役 / 《複数形》《単数扱い》(テニスなどの)ダブルス / 〈C〉(獲物が追っ手を逃れるときなどの)逆走,急転回 / 〈C〉2塁打 / 〈C〉(ブリッジの点の)倍加 / 〈C〉(競馬・ドッグレースの)重勝式のかけ,複式 / …‘を'『2倍にする』 / …‘を'『二つ折りにする』 / …‘の'2倍の数(量)がある / 〈二役〉‘を'ひとりで演ずる / 〈船が〉〈岬〉‘を'回る / 『2倍になる』 / (…の役を)兼ねる《+『as』+『名』》 / (急に)取って返す,逆戻りする《+『back』》 / 二つ折りになる / (ブリッジで)相手のせり高を倍加する / 2塁打を打つ
- 2倍の,2重の,複式の / =duplex apartment
- 二つの部分(2個)から成る / 二重の性質がある
- 2倍に,2倍だけ,二重に,二様に
- 2倍の,2重の / 2倍に,2重に
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/10 13:59:37」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ダブル(double)は、2倍や二重、2つ組などを意味する言葉。デュプル(duple)とも。何倍であるかを表す倍数詞の一つである。日本ではアルファベットのW(double U、ダブリュー)を「ダブル」と呼ぶことがあり、Wをダブルと同様の意味で使用する場合もある。
- 1 一般名詞
- 2 固有名詞
- 3 脚注
- 4 関連項目
- 「二人用」の意。
- ダブルベッドの略。
- ホテルのベットが1つの2人用客室。ベッドが2つに分かれているのはツイン。
- スポーツ・ゲームの用語
- ダブル (サッカー)
- 野球やクリケットにおける二塁打のこと。
- ボート競技の種目「ダブルスカル」の略称。
- ボウリングにおいて、ストライクを2度続けること。
- コントラクトブリッジにおける宣言(コール)の一種。現在有効な勝利条件(ビッド)に対して、そのビッドを出している組の相手側が宣言することにより、ゲーム終了時の得点が倍増する。
- バックギャモンにおける宣言。ゲーム得点を2倍にすることを、手番プレイヤーが宣言する。
- 服飾用語
- 背広・コートなどの洋服の上衣の前合わせのボタンが、縦2列に並んでいる形状またはそのような洋服。英語の「double-breasted」から。両前合せ(両前)、ダブルブレスト、ダブルボタンとも。シングル(片前)に対する。1列が装飾用のボタンである場合もある。
- スラックスなどで、裾の部分に外側への折り返しがある(二重になっている)もの。またはそのような裾の形状。
- お酒
- ウイスキーなどの量の単位で約60ml。シングル=1液量オンスが約30mlで、その二倍。グラスの底から指二本分程度の深さの液量。
- デュッベル(オランダ語:dubbel) - ベルギーを起源とするビールのスタイルの1つ。日本語等では「ダブル」とも呼ばれる。
- その他
- 植物の花の八重咲き
- コンピュータで、倍精度の浮動小数点数のこと。
- 民族や人種の異なる両親の間に生まれた者・二重国籍保持者。2つのルーツ(文化)を併せ持っている、という考え方から。「ハーフ」や「ミックス」などとほぼ同義[1]。
- 重複や、合致する事、同じ物を意味する言葉。(だぶってる)
- DOUBLE (歌手) - 日本の歌手。当初はデュオ歌手であった。以下はその作品である。
- double (DOUBLEのアルバム)
- double (映像作品)
- ドゥーブル(Double) - スイスのバンド。
- DOUBLE (BoAの曲) - BoAのシングル曲。
- DOUBLE (CHAGE and ASKAのアルバム) - CHAGE and ASKAのアルバム。
- W (曲) - 松岡充のシングル曲。映画『仮面ライダーW FOREVER AtoZ/運命のガイアメモリ』主題歌。
- 仮面ライダーW - 平成仮面ライダーシリーズの第11作、及び作中に登場するキャラクターの名称。
- ダブル (深町秋生の小説)- 深町秋生の小説。
- ダブル - 永井するみの小説。
- W 〜ダブル - ロベール・トマの戯曲 "Double Jeu" を基にした日本の舞台劇。
- W (ハロー!プロジェクト) - W(ダブルユー)は、辻希美と加護亜依の2人による歌手ユニット。
- ダブル -完全犯罪- - 2013年のアメリカ映画。
- ^ 「ハーフ」は1950年代からある言葉だが、和製英語であることや、一説には蔑称的ニュアンスがあるということから、近年は廃れつつある。
- ダブルス
- シングル (曖昧さ回避)
- トリプル(3倍)
- カドラプル(4倍)
- クインタプル(5倍)
- 倍
- タプル
- ハーフ(1/2)
- 二人組 - ペア - ツイン - デュオ - デュアル
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up double or doubled in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Double may refer to:
- Look-alike, a person who closely resembles another person
- Body double, someone who substitutes for the credited actor of a character
- Doppelgänger, ghostly double of a living person
- Polish Enigma doubles, replicating the function of Nazi Germany's cipher machines
- Double, a bet which combines two selections; see Glossary of bets offered by UK bookmakers#Double
- Double, a former fraction of the Guernsey pound
- Double, a former rank of a liturgical feast in the Roman Rite
- 1 People
- 2 Mathematics and computing
- 3 Food and drink
- 4 Sports
- 5 Film and television
- 6 Games
- 7 Music
- 8 Literature
- 9 Geography
- 10 See also
- Baron Emile Double (1869-1938), a vigneron who established the vineyard at the Château de Beaupré in Saint-Cannat in 1890
- François-Joseph Double (1776-1842), a French physician
- Marie-Louise Double de Saint-Lambert (1891-1974), a French philanthropist later known as Countess Lily Pastré
- Steve Double, British Conservative Party politician, Member of Parliament (MP) for St Austell and Newquay since 2015
Mathematics and computing
- Multiplication by 2
- Double precision, a floating-point representation of numbers that is typically 64 bits in length
- A split-complex number of the form , where
- A 2-tuple, or ordered list of two elements, denoted
- Double (manifold)
- Double (Java) is a type of variable which supports decimals or fractions 5 3/4 / 5.250 / 5 while integers only support full numbers
Food and drink
- Doubles, a sandwich that is a common street food in Trinidad and Tobago
- Doppio, a double shot of espresso
