- turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right" (同)sheer, curve, trend, veer, slue, slew, cut
- the act of turning aside suddenly (同)swerving, veering
- (…から)急にそれる,急に向きを変える,はずれる《+from+名》 / 〈他〉(…から)…‘の'向きを急に変える,‘を'はずれさせる《+名+from+名》 / 急にそれる(曲がる)こと;(球の)カーブ
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For other uses, see Swerve (disambiguation).
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2013) |
The Original Three Drink Line-up of Swerve Dairy Drinks from the Early 2000s.
Swerve, by the Coca-Cola Company, was a flavored and vitamin-fortified dairy drink introduced in 2003. It contained 51% skim milk, was sweetened by a blend of sugar and sucralose, and provided 30% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of Vitamins A, C & D and Calcium. It was available in three flavors: a vanilla-banana flavor called Vanana, a blueberry-strawberry flavor called Blooo, and a Chocolate Drink flavor. It was most often found in school cafeterias.
Despite its eventual marketing as a children's beverage, Swerve was initially designed for the alcopop market, designed to be an alternative to Smirnoff Ice in warm-weather climates where dairy consumption was traditionally high. The first version of Swerve contained L. acidophilus cultures and 8.5% abv. The name "swerve" was suggested for its use in professional wrestling where the predetermined outcome of an event is changed by the booker without the knowledge of the participants. The original formulation, called "Original Yogurt Blast Swerve" contained all the great taste of plain yogurt with the alcoholic kick of a high gravity lager. This version of swerve was first packaged in 12 ounce and 16 ounce cans, as well as quart-sized bottles. The consistency of the beverage was described by Harper's Weekly as "not unlike a homemade alcoholic Go-Gurt." [1]
The drink carried the American Heart Association's "Heart Smart" seal, for meeting "food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age 2." It also carried the dairy industry's "Real Seal" because it had 51% real milk by weight (51% is the minimum requirement for obtaining the seal).
But others pointed out that water and sweeteners made up much of the other 49% of the drink, and that the calorie content was such that an 11 oz (325 ml) can of Swerve Chocolate Drink contained 160 calories, contrasted with the 140 calories found in a 12 oz can (355 ml) of Coca-Cola Classic.
The drink did not reach a high level of popularity among children and became increasingly harder to find (by the end only chocolate remained).
Coca-Cola discontinued making Swerve in 2005.
- ^ Benjamin, Christopher. "Letters: On Video Killed the Radio Star". http://www.harpers.org/archive/2002/03. Retrieved 13 July 2012.
English Journal
- Human gall-bladder communicating with skin: rare anatomical swerve.
- Singh A1, Bansal S.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2013 Oct;7(10):2321-2. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/5902.3514. Epub 2013 Oct 5.
- Cholecysto-cutaneous fistula is an extremely rare phenomenon in present era. We report a case of this rare entity wherein patient presented with unique history of passage of stones per umbilicus. Newer radiological investigations specifically CT fistulography help in surgical planning by not only de
- PMID 24298519
- Isolation and characterization of hyaluronic acid from the liver of marine stingray Aetobatus narinari.
- Sadhasivam G1, Muthuvel A, Pachaiyappan A, Thangavel B.
- International journal of biological macromolecules.Int J Biol Macromol.2013 Mar;54:84-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2012.11.028. Epub 2012 Dec 7.
- Although hyaluronic acid research pursuits ahead in exploring its biomedical perspective, very limited investigations were carried out in their isolation shape view point, furthermore, most of the investigations were targeted towards the terrestrial source. To swerve from that, the present study was
- PMID 23220595
- How does a cyclist avoid obstacles?
- Miyadait M1, Uetake T, Shimoda M.
- Journal of human ergology.J Hum Ergol (Tokyo).2012 Dec;41(1-2):95-100.
- The purpose of this research is to examine the ways bicycles swerve off sidewalks onto roads under various conditions. Seven students, five males and two females participated in an experiment on a road with a 100-cm wide sidewalk. Footage of each participant on a bicycle evading obstacles such as a
- PMID 25665202
- The kinematic features of motorcycles in congested urban networks.
- Lee TC1, Polak JW, Bell MG, Wigan MR.
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2012 Nov;49:203-11. doi: 10.1016/j.aap.2011.04.002. Epub 2011 May 4.
- The aim of this paper is to compare the kinematic features of motorcycles with those of passenger cars in urban traffic. The hypothesis that motorcycles' capability to swerve in urban traffic contributes to their seemingly assertive behaviour is examined. Data for this study were collected in aftern
- PMID 23036397
Japanese Journal
- 温度場制御技術による薄板構造物の極低歪レーザ溶接方法の開発:-数値シミュレーションを用いた温度場制御によるひずみ低減効果の検討-
- 岡野 成威,池崎 明博,高松 良平,川上 十伍,望月 正人
- 溶接学会全国大会講演概要 2012s(0), 204-205, 2012
- シングルモードファイバーレーザによる薄板構造物の極低ひずみ溶接法の開発に向けて,同時加熱あるいは同時冷却などを用いた温度場制御技術の有用性に関して,数値シミュレーションを用いて検討を行った.
- NAID 130005045923
- Journal of Human Ergology 41(1_2), 95-100, 2012
- … The purpose of this research is to examine the ways bicycles swerve off sidewalks onto roads under various conditions. … We found that the conditions of riding a bicycle with an umbrella caused a larger swerve to avoid the obstacle than those conditions when the rider did not have an umbrella. … In particular, the condition in which the obstacle was a pedestrian who also had an umbrella caused the largest swerve. …
- NAID 130004921884
- 1519 球状黒鉛鋳鉄の破壊靭性試験における歪速度依存性に関する実験的研究(鋼材・検査,材料施工)
- 奥屋 佳孝,中込 忠男,北川 亜希,佐伯 英一郎,富本 淳,芦塚 康祐
- 学術講演梗概集. A-1, 材料施工 2011, 1037-1038, 2011-07-20
- NAID 110009499273
- 温度場制御技術による薄板構造物の極低歪レーザ溶接方法の開発 : ステンレス鋼のファイバーレーザ溶接部の歪測定とその挙動
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