- any of various widely distributed beetles (同)elater, elaterid
- fly or go in a manner resembling a beetle; "He beetled up the staircase"; "They beetled off home"
- insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wings
- jutting or overhanging; "beetle brows" (同)beetling
- beat with a beetle
- biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root; widely cultivated as a food crop (同)common beet, Beta_vulgaris
- round red root vegetable (同)beetroot
- 甲虫,カブトムシ;(一般に)甲虫に似た虫類(ゴキブリなど)
- (木製の)大づち,かけや,布打ち用のつち,すりこぎ,きね / (大づちで)…'を'打ち込む
- 〈まゆ,がけなどが〉出っぱっている,突き出る / 出っぱっている;(特にまゆ毛が)突き出ている
- 〈C〉《しばしば複数形》(野菜サラダなどに用いる)赤かぶ,サンゴジュナ(red beet)(葉・根ともに食用) / 〈U〉〈C〉《米》その根の部分《英》beetroot) / 〈C〉砂糖大根
- =beetle {形}
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English Journal
- Biology, ecology, and control of Elaterid beetles in agricultural land.
- Traugott M1, Benefer CM, Blackshaw RP, van Herk WG, Vernon RS.
- Annual review of entomology.Annu Rev Entomol.2015 Jan 7;60:313-34. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ento-010814-021035. Epub 2014 Oct 17.
- Wireworms, the larvae of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae), have had a centuries-long role as major soil insect pests worldwide. With insecticidal control options dwindling, research on click beetle biology and ecology is of increasing importance in the development of new control tactics. Metho
- PMID 25341096
- Community- Weighted Mean Plant Traits Predict Small Scale Distribution of Insect Root Herbivore Abundance.
- Sonnemann I1, Pfestorf H2, Jeltsch F3, Wurst S1.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2015 Oct 30;10(10):e0141148. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141148. eCollection 2015.
- Small scale distribution of insect root herbivores may promote plant species diversity by creating patches of different herbivore pressure. However, determinants of small scale distribution of insect root herbivores, and impact of land use intensity on their small scale distribution are largely unkn
- PMID 26517119
- DNA barcoding of Japanese click beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae).
- Oba Y1, Ôhira H2, Murase Y3, Moriyama A3, Kumazawa Y3.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2015 Jan 30;10(1):e0116612. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116612. eCollection 2015.
- Click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) represent one of the largest groups of beetle insects. Some click beetles in larval form, known as wireworms, are destructive agricultural pests. Morphological identification of click beetles is generally difficult and requires taxonomic expertise. This study r
- PMID 25636000
Japanese Journal
- <研究報告>台湾中央部産 Dima 属コメツキムシの1新種
- 鈴木 亙
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology 5(3), 207-210, 1979-09-00
- NAID 110004312129
- A New Elaterid Beetle of the Genus Pectocera from the Ryukyu Islands
- SUZUKI Wataru
- 昆蟲 44(3), 263-266, 1976-09-25
- … A new elaterid beetle, Pectocera (Pectocera) yaeyamana sp. …
- NAID 110003500229
Related Links
- elater, elaterid Types: click beetle, skipjack, snapping beetle able to right itself when on its back by flipping into the air with a clicking sound Pyrophorus noctiluca, fire beetle, firefly tropical American click beetle having bright ...
- Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. elaterid beetle - any of various widely distributed beetles elater, elaterid beetle - insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to ...
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- 関
- Beta vulgaris、chard
- 関
- Coleoptera