- cry loudly; "Dont bawl in public!"
- shout loudly and without restraint (同)bellow
- a loud weeper; "their new baby is a real bawler"
- 叫ぶ,どなる《+『away』》 / 泣きわめく / どなる,わめく / 〈品物〉'を'呼び売りする / 叫び,わめき声
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Bawl may refer to
- Bawl, Irish band from the 1990s, predecessor of Pony Club
- Bawls, energy drink
- Crying (synonym)
English Journal
- Discrete emotion norms for nouns: Berlin affective word list (DENN-BAWL).
- Briesemeister BB, Kuchinke L, Jacobs AM.SourceDepartment of Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195, Berlin, Germany. benny.briesemeister@fu-berlin.de
- Behavior research methods.Behav Res Methods.2011 Jun;43(2):441-8.
- The Berlin Affective Word List (BAWL, Võ, Jacobs, & Conrad, Behavior Research Methods, 35, 606-609, 2006) and the BAWL-R (Võ et al. in Behavior Research Methods 38, 606-609, 2009) are two commonly used lists to investigate affective properties of German words. The two-dimensional valence and a
- PMID 21416309
- The Berlin Affective Word List Reloaded (BAWL-R).
- Võ ML, Conrad M, Kuchinke L, Urton K, Hofmann MJ, Jacobs AM.SourceLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany. melissa.vo@ed.ac.uk
- Behavior research methods.Behav Res Methods.2009 May;41(2):534-8.
- The study presented here provides researchers with a revised list of affective German words, the Berlin Affective Word List Reloaded (BAWL-R). This work is an extension of the previously published BAWL (Võ, Jacobs, & Conrad, 2006), which has enabled researchers to investigate affective word pro
- PMID 19363195
- Tarasca: ritual monster of Spain.
- Gilmore DD.SourceStony Brook University, USA.
- Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.Proc Am Philos Soc.2008 Sep;152(3):362-82.
- Let us now revisit our original assumptions. First, we note that for the participants in Hacinas Carnival the Tarasca is a figure of fun and joy, but it also exudes a strain of aggressive misogyny that many female residents, not to mention tourists, find somewhat unsettling. In the spirit of feminis
- PMID 19831233
Japanese Journal
- 日高湾西部陸棚上における10日,25日,60日周期流速変動
- 黒田 寛,磯田 豊,大西 光代 [他],岩橋 雅行,佐藤 千鶴,中山 智治,伊藤 集通,伊勢田 賢一,西沢 慶介,島 茂樹,外川 織彦
- 海の研究 12(2), 195-214, 2003-03-05
- … 本研究では,不等間隔データに適用可能な新しいバンドバス法(HAB法:Harmonic Analysis Bawl-pass Method)を提案し,各周期変動の水平流速・鉛直流速の構造を抽出した。 …
- NAID 110003320248
- 外国語をより正しく理解するために--ケ-ススタディ--BAWL,HOWL,WAIL
Related Links
- bawlとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 …を大声で[わめきながら]言う[歌う], どなる((out)) bawl ones.
- to cry out at the top of one's voice. — bawl·er noun. See bawl defined for English- language learners » · See bawl defined for kids ». Examples of BAWL. “Get in the car!” he bawled. <he bawled for days after his dog died>. Origin of BAWL ...
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