- 関
- reticular thalamic nucleus、TRN
- a part of the cell containing DNA and RNA and responsible for growth and reproduction (同)cell_nucleus, karyon
- (astronomy) the center of the head of a comet; consists of small solid particles of ice and frozen gas that vaporizes on approaching the sun to form the coma and tail
- any histologically identifiable mass of neural cell bodies in the brain or spinal cord
- the positively charged dense center of an atom
- 中心,核 / (生物の)細胞核 / 原子核
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/12/30 22:31:58」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Brain: Thalamic reticular nucleus |
Latin |
nucleus reticularis thalami |
Part of |
Thalamus |
NeuroNames |
hier-348 |
NeuroLex ID |
birnlex_1721 |
The thalamic reticular nucleus is part of the ventral thalamus that forms a capsule around the thalamus laterally. However, recent evidence from mice and fish question this statement and define it as dorsal thalamic structure.[1][2] It is separated from the thalamus by the external medullary lamina. Reticular cells are GABAergic, and have discoid dendritic arbors in the plane of the nucleus.
Thalamic Reticular Nucleus is variously abbreviated TRN, RTN, NRT, and RT.
- 1 Input and output
- 2 References
- 3 Further readings
- 4 External links
Input and output[edit]
The thalamic reticular nucleus receives input from the cerebral cortex and dorsal thalamic nuclei. Most input comes from collaterals of fibers passing through the thalamic reticular nucleus. Primary thalamic reticular nucleus efferent fibers project to dorsal thalamic nuclei, but never to the cerebral cortex. This is the only thalamic nucleus that does not project to the cerebral cortex, instead it modulates the information from other nuclei in the thalamus. Its function is modulatory on signals going through thalamus (and the reticular nucleus).
It has been suggested that the reticular nucleus receives afferent input from the reticular formation[citation needed] and in turn projects to the other thalamic nuclei, regulating the flow of information through these to the cortex. There is debate over the presence of distinct sectors within the nucleus that each correspond to a different sensory or cognitive modality.
For original connectivity anatomy see Jones 1975.[3]
For discussion of mapping and cross modality pathways see Crabtree 2002.[4]
- ^ Scholpp S, Delogu A, Gilthorpe J, Peukert D, Schindler S, Lumsden A (November 2009). "Her6 regulates the neurogenetic gradient and neuronal identity in the thalamus". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106 (47): 19895–900. doi:10.1073/pnas.0910894106. PMC 2775703. PMID 19903880.
- ^ Vue TY, Bluske K, Alishahi A, et al. (April 2009). "Sonic hedgehog signaling controls thalamic progenitor identity and nuclei specification in mice". J. Neurosci. 29 (14): 4484–97. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0656-09.2009. PMC 2718849. PMID 19357274.
- ^ Jones E (1975). "Some aspects of the organization of the thalamic reticular complex". J. Comp. Neurol. 162 (3): 285–308. doi:10.1002/cne.901620302. PMID 1150923.
- ^ Crabtree JW, Isaac JT (October 2002). "New intrathalamic pathways allowing modality-related and cross-modality switching in the dorsal thalamus". J. Neurosci. 22 (19): 8754–61. PMID 12351751.
Further readings[edit]
- Hestrin, Shaul (2011). "The strength of electrical synapses". Science 334 (6054): 315–316. doi:10.1126/science.1213894. PMID 22021844. Retrieved 2011-10-22.
- Haas, Julie S.; Baltazar Zavala, Carole E. Landisman (2011). "Activity-dependent long-term depression of electrical synapses". Science 334 (6054): 389–393. doi:10.1126/science.1207502. PMID 22021860. Retrieved 2011-10-22.
External links[edit]
- BrainMaps at UCDavis reticular+nucleus+of+thalamus
Human brain: diencephalon (TA A14.1.08, GA 9.807)
Epithalamus |
Surface |
- Pineal body
- Habenula
- Habenular trigone
- Habenular commissure
Grey matter |
- Pretectal area
- Habenular nuclei
- Subcommissural organ
Thalamus |
Surface |
- Stria medullaris of thalamus
- Thalamic reticular nucleus
- Taenia thalami
Grey matter/
nuclei |
- paired: AN
- Ventral
- Lateral
- Metathalamus
- midline: MD
- Intralaminar
- Midline nuclear group
- Interthalamic adhesion
White matter |
- Mammillothalamic fasciculus
- Pallidothalamic tracts
- Ansa lenticularis
- Lenticular fasciculus
- Thalamic fasciculus
- Medial lemniscus
- Trigeminal lemniscus
- Spinothalamic tract
- Lateral lemniscus
- Dentatothalamic tract
- Acoustic radiation
- Optic radiation
- Subthalamic fasciculus
- Anterior trigeminothalamic tract
Hypothalamus |
Surface |
- Median eminence/Tuber cinereum
- Mammillary body
- Infundibulum
Grey matter |
Autonomic zones |
- Anterior (parasympathetic/heat loss)
- Posterior (sympathetic/heat conservation)
Endocrine |
- posterior pituitary: Paraventricular
- magnocellular
- parvocellular
- Supraoptic
- other: Arcuate (dopamine/GHRH)
- Preoptic (GnRH)
- Suprachiasmatic (melatonin)
Emotion |
- Lateral
- Ventromedial
- Dorsomedial
White matter |
- afferent
- SN → Medial forebrain bundle
- efferent
- Mammillothalamic fasciculus → AN, Stria terminalis → Amygdala, Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus → SC
Pituitary |
- Posterior is diencephalon, but anterior is glandular
Subthalamus |
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Zona incerta
Ventricular system:
Third ventricle |
- recesses:
- Optic recess
- Infundibular recess
- Suprapineal recess
- Pineal recess
- Hypothalamic sulcus
- Tela chorioidea of third ventricle
- Apertures: Interventricular/Monro
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Distribution and intrinsic membrane properties of basal forebrain GABAergic and parvalbumin neurons in the mouse.
- McKenna JT, Yang C, Franciosi S, Winston S, Abarr KK, Rigby MS, Yanagawa Y, McCarley RW, Brown RE.SourceLaboratory of Neuroscience, VA Boston Healthcare System and Harvard Medical School, Department of Psychiatry, Brockton, Massachusetts, 02301.
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- Abstract On the basis of theoretical, anatomical, psychological and physiological considerations, Francis Crick (1984) proposed that, during selective attention, the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) controls the internal attentional ...
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Related Pictures

- 関
- reticular thalamic nucleus、thalamic reticular nucleus
- 関
- thalamic reticular nucleus、TRN
- 関
- nucleus reticularis
- 同
- 網様核
- 関
- reticular、reticulata、reticulum
- 関
- thalami、thalamo、thalamus
- 関
- thalamic、thalamo、thalamus