大動脈径 AoD aortic root diameter
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/03/13 14:58:18」(JST)
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- 東芝とNECが共同で開発している次世代DVD(光ディスク)の規格(Advanced Optical Disk)。→HD DVD
- 鉄鋼の二次精錬法の1つ(Argon Oxygen Decarburization)。
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AOD may refer to:
- music
- Adrenalin O.D., a US hardcore punk band
- Act of Depression, the debut album by Underoath
- Art of Dying (band), a hard rock band
- Assembly of Dust, an American rock band
- Aubrey O'Day, an American singer/dancer
- other
- Animation On Display, formerly Anime Overdose and then AOD: The San Francisco Animation Convention
- Acousto-optic deflector, a device for controlling an optical beam
- Advanced Optical Disc, an old name for HD DVD, digital optical media
- Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD), a social work term
- Argon oxygen decarburization, a process in stainless steel making
- Army of Darkness, a 1993 film, third in the Evil Dead series
- Army Ordnance Department, a forerunner of the British Royal Army Ordnance Corps (RAOC)
- Audio on demand,[clarification needed]
- Automatic Overdrive transmission, a vehicle transmission
- Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
- Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness, the 6th game in the Tomb Raider series
- Above Ordnance Datum, a level expressed as a height above mean sea level
- Astro On Demand, a Hong Kong TV channel
- Art of Defense, a type of multiplayer game common in Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour
- Air-operated diaphragm, a type of pump
- Arsenal of Democracy (video game), a grand strategy wargame
- Adult Onset Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, characterized by high blood glucose
- Aerosol Optical Depth, a measure for small particles suspended in the air
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English Journal
- The relationship between aortic stiffness and serum hyaluronidase levels in patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
- Karadag B1, Ikitimur B, Firinciogullari H, Cakmak HA, Cosansu K, Yuksel H.
- Blood pressure.Blood Press.2015 Feb;24(1):35-40. doi: 10.3109/08037051.2014.940708. Epub 2014 Aug 5.
- Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association of serum hyaluronidase and nitric oxide (NO) levels with arterial stiffness in patients with hypertension (HT) and diabetes mellitus (DM). A total of 101 patients with diagnosis of DM and HT were enrolled in this study. The patients w
- PMID 25093258
- Accounting for unknown foster dams in the genetic evaluation of embryo transfer progeny.
- Suárez MJ1, Munilla S, Cantet RJ.
- Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift für Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie.J Anim Breed Genet.2015 Feb;132(1):21-9. doi: 10.1111/jbg.12121. Epub 2014 Oct 15.
- Animals born by embryo transfer (ET) are usually not included in the genetic evaluation of beef cattle for preweaning growth if the recipient dam is unknown. This is primarily to avoid potential bias in the estimation of the unknown age of dam. We present a method that allows including records of ca
- PMID 25316505
- Estimating PM2.5 in Xi'an, China using aerosol optical depth: a comparison between the MODIS and MISR retrieval models.
- You W1, Zang Z2, Pan X1, Zhang L1, Chen D3.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Feb 1;505:1156-65. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.11.024. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
- Satellite measurements have been widely used to estimate particulate matter (PM) on the ground, which can affect human health adversely. However, such estimation from space is susceptible to meteorological conditions and may result in large errors. In this study, we compared the aerosol optical dept
- PMID 25466686
Japanese Journal
- 東アジアにおける人為起源エアロゾルによる光学的厚さの近年のトレンドの解析
- 原 由香里,鵜野 伊津志,清水 厚,杉本 伸夫,松井 一郎,大原 利眞,WANG Zifa,YOON Soonchang
- 天気 59(8), 701-707, 2012-08-31
- … 為起源大気汚染による球形エアロゾルのトレンドを解析した.2004〜2008年にかけ,東アジアの広範囲において観測された球形エアロゾルの光学的厚さ(AOD)は増加トレンドを示し,2008年以降は中国の北部を除き減少傾向に転じた.東アジアにおける球形エアロゾルの主成分は硫酸塩であることから,前駆物質である二酸化硫黄の発生量の減少が風下域におけるAOD減少トレンドの要因の一つであると考えられる. …
- NAID 110009495949
- An Integrated CBR Model for Predicting Endpoint Temperature of Molten Steel in AOD
- WANG Hongbing,XU Anjun,AI Lixiang,TIAN Naiyuan,DU Xi
- ISIJ international 52(1), 80-86, 2012-01-15
- NAID 10030746132
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- 英
- aortic root diameter AOD AoD
- 関
- 大動脈、大動脈弁