- 英
- nothing
- 関
- 無
- in no respect; to no degree; "he looks nothing like his father"
- a quantity of no importance; "it looked like nothing I had ever seen before"; "reduced to nil all the work we had done"; "we racked up a pathetic goose egg"; "it was all for naught"; "I didnt hear zilch about it" (同)nil, nix, nada, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose egg, naught, zero, zilch, zip, zippo
- 『何も…ない』(not anything ,no thing) / 『少しも…でない』 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『重用でないこと(人)』,取るに足りない人 / 〈U〉ゼロ
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- 英
- 関
- ゼロ、ヌル、非、何も~ない、皆無
- 関
- nil、null、un
- 英
- what、anything、anything
- 関
- ~するもの