- an elongated rectangular bone that forms the bridge of the nose (同)nasal_bone, os_nasale
- a nonresident doctor or medical student; connected with a hospital but not living there (同)medical extern
- speak in a nasal voice; "`Come here, he nasaled"
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》鼻の / 鼻声の / (音声が)鼻音の / (音声で)鼻音;鼻音字([m][n][g])
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- 1. 経食道心エコーによる血行動態評価 hemodynamics derived from transesophageal echocardiography
- 2. 下肢の後天性動静脈瘻 acquired arteriovenous fistula of the lower extremity
- 3. 内臓逆位(心耳の構造異性)の解剖学、臨床症状および診断 anatomy clinical manifestations and diagnosis of heterotaxy isomerism of the atrial appendages
- 4. 心タンポナーデ cardiac tamponade
- 5. 抗リン脂質抗体症候群の臨床症状 clinical manifestations of the antiphospholipid syndrome
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- ex·ter·nal na·sal veins [TA] several vessels that drain the external nose, emptying into the angular or facial vein. Synonym(s): venae nasales externae [TA] ex·ter·nal na·sal veins (eks-tĕr'năl nā'zăl vānz) [TA] Several vessels that drain ...
- Venae nasales externae information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Venae nasales externae Description of Venae nasales externae Venae ...
- 英
- external nasal vein
- ラ
- venae nasales externae
- 関
- nasotracheal、nose、snout、transnasal
- 関
- vein、venous