- 関
- submucosa、submucosal
- the connective tissue beneath mucous membrane
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (March 2013) |
Submucosa |
Meissner's plexus
Circular muscle
Auerbach's plexus
longitudinal muscle
Serosa or Adventitia
Endoscopy and radial endoscopic ultrasound images of submucosal tumour in mid-esophagus. The submucosa is seen as a dark ring on the ultrasound image.
In the gastrointestinal tract, the submucosa is the layer of dense irregular connective tissue or loose connective tissue that supports the mucosa, as well as joins the mucosa to the bulk of overlying smooth muscle (fibers running circularly within layer of longitudinal muscle).
- 1 Structure
- 2 Clinical significance
- 2.1 Small intestinal submucosa
- 3 Submucosal images
- 4 References
- 5 External links
Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves (all supplying the mucosa) will run through here. Tiny parasympathetic ganglia are scattered around forming the submucosal plexus (or "Meissner's plexus") where preganglionic parasympathetic neurons synapse with postganglionic nerve fibers that supply the muscularis mucosae. Histologically, the wall of the alimentary canal shows four distinct layers (from the lumen moving out): mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, and a serosa or adventitia.
Clinical significance
Identification of the submucosa plays an important role in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy, where special fibre-optic cameras are used to perform procedures on the gastrointestinal tract. Abnormalities of the submucosa, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors, usually show integrity of the mucosal surface.
The submucosa is also identified in endoscopic ultrasound to identify the depth of tumours and to identify other abnormalities. An injection of dye, saline, or epinephrine into the submucosa is imperative in the safe removal of certain polyps.
Endoscopic mucosal resection involves removal of the mucosal layer, and in order to be done safely, a submucosal injection of dye is performed to ensure integrity at the beginning of the procedure.
Small intestinal submucosa
Small intestinal submucosa (SIS) is submucosal tissue in the small intestines of vertebrates. SIS is harvested (typically from pigs) for transplanted structural material in several clinical applications, typically biologic meshes. They have low immunogenicity. Some uses under investigation include a scaffold for intervertebral disc regeneration.[1][2]
Unlike other scaffold materials, the resorbable SIS extracellular matrix (SIS-ECM) scaffold is replaced by well-organized host tissues, including differentiated skeletal muscle.[3]
Submucosal images
Section of the human esophagus. Moderately magnified.
Vertical section of bladder wall.
General structure of the gut wall showing the submucosa.
- ^ Oelschlager BK, Pellegrini CA, Hunter J, et al. (October 2006). "Biologic prosthesis reduces recurrence after laparoscopic paraesophageal hernia repair: a multicenter, prospective, randomized trial". Ann. Surg. 244 (4): 481–90. doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000237759.42831.03. PMC 1856552. PMID 16998356.
- ^ Helton WS, Fisichella PM, Berger R, Horgan S, Espat NJ, Abcarian H (June 2005). "Short-term outcomes with small intestinal submucosa for ventral abdominal hernia". Arch Surg 140 (6): 549–60; discussion 560–2. doi:10.1001/archsurg.140.6.549. PMID 15967902.
- ^ Badylak S, Kokini K, Tullius B, Simmons-Byrd A, Morff R (April 2002). "Morphologic study of small intestinal submucosa as a body wall repair device". J. Surg. Res. 103 (2): 190–202. doi:10.1006/jsre.2001.6349. PMID 11922734.
