- to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly; "Jane threw dinner together"; "throw the car into reverse"
- a single chance or instance; "he couldnt afford $50 a throw"
- bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something
- casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly; "he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice"
- the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base"
- the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam (同)stroke, cam stroke
- cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever" (同)flip, switch
- place or put with great energy; "She threw the blanket around the child"; "thrust the money in the hands of the beggar" (同)thrust
- cause to fall off; "The horse threw its inexperienced rider"
- make on a potters wheel; "she threw a beautiful teapot"
- move violently, energetically, or carelessly; "She threw herself forwards"
- propel through the air; "throw a frisbee"
- throw (a die) out onto a flat surface; "Throw a six"
- throw の過去
- …‘を'『投げる』,ほうる / (…に)…‘を'『投げつける』,〈ミサイル・弾丸など〉‘を'発射する《+名+at+名》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈相手〉‘を'投げ倒す,振り落とす / (…に)〈光・影〉‘を'投げかける,浴びせる,向ける《+名+on(over)+名》 / 〈視線・言葉など〉‘を'投げる,投げかける / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所・位置・状態に)…‘を'投げ込む;…‘を'急に(…の)状態に落とし込む / …‘を'急いで着る(脱ぐ)《+on(off)+名,+名+on(off)》;(…に)…‘を'さっと掛ける《+名+over+名》 / 《副詞[句]を伴って》〈手・足など〉‘を'ぐいと動かす / 〈声〉‘を'張り上げる;(腹話術で)〈声〉‘を'別の場所から聞こえてくるように思わせる / 〈スイッチ・連結レバー〉‘を'動かす / 〈陶器〉‘を'ろくろにかけて形造る / 〈家畜が〉〈子〉‘を'産み落とす / 《話》〈パーティーなど〉‘を'催す / 《米話》〈試合・勝負事〉‘を'投げる,わざと負ける,八百長で負ける / 《俗》〈人〉‘を'仰天させる,めんくらわせる / 投げる,ほうる / 『投げること』,投球;発射 / 投げて届く距離,射程 / ショール,スカーフ,えりまき
English Journal
- Isolation rearing reveals latent antisnake behavior in California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus becheeyi) searching for predatory threats.
- Tromborg CT1, Coss RG.
- Animal cognition.Anim Cogn.2015 Jul;18(4):855-65. doi: 10.1007/s10071-015-0853-5. Epub 2015 Mar 1.
- This study of California ground squirrels (Otospermophilus beecheyi) investigated the long-term effects of isolation rearing on alarm-call recognition. Six wild-caught squirrels, trapped as yearlings, and six laboratory-reared squirrels were maintained in solitary cages for approximately 3 years pr
- PMID 25726178
- Using Computational Fluid Dynamics in the forensic analysis of a prison fire.
- Jahn W1, Gonzalez O2, de Dios Rivera J3, Torero JL4.
- Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2015 Jun 12. pii: S0379-0738(15)00238-8. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2015.06.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- On the 8th of December of 2010 a fire killed 81 inmates in a Chilean prison. While the collected evidence (including eye witness' accounts) indicated an intentional fire, started by a group of inmates who were fighting against another group and who ignited a mattress and threw it over a bunk bed ins
- PMID 26126497
- New school meal regulations increase fruit consumption and do not increase total plate waste.
- Schwartz MB, Henderson KE1, Read M, Danna N2, Ickovics JR3.
- Childhood obesity (Print).Child Obes.2015 Jun;11(3):242-7. doi: 10.1089/chi.2015.0019. Epub 2015 Mar 3.
- BACKGROUND: The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act required the USDA to update the nutrition standards of the National School Lunch Program. New policies were implemented in the 2012-2013 school year. These changes were followed by anecdotal reports of increased food waste. Empirical research is nee
- PMID 25734372
Japanese Journal
- 離島観光モデルから見た2009年十島村皆既日蝕ツアー : 小規模外洋離島における観光資本と自治体の相補関係
- 大田 理郁
- 地域政策科学研究 -(9) (-), 1-16, 2012-03
- … The large-scale eclipse tours to these small remote islands threw into the various observation prerequisites for tourists on the islands that had not been considered before. …
- NAID 40019337060
- 加速度センサにより計測した野球投球時の体幹および前腕の運動と投球スピードとの関係
- 齋藤 健治,井上 一彦,井上 伸一
- 人間工学 48(1), 40-47, 2012
- 野球投球時の体幹回旋・前傾と前腕回内の角速度と投球スピードとの関連について調べた.そのために,9名の大学野球投手を被験者として,上胴背部と手首にセンサデバイスを装着し,投球時の体幹回旋・前傾と前腕回内の角速度を計測した.被験者には10球の投球スピード漸増試技を行わせた.投球スピード増大にともない,体幹回旋と前腕回内の角速度最大時刻はボールリリース時刻に近づいた.三つの運動の角速度最大値と,投球スピ …
- NAID 130002138665
- Validation of Trampoline Effect for Earthquake Induced Landslides using Numerical Analysis
- Zheng Lu,Chen Guangqi,Zen Kouki,鄭 媛,陳 光斉,善 功企,ゼン コウキ
- Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University 71(4), 127-139, 2011-12
- … A truck threw upwards by seismic force was discussed based on the simulation results. …
- NAID 80022211752
Related Links
- threwとは。意味や和訳。[動]throwの過去形. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。 ... 辞書すべて 国語 類語 英和 和英 中日 日中 ※「説明文に含む」「見出し語に含む」検索は ...
- throwとは。意味や和訳。[動](threw 〔theta;ruː〕, thrown 〔theta;roun〕)(他)1 [III[名]IV[名][名]]((方向を表す副詞を伴って))〈物を〉(…に)投げる,投げてやる,ほうる((into, to, toward ...));(レスリングなどで)〈人を... - goo辞書は ...
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- 関
- cast、pitch