- without having a choice
- determine by choice; "This action was willed and intended"
- a legal document declaring a persons wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die (同)testament
- a fixed and persistent intent or purpose; "where theres a will theres a way"
- decree or ordain; "God wills our existence"
- disposed or inclined toward; "a willing participant"; "willing helpers"
- いやでもおうでも / 不決断の,優柔不断の
- 《単純未来》 / 《平叙文で》…『だろう』,でしょう,する[予定である] / 《疑問文で》…『だろう[か]』 / 《will be+限在分詞の形で》a)《未来のある時点における進行(継続)中の動作を表して》…『しているだろう』,しているでしょう b)《当然の成り行きとして魅来のでき事を表して》…『することになるだろう』,するでしょう,することになる / 《will have+過去分詞の形で》…『してしまっているだろう』,したことになるだろう / 《意志未来》 / 《一人称主語の平叙文で,話者の意志》…『するつもりである』,しよう / 《一・三人称主語の平叙文で,隠やかな命令》…『しなさい』,していただきます / 《二・三人称主語の平叙文で,主語の意志》…『するつもりである』,する意志がある / 《二人称主語の疑問文で》a)《相手の意志を聞いて》…『するつもりです[か]』,します[か]b)《依頼・勧誘》…『してくれませんか』,しませんか / 《想像・推測》…『だろう』,でしょう / 《主語の強い意志・固執》『どうしても』…『しようとする』,必ず…する / 《習慣》『よく…する』 / 《習性・傾向》『…するものである』,する傾向がある / 《無生物主語を伴って》《可能・能力》『できる』 / 《間接話法の被伝達部において,直接話法のwillをそのまま受け継いで》
- 〈U〉〈C〉《しばしばthe ~》(行動を選択する)『意志』,意思 / 〈U〉《時にa ~》(身心を抑制する)『意志力』 / 〈C〉〈U〉(…する)『決意』,意図《+to do》 / 〈U〉《one's will》『願い』,望み / 〈U〉(人・物などに対して抱く)『気持ち』,意向,感情 / 〈C〉(特に正式の)『遺言書』 / 《古》…‘を'『望む』,願う / …‘を'意図する,決意する / 《will+名+名=will+名+to+名》(…に)〈遺産など〉‘を'遺贈する
- 《補語にのみ用いて》『喜んで(快く)する』 / (人・動物などが)『乗り気の』,いそいそとした / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(行為などが)自発的な
- 無(nothing) / 《英》(スポーツの得点で)セロ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/18 21:29:38」(JST)
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Willy nilly may refer to:
- Willy Nilly, a New Zealand television series
- Willy Nilly (comic strip), a British comic strip
- Willy nilly (logic), a choice based solely upon an individual's opinion or discretion
- Willy nilly (philosophy), a philosophical doctrine emphasizing the subjugation of all events or actions to fate
- Willy nilly (psychology), a state of having simultaneous, conflicting feelings toward a person or thing
English Journal
- Life in the cloud and freedom of speech.
- Harris J.Author information Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK. john.harris@manchester.ac.ukAbstractThis paper is primarily about the personal and public responsibilities of ethics and of ethicists in speaking, writing and commenting publicly about issues of ethical, political and social significance. The paper argues that any such interventions are 'willy-nilly', actually or potentially, in the public domain in ways that make any self-conscious decision about intended publics or audiences problematic. In it is argued that a famous, and hitherto useful, distinction relating to the ethical limitations on freedom of speech which we owe to John Stuart Mill may, because of the emergence of 'the cloud' have become redundant or inoperable.
- Journal of medical ethics.J Med Ethics.2013 May;39(5):307-11. doi: 10.1136/medethics-2012-100862.
- This paper is primarily about the personal and public responsibilities of ethics and of ethicists in speaking, writing and commenting publicly about issues of ethical, political and social significance. The paper argues that any such interventions are 'willy-nilly', actually or potentially, in the p
- PMID 23637436
- Depression in medically ill patients.