- Dubbel, a strong Belgian Trappist beer or, more generally, a strong brown ale
- A drink order of two shots of hard liquor in one glass
- A "double decker", a hamburger with two patties in a single bun
- Double (association football), the act of a winning a division and primary cup competition in the same season
- Double (baseball), a two-base hit in baseball
- The Double (Seattle Mariners), a specific instance of the above that occurred during the 1995 Major League Baseball season
- Double, a snooker shot where the player tries to pot a ball via one cushion
- Double (cricket), the feat of scoring a thousand first-class runs and taking a hundred first-class wickets in a single season
- Double (volleyball)
- Double (basketball)
- The Double (Gaelic games), the act of winning the All-Ireland Senior Football Championship and the All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship in the same year
- Double Duty (auto racing), in auto racing, the act of a driver attempting to race in two races on the same day during the United States Memorial Day weekend
Film and television
- The Double (1963 film), a 1963 British thriller film
- The Double (1971 film), a 1971 Italian film
- The Double (2011 film), a 2011 spy thriller film
- The Double (2013 film), a 2013 film based on the Dostoevsky novella
- Kamen Rider Double (character), the protagonist in a Japanese television series of the same name
- Double, action in games whereby a competitor raises the stakes. For use
- double, in contract bridge
- Doubling cube, in backgammon
- Double, villain in the video game Mega Man X4
- The Nintendo GameCube video game Mario Kart: Double Dash‼
- An arcade action game Double Dragon.
- Double album, audio album spanning two units of the primary medium in which it is sold, typically records and CDs
- Doubling (voicing), a kind of musical voicing
- Double variation, a variation form in music
- Pasodoble, a traditional couple's dance from Spain
- Double (singer) (born 1975), Japanese R&B singer
- Double (band), Swiss pop duo that had their biggest hit in 1986 with "Captain of Her Heart"
- Double (Roch Voisine album), a 1990 album by Roch Voisine
- Double (Zhao Wei album), a 2005 album by Zhao Wei
- Double (BoA song), 2003
- "The Double", an instrumental by Clint Mansell from the Black Swan soundtrack (2010)
- The Double Violin Concerto (Bach) in D minor, BWV 1043, commonly referred to as "The Double" among violinists
- Dobble, a Ghanaian musical act that is sometimes also known as Double
- The Double (Dostoyevsky novel), an 1846 novella by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Double (Saramago novel), a 2002 novel by José Saramago
- The Doubles, a novella by E. T. A. Hoffmann
- Double Lake, a lake in Minnesota
See also
- Doubles (disambiguation)
- Doubling (disambiguation)
- Duplication (disambiguation)
- Single (disambiguation)
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Japanese Journal
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- 地質学史懇話会会報 = Japanese Association for the History of Geosciences, JAHIGEO bulletin (48), 7-14, 2017-05-30
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- 表参道Doubleドゥーブル美容室のWEBサイトはこちらです。雑誌などでも定評のある髪型の似合わせと、独自のカットであなただけのヘアスタイルを作ります。また、2014年最旬モード、ファッショントレンドを彩るおしゃれなヘア ...
- DOUBLEのオフィシャルサイトです。 ... Click on the logo above to enter the site. このサイトをご覧になるにはFLASH PLAYER7.0が必要です mobile版はこちら
- 原宿、表参道、青山に展開する美容室,HEARTSハーツDoubleドゥーブルの公式サイトはこちらです。長年ブランドヘアサロンとして培って来た確かな技術ときめ細やかな感性で、あなたのヘアスタイルライフを豊かにします。また、2014年 ...
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- 英
- doublet、double、duplex、dual、twofold、doubly
- 関
- 二重項、二重鎖、二重線、二倍、二本鎖、倍加、倍増、一対、ダブル
- 関
- double、double strand、double-stranded、doublet、doubly、ds、dual、twofold
- 関
- double、doublet、doubly、dual、duplex
- 関
- double、doublet、dual、duplex、twofold
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- double