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English Journal
- Protocols for staining of bile canalicular and sinusoidal networks of human, mouse and pig livers, three-dimensional reconstruction and quantification of tissue microarchitecture by image processing and analysis.
- Hammad S1, Hoehme S, Friebel A, von Recklinghausen I, Othman A, Begher-Tibbe B, Reif R, Godoy P, Johann T, Vartak A, Golka K, Bucur PO, Vibert E, Marchan R, Christ B, Dooley S, Meyer C, Ilkavets I, Dahmen U, Dirsch O, Böttger J, Gebhardt R, Drasdo D, Hengstler JG.
- Archives of toxicology.Arch Toxicol.2014 May;88(5):1161-83. doi: 10.1007/s00204-014-1243-5. Epub 2014 Apr 19.
- Histological alterations often constitute a fingerprint of toxicity and diseases. The extent to which these alterations are cause or consequence of compromised organ function, and the underlying mechanisms involved is a matter of intensive research. In particular, liver disease is often associated w
- PMID 24748404
- An exploratory analysis of transfer times in a rural trauma system.
- Whedon JM1, von Recklinghausen FM.
- Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock.J Emerg Trauma Shock.2013 Oct;6(4):259-63. doi: 10.4103/0974-2700.120368.
- BACKGROUND: Delays to definitive care are of particular concern in rural trauma systems, where prehospital times are significantly longer than average.AIMS: We evaluated for differences between transferring hospitals in the total time required to transport patients to definitive care, and analyzed f
- PMID 24339658
- Secondary overtriage: the burden of unnecessary interfacility transfers in a rural trauma system.
- Sorensen MJ1, von Recklinghausen FM, Fulton G, Burchard KW.
- JAMA surgery.JAMA Surg.2013 Aug;148(8):763-8. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2013.2132.
- IMPORTANCE: Unnecessary interfacility transfer of minimally injured patients to a level I trauma center (secondary overtriage) can cause inefficient use of resources and personnel within a regional trauma system.OBJECTIVE: To describe the burden of secondary overtriage in a rural trauma system with
- PMID 23784088
Japanese Journal
- 縦隔腫瘍による切迫窒息に対し緊急気管挿管と緊急帝王切開を行ったフォンレックリングハウゼン病合併妊婦の麻酔経験
- 原発巣切除後13年で肝再発をきたしたvon Recklinghausen病合併十二指腸GISTの1例
- The Coexistence of Somatostatinoma and Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in the Duodenum of a Patient with Von Recklinghausen's Disease
Related Links
- レックリングハウゼン病の原因、診断、治療などについて、基礎的及び、臨床的研究の発展と知識の普及、啓発に貢献します。 ... レックリングハウゼン病とは、von Recklinghausen病と言われていた病気のことを示し、現在では神経線維腫 ...
- 岡山県倉敷にある妹尾小児科のホームページです。 ... 神経線維腫症 1型(フォン・レックリングハウゼン病)とは 多発性のカフェ・オ・レ斑、腋窩やそけい部の雀卵斑様色素斑、多発性・散在性の皮膚神経線維腫です。
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