- 英
- trilaminar germ cell
- 関
- 胚盤
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- 1. 高次多胎妊娠率のコントロール戦略strategies to control the rate of high order multiple gestation [show details]
…the blastocyst stage . Only one or two blastocysts need to be transferred to maintain overall success rates, while decreasing the high order multiple pregnancy rate . If only one or two blastocysts are… three, or four or more embryos in 1996 versus 2009 was: one embryo 6 versus 13.5 percent, two embryos 10 versus 51.5 percent, three embryos 23 versus 23.4…
- 2. 着床前遺伝子検査preimplantation genetic testing [show details]
… cells from the outer layer of the blastocyst destined to form the placenta) are extracted using a small pipette and gentle suction or by gently compressing the blastocyst to extrude the… but two to three dozen cells can be removed for genetic analysis without compromising blastocyst viability. Compared with other techniques for obtaining preimplantation DNA, blastocyst biopsy…
- 3. 卵細胞質内精子注入法intracytoplasmic sperm injection [show details]
… or blastocyst stage of development . Therefore, blastocyst rather than cleavage-stage transfer may enhance embryo selection. Male factor infertility significantly reduces blastocyst production;… with genomic imprinting during germ cell development and preimplantation . In reports describing three cases of Angelman syndrome after ICSI, epigenetic defects were detected with loss of methylation of…
- 4. 体外受精(IFV)in vitro fertilization [show details]
… These procedures have been referred to as three-person IVF or three-parent IVF,… reduction in multiple gestation with single blastocyst transfer. The rationale for blastocyst transfer is that per cycle live birth rates…
- 5. 胎盤の発達および生理学placental development and physiology [show details]
… the morula becomes a blastocyst as fluid accumulates and polarization of the cells occurs. The blastocyst has an outer layer of cells (trophoblast) that… the placenta and fetus is a continuous process that begins at the time of fertilization. The first three days of development occur within the fallopian tube. Four days after fertilization, the morula (a …
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- 英
- embryonic disk, germ disk, germ disc, germinal disk, (イネ)scutellum, scutellata, (脊椎動物)blastodisc
- ラ
- discus embryonicus
- 同
- 胚子板、胚板
- 関
- 小板、盤状体