- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/10 15:45:03」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Supratrochlear artery visible through the forehead
Artery: Supratrochlear artery |
The ophthalmic artery and its branches (supratrochlear artery labeled at center top)
The arteries of the face and scalp (supratrochlear artery labeled at upper right, above eye)
Latin |
Arteria supratrochlearis, arteria frontalis |
Gray's |
p.570 |
Supplies |
Forehead: integument, muscles, and pericranium |
Source |
Ophthalmic artery |
The supratrochlear artery (or frontal artery), one of the terminal branches of the ophthalmic artery, branches off where the ophthalmic artery travels posterior to the trochlea.
It leaves the orbit at its medial angle by piercing the orbital septum with the supratrochlear nerve, and, ascending on the forehead, supplies the integument, muscles, and pericranium, anastomosing with the supraorbital artery, and with the artery of the opposite side.
This article incorporates text from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy.
External links
- Photo of model at Waynesburg College circulation/frontalartery
- supratrochlear+artery at eMedicine Dictionary
- Diagram at stchas.edu
- http://www.dartmouth.edu/~humananatomy/figures/chapter_47/47-2.HTM
List of arteries of head and neck (TA A12.2.05–08, GA 6.549)
CC |
sup. thyroid
- superior laryngeal
- sternocleidomastoid branch
- infrahyoid branch
- cricothyroid branch
- glandular branches
asc. pharyngeal
- posterior meningeal
- pharyngeal branches
- inferior tympanic
- suprahyoid
- dorsal lingual
- deep lingual
- sublingual
- cervical branches (ascending palatine, tonsillar, submental, glandular)
- facial branches (inferior labial
- superior labial / nasal septum
- lateral nasal
- angular)
- sternocleidomastoid
- meningeal
- occipital
- auricular
- descending
post. auricular
- stylomastoid
- stapedial
- auricular
- occipital
- Parotid
sup. temporal
- transverse facial
- middle temporal (zygomatico-orbital)
- anterior auricular
- frontal
- parietal
1st part / mandibular
- anterior tympanic
- deep auricular
- middle meningeal (superior tympanic, petrosal)
- accessory meningeal
- inferior alveolar (mental, mylohyoid)
2nd part / pterygoid
- to muscles of mastication (deep temporal, pterygoid, masseteric)
- buccal
3rd part / pterygopalatine
- posterior superior alveolar
- infraorbital (anterior superior alveolar)
- descending palatine (greater palatine, lesser palatine)
- artery of the pterygoid canal
- sphenopalatine (posterior septal branches, posterior lateral nasal)
- pharyngeal
- orbital group:anterior ethmoidal (anterior septal, anterior lateral nasal, anterior meningeal)
- posterior ethmoidal
- lacrimal (lateral palpebral)
- medial palpebral
- terminal (supraorbital, supratrochlear, dorsal nasal)
ocular group: central retinal
- ciliary (short posterior, long posterior, anterior)
- hypophysial (superior, inferior)
- ACA (anterior communicating, medial striate)
- MCA (anterolateral central, Orbitofrontal artery, Prefrontal artery, Superior terminal branch, Inferior terminal branch, Anterior temporal branch)
- posterior communicating
- anterior choroidal
SC |
vertebral artery
- meningeal
- spinal (posterior, anterior)
- basilar: pontine
- labyrinthine
- cerebellar (AICA, SCA, PICA)
- cerebral (PCA)
thyrocervical trunk
inferior thyroid
- inferior laryngeal
- tracheal
- esophageal
- ascending cervical
- pharyngeal
- glandular branches
transverse cervical
- superficial branch
- deep branch / dorsal scapular
costocervical trunk
- deep cervical
- Supreme Intercostal artery
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 顔面裂傷の評価および管理 assessment and management of facial lacerations
- 2. 左前下行枝近位部病変の管理 management of proximal left anterior descending coronary artery disease
- 3. 頸動脈ステントおよびその合併症 carotid artery stenting and its complications
- 4. 冠動脈ステント血栓症:予防および管理 coronary artery stent thrombosis prevention and management
- 5. 冠動脈バイパス術後の長期転帰 long term outcome after coronary artery bypass graft surgery
English Journal
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- Tansatit T1, Moon HJ2, Rungsawang C3, Jitaree B3, Uruwan S3, Apinuntrum P3, Phetudom T3.
- Aesthetic plastic surgery.Aesthetic Plast Surg.2016 Feb 18. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Dorsal nasal augmentation is an essential part of injection rhinoplasty on the Asian nose. Aesthetic physicians require detailed knowledge of the nasal anatomy to accurately and safely inject filler.METHODS: One hundred and thirty-five histological cross sections were examined from 45 lo
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- Bracco S1, Venturi C1, Leonini S1, Romano DG1, Cioni S1, Vallone IM1, Gennari P1, Hadjistilianou T2,3, De Francesco S3, Bertelli E4.
- Surgical and radiologic anatomy : SRA.Surg Radiol Anat.2016 Jan;38(1):79-87. doi: 10.1007/s00276-015-1519-3. Epub 2015 Jul 22.
- PURPOSE: It is well known that many anastomoses can join the external carotid system and the ophthalmic artery. However, their frequency has never been reported. Since they can be relevant for interventional radiologists operating in the orbit, we decided to illustrate and determine the frequency of
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- Safavi-Abbasi S1, Komune N2, Archer JB3, Sun H1, Theodore N1, James J3, Little AS1, Nakaji P1, Sughrue ME3, Rhoton AL2, Spetzler RF1.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2015 Nov 27:1-12. [Epub ahead of print]
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- PMID 26613175
Japanese Journal
- 村松 英俊,蓮見 俊彰,矢澤 智博,阿部 央
- 日本頭蓋顎顔面外科学会誌 = Journal of the Japan Society of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery 24(1), 40-46, 2008-03-25
- NAID 10021290695
- Relation of the Supraorbital Nerve and Vessels to the Notch and Foramen of the Supraorbital Margin
- ,
- Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica 38(5), 411-424, 1962
- … 4/39), for the medial branch (N<SUB>2</SUB>): and<BR>d) supratrochlear foramen (F<SUB>3</SUB>.2.38) and notch (I<SUB>2</SUB> … 1/38), for the supratrochlear nerve (N<SUB>2</SUB>).<BR>4. … they were sometimes for the supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves respectively. … In one case three separate passages for the lateral and medial branches and the supratrochlear nerve were found. …
- NAID 130004990333
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- Translations of supratrochlear artery. supratrochlear artery synonyms, supratrochlear artery antonyms. Information about supratrochlear artery in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Printer Friendly forum Join the ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- supratrochlear artery (M)
- ラ
- arteria supratrochlearis