External links
- submucosa at eMedicine Dictionary
Anatomy of torso, digestive system: Gastrointestinal tract, excluding mouth (TA A05.3–7, TH H3.04.02-04, GA 11.1141)
Upper GI |
Hypo- pharynx
- spaces:
- Peripharyngeal space
- Retropharyngeal space
- Parapharyngeal space
- Retrovisceral space
- Retropharyngeal space
- Danger space
- Prevertebral space
- Pterygomandibular raphe
- Pharyngeal raphe
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
- Pharyngobasilar fascia
- Esophageal glands
- Serosa / Adventitia
- Muscular layer
- Submucosa
- Mucosa
- by region:
- Greater curvature
- Lesser curvature
- Cardia
- Body
- Fundus
- Pylorus
- by layer:
- Serosa
- Muscular layer
- Submucosa
- Gastric mucosa
- Muscularis mucosa
- Gastric rugae
- Gastric pits
- Gastric gland
- Cardiac glands
- Fundic glands
- Pyloric glands
Lower GI |
Intestine: small
- Serosa
- Subserosa
- Muscular layer
- Circular folds
- Submucosa
- Mucosa
- Muscularis mucosa
- Peyer's patches
- Intestinal villus
- Intestinal gland
- Suspensory muscle
- Major duodenal papilla
- Minor duodenal papilla
- Duodenal cap
- Duodenojejunal flexure
- Brunner's glands
- Terminal ileum
- Ileocecal valve
Intestine: large
- Serosa
- Subserosa
- Muscular layer
- Submucosa
- Mucosa
- ascending colon
- hepatic flexure
- transverse colon
- splenic flexure
- descending colon
- sigmoid colon
- continuous
- taenia coli
- haustra
- epiploic appendix
- Transverse folds of rectum
- Rectal ampulla
Anal canal
- Anal columns
- Anal valves
- Anal sinuses
- Pectinate line
- Sphincter ani internus muscle
- Intersphincteric groove
- Sphincter ani externus muscle
anat (t, g, p)/phys/devp/enzy
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon
proc, drug (A2A/2B/3/4/5/6/7/14/16), blte
Anatomy: urinary system (TA A08, TH H3.06, GA 11.1215)
Abdomen |
- Renal fascia
- Renal capsule
- Renal cortex
- Renal medulla
- Renal sinus
- Renal pyramids
- medullary interstitium
- Renal lobe
- Cortical lobule
- Medullary ray
- Nephron
Intrarenal arteries
- Renal artery
- Segmental arteries
- Interlobar arteries
- Arcuate arteries
- Interlobular arteries
- Afferent arterioles
Renal tubule
- Renal corpuscle
- Glomerulus
- Bowman's capsule
- Proximal tubule
- Loop of Henle
- Descending
- Thin ascending
- Thick ascending
- Distal convoluted tubule
- Connecting tubule
- Collecting ducts aka Duct of Belini
- Renal papilla
- Minor calyx
- Major calyx
- Renal pelvis
Intrarenal veins
- Efferent arterioles
- Peritubular capillaries/Vasa recta
- Arcuate vein
- Interlobar veins
- Renal vein
- Macula densa
- Juxtaglomerular cells
- Mesangium/Extraglomerular mesangial cell
- Glomerular basement membrane
- Podocyte
- Filtration slits
- Mesangium/Intraglomerular mesangial cell
- Tubular fluid
- Orifice of ureter
- Adventitia
- Muscular layer
- Mucosa
- Ureteropelvic junction
Pelvis |
- Apex
- Uvula
- Neck
- Median umbilical ligament
- Muscular layer
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Urethral sphincters
- External sphincter muscle of male urethra
- External sphincter muscle of female urethra
- Internal sphincter muscle of urethra
noco/acba/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, urte
proc/itvp, drug (G4B), blte, urte
Connective Tissue (TH H2.00.03)
Physiology |
- Soft tissue
- Fibrosis
- Scarring
Classification |
Connective tissue proper |
Loose |
Dense |
- Dense irregular connective tissue
- Dense regular connective tissue
- Ligament
- Tendon
- Aponeurosis
Embryonic |
Specialized |
Composition (Histology) |
Cells |
Resident |
- Fibroblast
- Fibrocyte
- Reticular cell
- Tendon cell
cell |
(noncellular) |
Ground substance |
Fibers |
- Elastic fibers: Elastin
- Fibrillin
See also: Template:Soft tissue tumors and sarcomas
noco (i/b/d/q/u/r/p/m/k/v/f)/cong/tumr (n/e/d), sysi/epon
proc, drug (D2/3/4/5/8/11)
anat (h/n, u, t/d, a/p, l)/phys/devp/hist
noco (m, s, c)/cong (d)/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Resection of peripheral branches of the posterior nasal nerve compared to conventional posterior neurectomy in severe allergic rhinitis.
- Kobayashi T, Hyodo M, Nakamura K, Komobuchi H, Honda N.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology, Kochi Medical School, Japan.
- Auris, nasus, larynx.Auris Nasus Larynx.2012 Dec;39(6):593-6. Epub 2012 Feb 15.
- OBJECTIVE: Transnasal resection of the posterior nasal nerve (TRPN) is the surgical procedure for drug therapy-resistant, intractable allergic rhinitis (AR). Submucous inferior turbinectomy also improves nasal symptoms in severe AR. Surgical injury to this peripheral nerve fibre may be the major cau
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- Darji P, Banker H, Gandhi V, Thakkar G.SourceDepartment of Radiology, NHL MMC, SCL Hospital, Saraspur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2012 Aug 13;2012. pii: bcr0220125841. doi: 10.1136/bcr-02-2012-5841.
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Japanese Journal
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- submucous /sub·mu·cous/ (sub-mu´kus) beneath a mucous membrane. submucous [-m(y)o o ′kəs] pertaining to a location beneath a mucous membrane. submucosal, adj. submucous [sub-mu´kus] beneath a mucous membrane.
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- 英
- submucosa、submucosal、submucous
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- 粘膜下層
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- submucosa、submucous