- 関
- sterilise、sterilization
- make free from bacteria (同)sterilise
- make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized" (同)sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, desexualise, fix
- the act of making an organism barren or infertile (unable to reproduce) (同)sterilisation
- the procedure of making some object free of live bacteria or other microorganisms (usually by heat or chemical means) (同)sterilisation
- not sterilized (同)unsterilised
- made infertile (同)sterilised
- …‘を'殺菌する,消毒する / …‘を'断種する,不妊にする / 〈土地〉‘を'不毛にする / 〈思想・内容など〉‘を'貧弱にする,〈計画・努力など〉‘を'無駄にする,無効にする
- 消毒器;殺菌剤
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/27 13:02:41」(JST)
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Sterilization can refer to:
- The elimination of microbiological organisms to achieve asepsis, a sterile microbial environment
- Sterilization (microbiology)
- Soil steam sterilization, a farming technique that sterilizes soil with steam in open fields or greenhouses
- A medical technique that intentionally leaves a person unable to reproduce
- Sterilization (medicine)
- Animal sterilization, known as neutering
- Sterilization (economics), a term referring to central bank operations aimed at neutralizing foreign exchange operations' impact on domestic money supply and to generally offset potentially adverse consequences of large capital flows.
See also
- Sterility (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 女性の避妊手術 surgical sterilization of women
- 2. 子宮鏡での避妊手術 hysteroscopic sterilization
- 3. 患者情報:女性の永久不妊法(詳細) permanent sterilization procedures for women beyond the basics
- 4. 避妊の概要 overview of contraception
- 5. 精管切除の概要 overview of vasectomy
English Journal
- Influence of various sterilization procedures on TiO2 nanotubes used for biomedical devices.
- Junkar I1, Kulkarni M2, Drašler B3, Rugelj N3, Mazare A4, Flašker A2, Drobne D3, Humpolíček P5, Resnik M6, Schmuki P4, Mozetič M6, Iglič A2.
- Bioelectrochemistry (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Bioelectrochemistry.2016 Jun;109:79-86. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2016.02.001. Epub 2016 Feb 10.
- Sterilization is the final surface treatment procedure of all implantable devices and is one of the key factors which have to be considered before implementation. Since different sterilization procedures for all implantable devices influence mechanical properties as well as biological response, the
- PMID 26900885
- Effects of γ-irradiation of original and organic matter-amended soils on the sorption of triclosan and diuron from aqueous solutions.
- Borisover M1, Keren Y2, Usyskin A3, Bukhanovsky N4.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2016 Jun;152:62-70. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.02.091. Epub 2016 Mar 7.
- Soil γ-irradiation is a well-known method of inhibiting microbial activity in studies of the soil sorption of organic compounds. However, few studies have addressed the possible effect of γ-irradiation on the sorptive ability of soils enriched with different types of organic matter (OM). The objec
- PMID 26963237
- Effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide and electron-beam irradiation treatment for removal and inactivation of viruses in equine-derived xenografts.
- Cusinato R1, Pacenti M2, Martello T3, Fattori P4, Morroni M5, Palù G6.
- Journal of virological methods.J Virol Methods.2016 Jun;232:39-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2016.03.001. Epub 2016 Mar 8.
- Bone grafting is a common procedure for bone reconstruction in dentistry, orthopedics, and neurosurgery. A wide range of grafts are currently used, and xenografts are regarded as an interesting alternative to autogenous bone because all mammals share the same bone mineral component composition and m
- PMID 26969529
- Evaluation of physicochemical properties of SiO2-coated stainless steel after sterilization.
- Walke W1, Paszenda Z1, Pustelny T2, Opilski Z2, Drewniak S2, Kościelniak-Ziemniak M3, Basiaga M4.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications.Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2016 Jun 1;63:155-63. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2016.02.065. Epub 2016 Feb 26.
- The study of most of the literature devoted to the use of coronary stents indicates that their efficiency is determined by the physicochemical properties of the implant surface. Therefore, the authors of this study suggested conditions for the formation of SiO2 layers obtained with the use of sol-ge
- PMID 27040207
Japanese Journal
- Confirmation of the Sterilization Effect Using a High Concentration of Ozone Gas for the Bio-Clean room
- Biocontrol Science 18(1), 9-20, 2013
- … In the past, formaldehyde gas was most commonly used to sterilize bio-cleanrooms, but due to strict residual limitations there has been a need to develop a less toxic alternative choice. … The authors have developed a revolutionary new sterilization system using a high concentration of ozone gas and used this system to sterilize an actual bio-cleanroom. …
- NAID 130003373485
- 大網充填後栄養状態の改善により軽快した気管支断端瘻の1例
- 齋藤 学,砥石 政幸,椎名 隆之,近藤 竜一,高砂 敬一郎,吉田 和夫
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(6), 662-666, 2011-09-15
- 症例は,74歳女性.1997年8月右肺癌に対して,前医にて右中下葉切除を施行された.術後4年7ヵ月に肺アスペルギルス症による喀血にて当科に紹介となった.当科にて右胸膜残肺全摘術を施行したが,術後気管支断端瘻となり,開窓術を行った.開窓術の10ヵ月後,有茎大網弁を用いて気管支断端瘻の閉鎖術を施行した.しかし,再び断端瘻によるMethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus A …
- NAID 10029458735
- 上林 融
- 福岡歯科大学学会雑誌 37(2), 60-65, 2011-06-30
- … At our clinic, we use "chair-side anaerobic culture system" to sterilize root canals as much as possible and are doing our best everyday. …
- NAID 110008733456
- ベンジャミン・ストロングと1920年代の国際金融協力
- 秋元 英一,アキモト エイイチ,Akimoto Eiichi
- 経済研究 25(4), 835-869, 2011-03
- … Strong took great pains to control the rates of interest to avoid deflation on the one hand, and to "sterilize" gold coming into the U.S. to keep off inflation on the other. …
- NAID 40018785288
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- 関
- bactericidal、contraception、contraceptive、disinfect、disinfection、pasteurization、sterilisation、sterilise、sterilize
- 英
- sterilization、sterilize
- 関
- 殺菌、避妊、不妊法、無菌化、滅菌、滅菌法
- 英
- sterilization、sterilize
- 関
- 殺菌、避妊、不妊化、不妊法、滅菌、滅菌法
- 関
- sterilization、sterilize