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- 1. 乳児や小児の視力スクリーニング検査と評価vision screening and assessment in infants and children [show details]
…refractive errors) of life can lead to irreversible vision loss . Poor vision and vision loss also may be an early indication of serious or life-threatening diseases, such as retinoblastoma, lipid storage …
- 2. 非動脈炎性前部虚血性視神経症:疫学、発症機序、および病因nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy epidemiology pathogenesis and etiologies [show details]
…effects of the drug is suspected in patients who have a more insidious onset of vision loss with slow progression and simultaneous bilateral involvement, features that are atypical of NAION . Not all case …
- 3. 成人に現れる多発性硬化症の症状と徴候manifestations of multiple sclerosis in adults [show details]
…This is followed by a variable degree of visual loss (scotoma) affecting mainly central vision. Bilateral simultaneous optic neuritis is rare in MS; its occurrence in isolation may suggest another diagnosis …
- 4. 小児の急性視力障害への診断アプローチdiagnostic approach to acute vision loss in children [show details]
… significant loss of vision; very young children will not perceive declining vision until there is significant compromise and even school-age children compensate well. By the time vision loss is appreciated …
- 5. 視覚変化が認められた小児患者に対するアプローチapproach to the pediatric patient with vision change [show details]
…pieces of information. This topic will review the causes of vision change (eg, diplopia, blurry vision). The approach to a child with vision loss is discussed separately. When a child complains of diplopia …
Japanese Journal
- 複数チャネル同時視聴時におけるP2PTVアプリケーションのトラヒックフロー特性分析 (ネットワークシステム)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 115(326), 57-62, 2015-11-26
- NAID 40020676340
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