- duct through which urine is discharged in most mammals and which serves as the male genital duct
- a herniation through the muscular wall of a tubular organ (especially the colon)
- of or relating to the urethra
- 尿道
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English Journal
- Urethral diverticulum in the female: a meta-analysis of modern series.
- Cameron AP1.
- Minerva ginecologica.Minerva Ginecol.2015 Nov 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM: Urethral diverticula are a complex problem for the female pelvic surgeon. Given the rarity of the condition most published series are small and single institutional.METHODS: this is a review article and a meta- analysis including all case series of female urethral diverticulum from the year 200
- PMID 26545036
- Urethral diverticula in women.
- Greenwell TJ1, Spilotros M1.
- Nature reviews. Urology.Nat Rev Urol.2015 Oct 13. doi: 10.1038/nrurol.2015.230. [Epub ahead of print]
- Female urethral diverticula are rare, benign epithelium-lined outpouchings of the female urethra. Patients can present with a multitude of symptoms, most commonly urinary incontinence, recurrent UTIs and dyspareunia. These presenting symptoms are often confused with other diagnoses leading to delaye
- PMID 26458752
- Female Urethral Diverticulum: Current Diagnosis and Management.
- Crescenze IM1, Goldman HB.
- Current urology reports.Curr Urol Rep.2015 Oct;16(10):71. doi: 10.1007/s11934-015-0540-8.
- While urethral diverticulum (UD) affects less than 20 per 1,000,000 women overall, it is thought to represent 1.4% of women with incontinence presenting to urology practices. It is hypothesized to evolve from periurethral glands that become obstructed, infected, and dilated over time, and patients t
- PMID 26267225
Japanese Journal
- 渡邊 俊文,望月 俊輔,三品 美夏
- 日本獣医師会雑誌 68(2), 124-127, 2015
- 7歳齢,去勢雄,体重6.1kgのパピヨンが排尿困難と会陰部皮下の膨隆を主訴に紹介来院した.逆行性尿路造影及びCT検査において尿道と連絡する囊状構造が認められ,尿道憩室と診断した.尿道内視鏡検査では尿道粘膜において憩室と連絡するスリット状の開口部が確認された.外科的に憩室の切開を行い憩室開口部の閉鎖を行ったところ排尿困難は改善し,現在まで憩室の再発はみられず良好な経過が得られている.
- NAID 130004888078
- 寺脇 幹,古村 眞,金森 豊,杉山 正彦,鈴木 完,小西 健一郎,上岡 克彦,長谷川 雄一,山崎 雄一郎,岩中 督
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgery 49(5), 1027-1031, 2013-08-20
- NAID 10031185853
- 症例報告 前部尿道弁・憩室に起因する下部尿路通過障害の3例
Related Links
- Urethral Diverticulum. Urethral diverticula are a relatively common finding among women with chronic genitourinary conditions, such as recurrent infections, postvoid dribbling, and dyspareunia. ... Frequency The frequency ...
- Suffering from recurrent urinary tract infections or experiencing urinary problems? Then perhaps small, bulging pouches along the urethra are the cause. Read on to learn more about what problems they can cause. What is urethral ...
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- urethral diverticulum
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- diverticulum urethra
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