- swerve off course momentarily; "the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it"
- an erratic deflection from an intended course (同)swerve
- deviate erratically from a set course; "the yawing motion of the ship"
- utter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired; "The child yawned during the long performance"
- an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom; "he could not suppress a yawn"; "the yawning in the audience told him it was time to stop"; "he apologized for his oscitancy" (同)yawning, oscitance, oscitancy
- a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost (同)dandy
- a ships small boat (usually rowed by 4 or 6 oars)
- make a raucous noise (同)bawl
- a person who yawns
- an infectious tropical disease resembling syphilis in its early stages; marked by red skin eruptions and ulcerating lesions (同)frambesia, framboesia
- 〈船・飛行機などが〉針路からそれる / 船首揺れ,(飛行機・ロケット・ミサイルなどの)偏揺れ / 偏揺れ角度
- 『あくびをする』 / 〈口・割れ目などが〉大きく開く / …‘と'あくびをしながら言う / 『あくび』
- (2本マストの)小型帆船 / (オールでこぐ)船載ボート
- 予約月賦制(頭金だけで品物を予約した完済後に品物を受け取る方式)
- いちご腫
- y-axis
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/06/10 22:28:02」(JST)
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Look up yaw in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Yaw may refer to:
- Yaw angle, one of the Tait-Bryan angles, describing the heading of a vehicle or machine, and some other related elements:
- Yaw system, component responsible for the orientation of a wind turbine towards the wind.
- Yaw bearing, one of the components to keep optimal heading in a wind turbine.
- Yaw, rotation around the vertical axis in aircraft, an aspect of flight dynamics and some other related elements:
- Yaw (rotation)
- Yaw rate sensor, angular speed of yaw rotation
- Yaw (god), Levantine god
- Yaw drive, wind turbine component
- CFB Shearwater, Shearwater, Nova Scotia Canada
- Ellen Beach Yaw (1869–1947), concert singer
- Yàw, Thursday, see Akan day names
- Yaw-Yan, Filipino martial art
- Yaws, tropical disease
- Yaws (web server)
- Yaw (ethnic group), a Burmese ethnic group
- YAW (Yoonu Askaan Wi), a Senegalese political party
- Yaw, a Ghanaian name for a boy born on Thursday
- YAW, an acronym for You Are Welcome
See also
- Yours (disambiguation), various meanings, most prominently as a pronoun
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English Journal
- T2 relaxometry of the infrapatellar fat pad after arthroscopic surgery.
- Torriani M, Taneja AK, Hosseini A, Gill TJ, Bredella MA, Li G.Author information Musculoskeletal Imaging and Intervention, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, 55 Fruit Street YAW 6048, Boston, MA, 02114, USA, mtorriani@mgh.harvard.edu.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To investigate the T2 relaxation values of the infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) after arthroscopic surgery.
- Skeletal radiology.Skeletal Radiol.2013 Dec 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To investigate the T2 relaxation values of the infrapatellar fat pad (IFP) after arthroscopic surgery.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was approved by the institutional review board; all individuals signed informed consent. We performed MRI in 16 knees from 8 subjects. Prior to imaging,
- PMID 24343788
- Hawkmoth flight stability in turbulent vortex streets.
- Ortega-Jimenez VM, Greeter JS, Mittal R, Hedrick TL.Author information Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA.AbstractShedding of vortices is a common phenomenon in the atmosphere over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. However, it is unclear how these vortices of varying scales affect the flight performance of flying animals. In order to examine these interactions, we trained seven hawkmoths (Manduca sexta) (wingspan ~9 cm) to fly and feed in a wind tunnel under steady flow (controls) and in the von Kármán vortex street of vertically oriented cylinders (two different cylinders with diameters of 10 and 5 cm) at speeds of 0.5, 1 and 2 m s(-1). Cylinders were placed at distances of 5, 25 and 100 cm upstream of the moths. Moths exhibited large amplitude yaw oscillations coupled with modest oscillations in roll and pitch, and slight increases in wingbeat frequency when flying in both the near (recirculating) and middle (vortex dominated) wake regions. Wingbeat amplitude did not vary among treatments, except at 1 m s(-1) for the large cylinder. Yaw and roll oscillations were synchronized with the vortex shedding frequencies in moths flying in the wake of the large cylinder at all speeds. In contrast, yaw and pitch were synchronized with the shedding frequency of small vortices at speeds ≤1 m s(-1). Oscillations in body orientation were also substantially smaller in the small cylinder treatment when compared with the large cylinder, regardless of temporal or non-dimensional spatial scale. Moths flying in steady conditions reached a higher air speed than those flying into cylinder wakes. In general, flight effects produced by the cylinder wakes were qualitatively similar among the recirculating and vortex-dominated wake regions; the magnitude of those effects, however, declined gradually with downstream distance.
- The Journal of experimental biology.J Exp Biol.2013 Dec 15;216(Pt 24):4567-79. doi: 10.1242/jeb.089672. Epub 2013 Sep 26.
- Shedding of vortices is a common phenomenon in the atmosphere over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. However, it is unclear how these vortices of varying scales affect the flight performance of flying animals. In order to examine these interactions, we trained seven hawkmoths (Manduca sex
- PMID 24072794
- Vision-based flight control in the hawkmoth Hyles lineata.
