- 関
- matrices、matrix、stroma
- the substance that is acted upon by an enzyme or ferment
- a surface on which an organism grows or is attached; "the gardener talked about the proper substrate for acid-loving plants" (同)substratum
- an indigenous language that contributes features to the language of an invading people who impose their language on the indigenous population; "the Celtic languages of Britain are a substrate for English" (同)substratum
- any stratum or layer lying underneath another (同)substratum
- (geology) amass of fine-grained rock in which fossils, crystals, or gems are embedded
- mold used in the production of phonograph records, type, or other relief surface
- the body substance in which tissue cells are embedded (同)intercellular substance, ground_substance
- (mathematics) a rectangular array of quantities or expressions set out by rows and columns; treated as a single element and manipulated according to rules
- an enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb)
- the formative tissue at the base of a nail
- a mass of fungal tissue that has spore-bearing structures embedded in it or on it
- the dense colorless framework of a chloroplast
- the supporting tissue of an organ (as opposed to parenchyma)
- (複数形 matrices, ~・es)(発生・成長の)母体 / 鋳型・模型;(レコードの)原盤;(活字の)母型,字母 / (金属・化石・宝石などの含んだ)母岩・《古》子宮・基盤; (細胞)細胞間質; (地学)基質; (印)字母; 紙型; 鋳型; (鉱)母岩; (数)行列; (コンピュータ)マトリックス (入力導線と出力導線の回路網); (言)母型文 (matrix sentence)
- matrixの複数形
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Substrate may refer to:
- Substrate (building), Natural stone, masonry surface, ceramic and porcelain tiles
- Substrate (vivarium), the material used in the bottom of a vivarium or terrarium
- Substrate (aquarium), the material used in the bottom of an aquarium
- Substrate (biochemistry), a molecule that is acted upon by an enzyme
- Substrate (materials science), the material on which a process is conducted
- Substrate (biology), the natural environment in which an organism lives, or the surface or medium on which an organism grows or is attached
- Substrate (locomotion), the surface over which an organism locomotes
- Substrate (chemistry), the reactant which is consumed during a catalytic or enzymatic reaction
- Substrate (marine biology), the earthy material that exists in the bottom of a marine habitat, like dirt, rocks, sand, or gravel
- Substrate (printing), the base material that images will be printed onto
- The stratum on which another geologic stratum lies
- Substrate (electronics), in electronic wafers and thin film electronics, the physical material upon which a semiconductor device, e.g. a photovoltaic cell or an integrated circuit, is applied
- An entire printed circuit board (PCB), or more specifically, the electrically insulating portion of a PCB structure, such as fiberglass bound together with epoxy cement
Other uses
- Substratum (linguistics), in linguistics, a language that influences but is supplanted by a second language
- Neural substrate, in neuroscience, the set of brain structures that underlies a specific behavior or psychological state
See also
- Monism, for the concept of the Universal substrate in philosophy
- Reagent
- Reactant
- Superstrate
- Substrata (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Surface coating as a key parameter in engineering neuronal network structures in vitro.
- Sun Y, Huang Z, Liu W, Yang K, Sun K, Xing S, Wang D, Zhang W, Jiang X.SourceCAS Key Lab for Biological Effects of Nanomaterials and Nanosafety, National Center for NanoScience and Technology, Beijing, 100190, People's Republic of China.
- Biointerphases.Biointerphases.2012 Dec;7(1-4):29. Epub 2012 Apr 24.
- By quantitatively comparing a variety of macromolecular surface coating agents, we discovered that surface coating strongly modulates the adhesion and morphogenesis of primary hippocampal neurons and serves as a switch of somata clustering and neurite fasciculation in vitro. The kinetics of neuronal
- PMID 22589072
- Regulation of integrin adhesions by varying the density of substrate-bound epidermal growth factor.
- Shahal T, Geiger B, Dunlop IE, Spatz JP.SourceDepartment of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, 76100, Rehovot, Israel.
- Biointerphases.Biointerphases.2012 Dec;7(1-4):23. Epub 2012 Mar 3.
- Substrates coated with specific bioactive ligands are important for tissue engineering, enabling the local presentation of extracellular stimulants at controlled positions and densities. In this study, we examined the cross-talk between integrin and epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors following
- PMID 22589066
- Proliferation of Epithelial Cells on PDMS Substrates with Micropillars Fabricated with Different Curvature Characteristics.
- Ng CK, Yu KN.SourceDepartment of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong.
- Biointerphases.Biointerphases.2012 Dec;7(1-4):21. Epub 2012 Feb 17.
- The present work studied the proliferation of epithelial cells when they were cultivated on substrates with micropillars fabricated with the same height but with different curvature characteristics. A special micro-fabrication method was employed to produce these micropillar substrates. Polyallyldig
- PMID 22589064
Japanese Journal
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- 内田 裕大,工藤 幸寛,高橋 泰樹
- 工学院大学研究報告 (114), 31-33, 2013-04-30
- … Then the droplets, smaller than one micron size, are caught and deposited on the substrate surface. …
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- 稲角 大地,吉田 裕一,後藤 丹十郎,村上 賢治
- 岡山大学農学部学術報告 102, 15-20, 2013-02-01
- … Thus, around 30-40% of drainage rate and 50-60 mS・m-1 of drainage EC may be desirable target values for 'Saga-honoka' strawberry grown with peat based substrate. …
- NAID 120005222606
- Synthesis of diamond film and UNCD on BeCu substrate by hot filament CVD
- TSUBOTA Toshiki,AMANO Hiroshi,KOJO Taiki [他]
- Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan = 日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌 121(1410), 187-194, 2013-02-00
- NAID 40019559996
- Inelastic electron tunneling process for alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers
- Okabayashi Norio,Paulsson Magnus,Komeda Tadahiro
- Progress in Surface Science 889(1), 1-38, 2013-02-00
- … Alkanethiol SAMs are usually prepared by immersing a gold substrate into a solution of alkanethiol molecules, and they are very stable, even under ambient conditions. …
- NAID 120005223456
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- 関
- matrix、stroma、substrate
- 英
- substrate(酵素学), stroma(組織学・病理学), ground substance
- ラ
- substantia fundamentalis
- 関