- of or involving the uterus; "uterine cancer"
- 子宮の / 同母異父の
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English Journal
- Long-term follow-up and quality of life after robot assisted sacrohysteropexy.
- Grimminck K1, Mourik SL2, Tjin-Asjoe F2, Martens J2, Aktas M2.
- European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.2016 Nov;206:27-31. doi: 10.1016/j.ejogrb.2016.06.027. Epub 2016 Aug 31.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of robot assisted laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy (RALS), with preservation of the uterus, in patients with pelvic organ prolapse on short and long term outcome. We report on (anatomical) status of the prolaps and the associated health rela
- PMID 27614268
- [Does hysterectomy modifies the anatomical and functional outcomes of prolapse surgery?: Clinical Practice Guidelines].
- Cayrac M1, Warembourg S2, Le Normand L3, Fatton B2.
- Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie.Prog Urol.2016 Jul;26 Suppl 1:S73-88. doi: 10.1016/S1166-7087(16)30430-4.
- OBJECTIVE: Provide guidelines for clinical practice concerning hysterectomy during surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolaps, with or without mesh.METHODS: Systematically review of the literature concerning anatomical and functionnal results of uterine conservation or hysterectomie during surgical
- PMID 27595628
- [Vaginal mesh exposure after prolapse surgery. A descriptive study of 43 cases: Epidemiology and therapeutic management].
- Quiboeuf E1, Nidecker S2, Ballanger P3, Hocké C4.
- Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie.Prog Urol.2015 Dec;25(17):1232-40. doi: 10.1016/j.purol.2015.07.003. Epub 2015 Aug 28.
- OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence and time of occurrence of vaginal mesh exposure based on the initial surgical approach of prolaps. To describe their therapeutic management.MATERIAL: Descriptive retrospective study of 43 women followed for vaginal mesh exposure diagnosed during a follow-up visi
- PMID 26321358
Japanese Journal
- 性器脱 (女性外来診療マニュアル) -- (症状・症候から診断・治療へ--婦人科編)
- 子宮脱に対する私どもの手術術式,特に膀胱底形成術と新しい肛門挙筋縫合手技について
- 中山 徹也,大野 秀夫,小川 公一 [他]
- 産婦人科治療 = Obstetrical and gynecological therapy 82(2), 124-131, 2001-02
- NAID 40019869350
- 大野 勉,小田 隆晴,田中 栄一,酒井 安子
- 日本東洋醫學雜誌 47(3), 451-455, 1996-11-20
- 子宮脱や子宮下垂は, 骨盤底筋群の筋力低下や各靱帯組織の弛緩延長が原因と言われているが, これに対する治療法は, ほとんどが手術療法である。保存的治療法としては, ペッサリーリングと漢方薬が知られているが, 漢方薬の中では, 升堤作用を有する補中益気湯が主に使われている。今回38例の子宮脱・子宮下垂に対して補中益気湯を投与しその効果をみた。白覚症状が改善したのは39%で, 改善までの期間は2週間か …
- NAID 110004001200
Related Links
- Uterine prolapse — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, surgery and other treatments of uterine prolapse. ... Uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken, providing inadequate support ...
- Lentz GM. Anatomic defects of the abdominal wall and pelvic floor: abdominal and inguinal hernias, cystocele, urethrocele, enterocele, rectocele, uterine and vaginal prolapse, and rectal incontinence: diagnosis and ...
- 英
- uterine prolaps, prolapse of uterus
- ラ
- prolapsus uteri
- 関
- 子宮下垂、骨盤内臓器脱、POP-Q分類
- 膀胱瘤:前腟脱に合併しやすい。治療は前腟形成術 (NGY.193)
- 1. E.婦人科疾患の診断・治療・管理 6.性器の形態異常:位置異常 - 日産婦誌61巻1号
- http://www.jsog.or.jp/PDF/61/6101-027.pdf
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- prolapsed true hemorrhoids. internal hemorrhoids
- 関
- uteri、uterus、womb
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- uterine、uterus、womb