- 英
- fair
- 関
- 公正、正しい
- join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly
- a competitive exhibition of farm products; "she won a blue ribbon for her baking at the county fair"
- gathering of producers to promote business; "world fair"; "trade fair"; "book fair"
- (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored; "a fair complexion"; (同)fairish
- not excessive or extreme; "a fairish income"; "reasonable prices" (同)fairish, reasonable
- free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; conforming with established standards or rules; "a fair referee"; "fair deal"; "on a fair footing"; "a fair fight"; "by fair means or foul" (同)just
- (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines; "he hit a fair ball over the third base bag"
- attractively feminine; "the fair sex"
- free of clouds or rain; "today will be fair and warm"
- 《米》(農産物・家畜などの)『品評会』;(一般に)『博覧会』 / 《英》定期市,縁日(特に祭日などに定期的に開かれ,見世物などが出てにぎわう) / 慈善市(bazaar)
- 『公平な』,適正なルールに従ったフェアな / (天気が)『晴れた』(clear)(風・潮流が)好都合の(favorable) / 《古》(特に女性が)『美しい』,きれいな / (名声などが)汚点のない(水などが)汚れていない;(筆跡などが)はっきりした / (皮膚が)色白の;金髪の(blond[e]) / 相当な,かなりの;まあまあの,(成積が)可の / ていねいな;まことしなやかな / 公平に,適正に,正々堂と / きれいに,はっきりと,快く / まともに,まっすぐに
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- 英
- correct、right、fair
- 関
- 右位、矯正、権利、公正、正確、妥当、訂正、直す、補正、右、まずまず、直角
- 英
- equity、justice、fair、equitable
- 関
- 裁判、正当、正しい、まずまず