- 同
- anaplastic carcinoma
- any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer
- not differentiated (同)uniform
- がん,がん腫
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- 1. 上皮性の卵巣癌、卵管癌、および腹膜癌:病理 epithelial carcinoma of the ovary fallopian tube and peritoneum histopathology
- 2. 子宮体癌の概要 overview of endometrial carcinoma
- 3. 副鼻腔癌 paranasal sinus cancer
- 4. 分化型甲状腺癌:マネージメントの概要 differentiated thyroid cancer overview of management
- 5. 頭頸部腫瘍の病理 pathology of head and neck neoplasms
English Journal
- [The testing strategy for detection of biologically relevant infection of human papillomavirus in head and neck tumors for routine pathological analysis].
- Kašpírková J, Ondič O, Cerná K, Skálová A.AbstractThere is a subgroup among head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, which is etiologically linked to the infection of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). In recent studies, HPV related squamous cell carcinomas have been placed in a separate group because of their different epidemiology, distinctive histopathological characteristics, therapeutic response and clinical outcome. The reported prevalence of high-risk HPV in head and neck tumors varies in different studies. This fact occurs mainly due to the absence of a widely accepted consensus for HPV detection in head and neck malignancies. We present a methodological algorithm for detection of biologically relevant HPV infection: a combination of an immunohistochemical staining of the p16 protein - a surrogate marker for a transforming HPV infection, and a molecular genetic identification of HPV DNA by three different polymerase chain reactions (PCR). The study group consisted of 41 patients with a tumor in head and neck region. A verification of detection of biologically relevant HPV infection has been performed in 10 available samples using an alternative approach, which comprised the detection of RNA transcript of HPV by reverse transcription followed by PCR (RT-PCR), and further in situ hybridization (ISH) with a commercial high-risk HPV probe. We have found a high correlation between HPV DNA detection using triple-PCR approach and strong diffuse positivity of the p16 protein (correlation coefficient 0.94) and have confirmed the validity of this algorithm. In 94 % of HPV related squamous cell carcinomas HPV type 16 was detected. In one case HPV type 33 was identified. That is in agreement with earlier published data. A more appropriate alternative method for the detection of biologically relevant- transforming HPV infection seems to be RT-PCR, which proved 100 % agreement with the original methodological approach of p16 determination and PCR status. Interpretation of the ISH has been complicated by frequent nonspecific staining of the sample and its routine usage in the diagnostic algorithm of our laboratory is currently not feasible.Keywords: HPV - squamous cell carcinoma - head and neck tumors - p16.
- Ceskoslovenská patologie.Cesk Patol.2013 Dec;49(1):29-34.
- There is a subgroup among head and neck squamous cell carcinomas, which is etiologically linked to the infection of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV). In recent studies, HPV related squamous cell carcinomas have been placed in a separate group because of their different epidemiology, distinctive
- PMID 23432073
- Serum anti-P53 antibodies and alpha-fetoprotein in patients with non-B non-C hepatocellular carcinoma.
- El Azm AR, Yousef M, Salah R, Mayah W, Tawfeek S, Ghorabah H, Mansour N.SourceFaculty of Medicine, Egypt and president of the Egyptian Society of Liver and Environment, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):69. Epub 2013 Feb 25.
- The rate of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing worldwide including Egypt. Non-B non-C HCC was reported in some countries. We aimed to investigate P53 antibodies and alpha-fetoprotein in patients with non-B non-C HCC in our region. In a case series study, included 281 patients with HCC and
- PMID 23518665
- Adenomyoepithelial adenosis associated with breast cancer: a case report and review of the literature.
- Maeda H, Yokoi S, Nakazawa M, Koneri K, Imamura Y, Yamaguchi A.SourceFirst Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Fukui, 23-3, Matsuoka, Shimoaizuki, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, 910-1193 Fukui, Japan.
- SpringerPlus.Springerplus.2013 Dec;2(1):50. Epub 2013 Feb 13.
- Adenomyoepithelial adenosis of the breast is an extremely rare type of adenosis. We herein present the case of a 35-year-old woman, who presented with a small painless hard lump and elastic soft induration of 5 cm in diameter in her left breast. Clinical examination and diagnostic workup were sugge
- PMID 23450635
Japanese Journal
- 松原 裕,立石 雅宏,奥山 稔朗 [他]
- 福岡医学雑誌 103(9), 182-185, 2012-09-25
- … Therefore the original tumor was supposed to be undifferentiated carcinoma, above all, pleomorphic carcinoma. … In pathological examination, the tumor was proved pleomorphic carcinoma, however, no lymph node metastasis was recognized. … Pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung is known to be difficult to obtain definite diagnosis in early stage because of rapid growth. …
- NAID 40019478953
- 今村 史人,稲垣 雅春
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 26(5), 524-528, 2012-07-15
- … 清を施行した.病理組織学的所見では,腫瘍細胞は比較的大型で細胞境界は不鮮明であり,未分化で不規則な胞巣形成と周囲の間質に著明なリンパ球浸潤を認め,肺原発リンパ上皮腫様癌(Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma:LELC)と診断した.またEBV-encoded RNA in situ hybridization(EBER-ISH)は陽性であり,Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)感染の関与が示唆された.免疫染色では,EBNA2,LMP-1は陰性であった.術後2年目にCTで右主気管支周囲リン …
- NAID 10030500938
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- 関
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- anaplastic carcinoma、carcinoma、carcinomatosis、epithelioma、malignant epithelial tumor、spindle cell carcinoma、undifferentiated carcinoma
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- undifferentiated carcinoma、anaplastic carcinoma
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- anaplastic