- Windsor SP, Bomphrey RJ, Taylor GK.Author information Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, , South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK.AbstractVision is a key sensory modality for flying insects, playing an important role in guidance, navigation and control. Here, we use a virtual-reality flight simulator to measure the optomotor responses of the hawkmoth Hyles lineata, and use a published linear-time invariant model of the flight dynamics to interpret the function of the measured responses in flight stabilization and control. We recorded the forces and moments produced during oscillation of the visual field in roll, pitch and yaw, varying the temporal frequency, amplitude or spatial frequency of the stimulus. The moths' responses were strongly dependent upon contrast frequency, as expected if the optomotor system uses correlation-type motion detectors to sense self-motion. The flight dynamics model predicts that roll angle feedback is needed to stabilize the lateral dynamics, and that a combination of pitch angle and pitch rate feedback is most effective in stabilizing the longitudinal dynamics. The moths' responses to roll and pitch stimuli coincided qualitatively with these functional predictions. The moths produced coupled roll and yaw moments in response to yaw stimuli, which could help to reduce the energetic cost of correcting heading. Our results emphasize the close relationship between physics and physiology in the stabilization of insect flight.
- Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society.J R Soc Interface.2013 Dec 11;11(91):20130921. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2013.0921. Print 2014.
- Vision is a key sensory modality for flying insects, playing an important role in guidance, navigation and control. Here, we use a virtual-reality flight simulator to measure the optomotor responses of the hawkmoth Hyles lineata, and use a published linear-time invariant model of the flight dynamics
- PMID 24335557
- Combined effects of auditory and visual cues on the perception of vection.
- Keshavarz B, Hettinger LJ, Vena D, Campos JL.Author information Department of Research, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Technology Team/iDAPT, 550 University Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5G 2A2, Canada, behrang.keshavarz@uhn.ca.AbstractVection is the illusion of self-motion in the absence of real physical movement. The aim of the present study was to analyze how multisensory inputs (visual and auditory) contribute to the perception of vection. Participants were seated in a stationary position in front of a large, curved projection display and were exposed to a virtual scene that constantly rotated around the yaw-axis, simulating a 360° rotation. The virtual scene contained either only visual, only auditory, or a combination of visual and auditory cues. Additionally, simulated rotation speed (90°/s vs. 60°/s) and the number of sound sources (1 vs. 3) were varied for all three stimulus conditions. All participants were exposed to every condition in a randomized order. Data specific to vection latency, vection strength, the severity of motion sickness (MS), and postural steadiness were collected. Results revealed reduced vection onset latencies and increased vection strength when auditory cues were added to the visual stimuli, whereas MS and postural steadiness were not affected by the presence of auditory cues. Half of the participants reported experiencing auditorily induced vection, although the sensation was rather weak and less robust than visually induced vection. Results demonstrate that the combination of visual and auditory cues can enhance the sensation of vection.
- Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale.Exp Brain Res.2013 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print]
- Vection is the illusion of self-motion in the absence of real physical movement. The aim of the present study was to analyze how multisensory inputs (visual and auditory) contribute to the perception of vection. Participants were seated in a stationary position in front of a large, curved projection
- PMID 24306440
Japanese Journal
- Coupled analysis of unsteady aerodynamics and vehicle motion of a road vehicle in windy conditions
- Nakashima Takuji,Tsubokura Makoto,Vazquez Mariano,Owen Herbert,Doi Yasuaki
- Computers & Fluids 80, 1-9, 2013-07-10
- … The obtained results are compared with the results of a conventional quasi-steady analysis, and certain differences in the vehicle path and the yaw angle are identified. …
- NAID 120005324554
- 成長するロボットの研究 -ヒトのパラメータ解析とシミュレーション-
- 鈴木 啓介,高信 英明,鈴木 健司,三浦 宏文
- 工学院大学研究報告 (114), 13-17, 2013-04-30
- … Thereby, we obtained angle dataof ankle, knee, hip joint, and hip on Roll-Pitch-Yaw-axis. …
- NAID 110009559061
- ステアバイワイヤによる二輪車の操縦安定性向上に関する研究(第3報,ロール角とヨーレイトを線形結合した制御量の提案)
- 丸茂 喜高,大木 陽平,毛利 宏
- 日本機械学会論文集C編 79(804), 2841-2853, 2013
- … Computer simulation using a simple vehicle model with two cases, the controlled variable is the rolling angle or the yaw rate, are examined. … The rolling angle control realizes the good tracking performance to the desired rolling angle, while it deteriorates the yaw rate damping and makes the transitional large steering torque input. … The yaw rate control performs the good damped response, while the tracking performance to the desired yaw rate is limited. …
- NAID 130003375152
- 慣性センサを用いた身体運動計測における3次元姿勢推定法に関する研究
- 近藤 亜希子,土岐 仁,廣瀬 圭
- 日本機械学会論文集C編 79(803), 2351-2361, 2013
- … The proposed method estimates the 3D posture (Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles in local coordinate) using the 3-axis angular velocity and the 3-axis acceleration. …
- NAID 130003375110
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