- sing treble
- three times as great or many; "a claim for treble (or triple) damages"; "a threefold increase" (同)threefold, three-fold, triple
- a clef that puts the G above middle C on the second line of a staff (同)treble staff, G_clef
- three times the amount that a court would normally find the injured party entitled to
- 3重の,3倍の(triple) / (声・歌手・楽器が)最高音部の / 3倍,3重[のもの] / 最高音部[の声,歌手,楽器] / …を3倍する / 3倍になる
- プロサッカーで引分け試合数と勝ち試合数をあてるかけ
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[Wiki ja表示]
ビールのスタイルについては「トリペル」をご覧ください。 |
トリプル(英語: triple)は、3倍や三重、3つ組などを意味する言葉。「tri-」は英語、ギリシャ語およびラテン語で「3」を意味する接頭辞。トレブル (treble) とも。何倍であるかを表す倍数詞の一つである。
- 野球やソフトボールにおける三塁打のこと。
- トリプルエー (AAA) - AやAAよりも高い評価のこと。3A。
- トリプルアクセル - フィギュアスケートにおけるアクセルジャンプで、三回転半すること。
- トリプルダブル - バスケットボールに置いて選手が一試合で得点・リバウンド等の項目で10(点・回)以上を記録する事。
- トレブルフック - ルアーの3つに分かれたフックのこと。トリプルフックとも。
- トレブル (サッカー)
- トリケラトプス - 角が3本あることから
- トリプル (テレビドラマ) - 2009年製作・放送された韓国のテレビドラマ。
- シングル (曖昧さ回避)
- 倍数詞の表現
- ダブル(2倍)
- クアドラプル(4倍)
- クインタプル(5倍)
- 倍
- タプル
- トリリオン - ギリシャ語およびラテン語接頭辞で3を意味する「tri-」に由来する単語(西洋の命数法)。アメリカなどでは、1012(一兆)を表す。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up treble in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Treble may refer to:
In music:
- Treble (sound), tones of high frequency or range, the counterpart of bass
- Treble clef, a symbol used to indicate the pitch of written notes
- Treble-cut or low-pass filter, which attenuates high frequencies while passing low frequencies
- Treble voice, a voice in the soprano range
- Treble (girl group), a three-piece girl group from the Netherlands
- Treble, in change ringing, the bell with the highest pitch
In other uses:
- Treble, to multiply by 3
- Treble (association football), the achievement of winning three top tier trophies in one season or solar year
- Treble (Mega Man), a character in the Mega Man video game series
- Treble-bar, a type of moth
- Treble Cone, a mountain and ski resort in New Zealand
- Treble, a crochet stitch
- Treble jig, an Irish dance
- Treble damages, a legal term indicating triple damages as a penalty
- Treble hook, a fish hook with three evenly spaced shanks and hooks attached to a single eye
- Treble, a type of bet covering three selections
See also
English Journal
- Endoscopically Guided Transtympanic Balloon Catheter Dilatation of the Eustachian Tube: A Cadaveric Pilot Study.
- Jufas N1, Treble A, Newey A, Patel N.
- Otology & neurotology : official publication of the American Otological Society, American Neurotology Society [and] European Academy of Otology and Neurotology.Otol Neurotol.2016 Apr;37(4):350-5. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000975.
- OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of transtympanic balloon catheter dilatation of the Eustachian tube (ET) in a cadaver model.PATIENTS AND INTERVENTIONS: A cadaveric study of 10 cadaver heads, which underwent unilateral transtympanic dilatation of the ET with a 3 × 20 mm
- PMID 26859544
- A Cold Limit to Adaptation in the Sea.
- Peck LS1.
- Trends in ecology & evolution.Trends Ecol Evol.2016 Jan;31(1):13-26. doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2015.09.014. Epub 2015 Nov 7.
- Temperature affects biological functions by altering reaction rates. Physiological rates usually double to treble for every 10 °C rise, and 1-4 fold encompasses normal biological functions. However, in polar marine species inhabiting temperatures around 0 °C many processes are slowed beyond the Ar
- PMID 26552514
- A novel RING finger in the C-terminal domain of the coatomer protein α-COP.
- Kaur G1, Subramanian S2.
- Biology direct.Biol Direct.2015 Dec 14;10:70. doi: 10.1186/s13062-015-0099-9.
- The C-terminal domain of α-COP, an essential subunit of the COPI coatomer complex, is composed of an all α-helical region and a small β-sheet domain. We show that this β-sheet domain is a Really Interesting New Gene (RING)-like treble clef zinc finger. The zinc-binding residues are substituted b
- PMID 26666296
- Cognitive Intervention for Attention and Executive Function Impairments in Children With Traumatic Brain Injury: A Pilot Study.
- Treble-Barna A1, Sohlberg MM, Harn BE, Wade SL.
- The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation.J Head Trauma Rehabil.2015 Nov 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To test the effectiveness of the Attention Improvement and Management (AIM) program, a cognitive intervention for improving impairments in attention and executive functions (EFs) after pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI).SETTING: Tertiary care children's hospital.PARTICIPANTS: A total
- PMID 26580695
Japanese Journal
- Reliability of sintered silver layer obtained using silver-oxide paste in power cycling test
- Yasuda Yusuke,Tokoo Naoya,Morita Toshiaki,Suzuki Kazuhiro
- Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54(1), 010302, 2014-12-03
- … These results reveal that the sintered silver layer obtained using silver-oxide paste can treble the lifetime of a power module. …
- NAID 150000110028
- E211 高速レーザースペックル法による火炎温度分布測定に関する研究(OS-9:燃焼の最近の進展(5))
- 織田 将史,龍 佳久,原田 悠史,田之上 健一郎,西村 龍夫,Stark Wendelin J.
- 熱工学コンファレンス講演論文集 2011, 303-304, 2011-10-28
- … The burner used a treble circular tube. …
- NAID 110009656917
- アメリカにおける組織犯罪と民事責任 : Civil RICO法の理念と現実(前野育三教授退任記念論集)
- 田上 富信
- 法と政治 58(1), 320-287, 2007-04
- … It also authorizes private persons to sue and recover treble damages and costs including reasonable attorney fees (this system called Civil RICO). … especially for respected and legitimate 'enterprises' who find difficult to bear heavy treble damages when some subordinates have engaged in racketeering activities. …
- NAID 110007156271
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- trebleとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 (数量・価値が)3倍の,3部分からなる,3様の;(構成などが)3重の. all, bothと同じく冠詞などの前に置く. ⇒DOUBLE[形]sell for treble the price3倍の価格で売る.2 〈ウイスキー・ジンなどが〉(3倍は ...
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