- 関
- truth
- the quality of being truthful
- conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"; "he was famous for the truth of his portraits"; "he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities" (同)the true, verity, trueness
- a true statement; "he told the truth"; "he thought of answering with the truth but he knew they wouldnt believe it" (同)true statement
- a fact that has been verified; "at last he knew the truth"; "the truth is that he didnt want to do it"
- the quality of being untruthful
- 〈U〉(物事の)真実,事実,真相 / 〈U〉『真実性』,真実味,ほんとうのこと / 〈C〉『真理』,原理 / 〈U〉誠実さ,実直さ,正直
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For other uses, see Honesty (disambiguation).
Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating or theft. Honesty is revered in many cultures and religions. Honesty means being truthful, trustworthy, loyal, fair and sincere. Honesty also means straight forward conduct.
"Honesty is the best policy" is a proverb of unknown origin. "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." AUTHOR- Jefferson.
See also
- Integrity
- Lie
- Sincerity
- Truth
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English Journal
- Detecting suspicious behaviour using speech: Acoustic correlates of deceptive speech - An exploratory investigation.
- Kirchhübel C, Howard DM.SourceAudio Laboratory, Department of Electronics, University of York, YO10 5DD, UK. Electronic address: ck531@ohm.york.ac.uk.
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- Ahlgren J, Nordgren A, Perrudin M, Ronteltap A, Savigny J, van Trijp H, Nordström K, Görman U.SourceEthics Unit, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, jennie.ahlgren@teol.lu.se.
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- Godzien J, Ciborowski M, Angulo S, Barbas C.SourceCEMBIO (Center for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis) Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Campus Monteprincipe, 28 668 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain; Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Krasnicka 102, 20-718, Lublin, Poland.
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Japanese Journal
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- 社会心理学研究 24(1), 23-33, 2008-08-15
- … Using the data on a sample of 408 citizens, SEM (structural equation modeling) revealed two criteria of a fair message: truthfulness and consideration. … The truthfulness criterion consists of three elements: accuracy, informational openness, and suppression of concealment. … The results revealed the same structure and efficiency, so that truthfulness and consideration are commonly used criteria beyond the settings. …
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- 関
- bona fide、true、truly、truthfulness
- 英
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- 関
- 真実