- a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse (同)wasting, wasting away
- undergo atrophy; "Muscles that are not used will atrophy"
- any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use) (同)withering
- suggestive of a thyroid disorder; "thyroid personality"
- of or relating to the thyroid gland; "thyroid deficiency"; "thyroidal uptake" (同)thyroidal
- (栄養不良などによる)萎縮(いしゅく) / (一般的に)衰退,退化 / 萎縮する,衰退する / …'を'萎縮させる,衰退させる
- 甲状腺 / 甲状腺の
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English Journal
- Hashimoto encephalopathy presenting as progressive myoclonus epilepsy syndrome.
- Arya R, Anand V, Chansoria M.SourceComprehensive Epilepsy Center, Division of Neurology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
- European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society.Eur J Paediatr Neurol.2012 Jul 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- We report an 11 year old girl with multi-focal spontaneous myoclonus, generalized seizures and behavioural changes. She was found to have sub-clinical hypothyroidism and elevated anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. A diagnosis of Hashimoto encephalopathy (or Steroid Responsive Encephalopathy with Au
- PMID 22840275
- The Impact of MRI White Matter Hyperintensities on Dementia in Parkinson's Disease in Relation to the Homocysteine Level and Other Vascular Risk Factors.
- Sławek J, Roszmann A, Robowski P, Dubaniewicz M, Sitek EJ, Honczarenko K, Gorzkowska A, Budrewicz S, Mak M, Gołąb-Janowska M, Koziorowska-Gawron E, Droździk M, Kurzawski M, Bandurski T, Białecka M.SourceDepartment of Neurological-Psychiatric Nursing, Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland.
- Neuro-degenerative diseases.Neurodegener Dis.2012 Jul 20. [Epub ahead of print]
- Background: The role of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and homocysteine (Hcy) and other vascular risk factors in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD) dementia (PDD) remains unclear. Objective: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of WMH, Hcy and other biochemical and vascular r
- PMID 22831964
Japanese Journal
- 悪性リンパ腫やRiedel甲状腺炎と鑑別を要した橋本病線維亜型の1例
- 尾身 葉子,山本 智子,澤田 達男,西川 俊郎,岡本 高宏,小林 槇雄
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 81(E1), E61-E64, 2011-03-31
- 橋本病線維亜型(HTFV)は、甲状腺濾胞の消失や強い線維化を示す橋本病の一亜型である。今回我々は、臨床的に限局性病変を示したため、悪性リンパ腫(ML)との鑑別を要し、組織学的にはRiedel甲状腺炎(RT)との鑑別を要したHTFVの1例を経験したので、文献的考察を加え、報告する。57歳の女性。2ヶ月前に頸部腫瘤を自覚し、当院を紹介となった。初診時、甲状腺左葉から峡部にかけて硬い腫瘤を触知した。甲状 …
- NAID 110008439101
- The incidence and mechanism of sunitinib-induced thyroid atrophy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma
- Shinohara Nobuo,Takahashi Masayuki,Kamishima Tamotsu,Ikushima Hitoshi,Otsuka Noriyuki,Ishizu Akihiro,Shimizu Chikara,Kanayama Hiroomi,Nonomura Katsuya
- British Journal of Cancer 104(2), 241-247, 2011-01-18
- … Background: In order to elucidate the incidence and the mechanisms of sunitinib-induced thyroid atrophy, we investigated the serial volumetric and functional changes, and evaluated histological changes of the thyroid gland in metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients who received sunitinib. … Methods: Thyroid volume measured by CT volumetry and thyroid function were measured at baseline, during the treatment, and at post-treatment periods. …
- NAID 120003169038
Related Links
- Learn about Thyroid Atrophy using 46 experiences from all over the web. You can check out and compare Thyroid Atrophy medications and their side effects from the patients' point of view. Go to Treato and learn from other people's ...
- Learn what other patients are saying about Thyroid Atrophy and Thyroid. ... is acting against my thyroid!\" But she reminded me my aunt actually has no thyroid (I think she had Ord's thyroiditis which made her thyroid atrophy) and ...
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- thyroid atrophy
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- 甲状腺萎縮症
- 英
- thyroid atrophy
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- 甲状腺萎縮
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- thyroid gland、thyroidal