- Rackley S, Bostwick JM.Author information Department of Psychiatry, The George Washington University School of Medicine, 2300 I Street NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA.AbstractIn medically ill patients, given the many entities the phenotype of depression may represent, clinicians must be prepared to cast their diagnostic nets widely, not settling for the obvious but frequently incorrect choice of major depressive episode and throwing antidepressants at it willy nilly. Having chosen the correct diagnosis from among a broad differential of depression “look-alikes,” clinicians can draw upon a broad swath of treatment modalities including medications, psychotherapy, social supports, and spiritual interventions. Working as a psychiatrist in the medical arena requires the curiosity and analytic skills of a detective and the breadth of knowledge of a polymath adapting therapeutic tools from across the biopsychosociospiritual spectrum to the specific needs of the patient.
- The Psychiatric clinics of North America.Psychiatr Clin North Am.2012 Mar;35(1):231-47. doi: 10.1016/j.psc.2011.11.001. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
- In medically ill patients, given the many entities the phenotype of depression may represent, clinicians must be prepared to cast their diagnostic nets widely, not settling for the obvious but frequently incorrect choice of major depressive episode and throwing antidepressants at it willy nilly. Hav
- PMID 22370500
- Hypnosis, hypnotizability and treatment.
- Sutcher H.AbstractThere is broad agreement that a phenomenon we call "hypnosis" exists. However, there is no generally accepted definition of hypnosis. A brief historical overview of the use of hypnosis in healing practices demonstrates how it evolved willy-nilly, and like Topsy, "just growed" into its current status in medicine, psychiatry, psychology and dentistry. The mechanisms underlying hypnosis and how hypnosis differs from other cognitive states are almost totally unknown. With the exceptions of suggestions for pain control, current concepts of high, medium, low or non-hypnotizability do not reliably predict clinical outcomes for most medical, psychiatric or dental disorders. We do know that it is relatively easy to reliably evaluate hypnotizability, but other than choosing volunteers or subjects who will or will not exhibit traditional hypnotic phenomena, we rarely know what to do with that evaluation with actual clinical patients. Four case studies, representative of many others, chosen retrospectively from a practice that spans 45 years, illustrate how traditional or modern hypnotizability assessment is irrelevant in the clinical setting. Although the four patients differed obviously and vastly in hypnotizability, they all benefited from the use of hypnosis.
- The American journal of clinical hypnosis.Am J Clin Hypn.2008 Jul;51(1):57-67.
- There is broad agreement that a phenomenon we call "hypnosis" exists. However, there is no generally accepted definition of hypnosis. A brief historical overview of the use of hypnosis in healing practices demonstrates how it evolved willy-nilly, and like Topsy, "just growed" into its current status
- PMID 18714892
Japanese Journal
- 11-12世紀のチュニス 都市共和国か君主政都市か
- 余部 福三
- 東京経済大学人文自然科学論集 (136), 63-97, 2015
- … After the disintegration of the Zīrid state as the result of their defeat at thebattle of H4 aydarān in 1052 at the hand of Egyptian Arab nomads composed of the Hilāli tribes, the cities of Tunisia regained their independence willy-nilly. …
- NAID 120005574470
- 円高と日本企業の経営展開の方向性(環太平洋経済圏における産業・経営・会計の諸問題)
- 宮田 矢八郎
- 産業経営研究 18, 21-30, 1996-03
- … The strong yen is willy-nilly forcing Japan's economy into a paradigm shift. …
- NAID 110006159890
- 日本的分業の再編成と下請制(世界経済の変質と日本の対応(総合)-労働政策を中心として-)
- 草原 光明
- 日本大学経済学部経済科学研究所紀要 20, 61-67, 1995-03-31
- … Amid a protracted and severe recession continuing since the second quarter of 1991, the Japanese subcontracting system--hitherto credited as a typically Japanese form of division of labor among business enterprises--is now having to, willy-nilly, restructure itself. …
- NAID 110006159626
Related Links
- Full Definition of WILLY-NILLY 1: by compulsion : without choice 2: in a haphazard or spontaneous manner See willy–nilly defined for English-language learners See willy-nilly defined for kids ADVERTISEMENT Origin of WILLY ...
- willy-nilly 【形】 なかなか決心できない、決断力のない、ためらう、優柔不断の... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
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- 関
- inheritance、may、shall、volition、willingness
- 関
- pleased、spontaneous、spontaneously、voluntarily、voluntary
- 関
- nothing, null, un