- determine the sum of; "Add all the people in this town to those of the neighboring town" (同)tot, tot up, sum, sum_up, summate, tote up, add, add together, tally, add up
- damage beyond the point of repair; "My son totaled our new car"; "the rock star totals his guitar at every concert"
- add up in number or quantity; "The bills amounted to $2,000"; "The bill came to $2,000" (同)number, add up, come, amount
- a small amount (especially of a drink); "a tot of rum"
- used of automobiles; completely demolished; "the insurance adjuster declared the automobile totaled"
- 『総計の』,全体の / 『全くの』,完全な(absolute) / 『合計』,総額,総数,総量(sum) / …‘を'合計する / 合計…‘に'なる,総額が…‘に'のぼる(amount to)
- 幼児,小児 / (特に酒類の)少量,一杯,一口
- …‘を'合計する《+up+名,+名+up》 / 合計(…に)なる《+up to+名》
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- 1. 全人工股関節置換術 total hip arthroplasty
- 2. 胃全摘術および消化管再建術 total gastrectomy and gastrointestinal reconstruction
- 3. 重度の関節リウマチに対する全関節置換術 total joint replacement for severe rheumatoid arthritis
- 4. 中長期的な機械循環補助 intermediate and long term mechanical circulatory support
- 5. 総肺静脈還流異常症 total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
English Journal
- Amblyopia and Refractive Errors Among School-Aged Children With Low Socioeconomic Status in Southeastern Turkey.
- Caca I, Cingu AK, Sahin A, Ari S, Dursun ME, Dag U, Balsak S, Alakus F, Yavuz A, Palanci Y.AbstractPURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence of refractive errors and other eye diseases, incidence and types of amblyopia in school-aged children, and their relation to gender, age, parental education, and socioeconomic factors.
- Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus.2012 Sep 11:1-7. doi: 10.3928/01913913-20120804-02. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence of refractive errors and other eye diseases, incidence and types of amblyopia in school-aged children, and their relation to gender, age, parental education, and socioeconomic factors.METHODS: A total of 21,062 children 6 to 14 years old were screened. The exam
- PMID 22966784
- Cryptic del/dup aberration of 60.6 Mb at 5q15-5q23.3 predicting adult-onset leukodystrophy.
- Jaklin C, Heiliger K, Hempel M, Sollacher D, Cohen M, Makowski CC, Meitinger T, Jauch A, Oexle K.SourceInstitut für Humangenetik, Klinikum rechts der Isar, TU München, Trogerstr. 32, 81675 München, Germany.
- European journal of medical genetics.Eur J Med Genet.2012 Jul 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- We report on a de novo interstitial del/dup aberration consisting of a 13.3 Mb deletion of 5q15-5q21.3 (92.1-105.4 Mb, hg19) and a 23.6 Mb tandem direct duplication of 5q21.3-5q23.3 (106.1-129.7 Mb, hg19). Although the aberration covered a total of 60.6 Mb, it was cryptic, i.e., not detectable
- PMID 22776853
Japanese Journal
- 塩田 昌美,鈴木 英理,永井 眞之,宮里 和明,後藤 伸彰,清水 由規
- 日本視能訓練士協会誌 17, 104-106, 1989
- … After that, moderate hypermetropia of the right eye was revealed by the objective refraction test, for which he began to apply correcting glasses. … He is still under observation.It is considered that in the patient the visual acuity of the amblyopic eye was improved after he had become so called complete total occlusion due to blindness of the dominant eye. …
- NAID 130003442413
- 宮崎 富重,石井 久子
- 北里医学 12(3), 201-205, 1982-06-30
- われわれは,アルジェリア国において斜視・弱視患者を観察する機会を得,外来を訪れた844例についてその疾患の分類を行なった。内斜視と外斜視の比率は7:1となり,日本人及び欧米人についての今までの報告に比べて,アラブ人の斜視には,内斜視がかなりの高率を占めていることがわかった。屈折に関しては遠視が71.0%と非常に多かった。治療については,まず屈折異常の眼鏡矯正を行ない,その後,弱視に関しては健眼遮閉 …
- NAID 110004691562
- 国立善通寺病院斜視・弱視外来診療の統計的観察:第2報 病態分析と治療成績
- 松原 稔,佐柳 美千代
- 医療 26(5), 416-422, 1972
- … The data obtained were analysed from various stand points.The results could be summarized as follows:1) The rate of the patients with amblyopia or squint was 6.1% to the total of the new patients who visited the eye clinic.2) The age of the patients with amblyopia was 5 to 7 years old in about half of them.3) Refractive state of binocular amblyopia were severe state of hypermetropia or astigmatismus mixtus.4) Amblyopia was severe in the patients with monocular amblyopia. …
- NAID 130004311550
Related Links
- hyperopia /hy·per·opia/ (hi″per-o´pe-ah) farsightedness; a visual defect in which parallel light rays reaching the eye come to a focus behind the retina, vision being better for far objects than for near. Symbol H.hypero´pic. Hyperopia.
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- total hypermetropia
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