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- 1. 成人外傷患者における脾損傷のマネージメントmanagement of splenic injury in the adult trauma patient [show details]
…lymphoid mass of the body. Normal splenic function is important for opsonization of encapsulated organisms. Splenic physiology is discussed in detail elsewhere. Splenic injury most commonly occurs following …
- 2. 成人外傷患者における脾臓損傷の外科的マネージメントsurgical management of splenic injury in the adult trauma patient [show details]
… encapsulated organisms. Splenic physiology is discussed in detail separately. The spleen is predominantly perfused by the splenic artery, which is a branch of the celiac trunk. Splenic blood flow is also …
- 3. 成人に生じる脾腫やそれ以外の脾臓疾患の評価evaluation of splenomegaly and other splenic disorders in adults [show details]
…hematopoietic processes . Filtering – The markedly reduced rate of blood flow in the narrow splenic sinusoids lined with reticuloendothelial macrophages facilitates robust filtering of the blood and removal …
- 4. 脾辺縁帯リンパ腫splenic marginal zone lymphoma [show details]
… carries the descriptive name "splenic diffuse red pulp small B cell lymphoma" . As the name implies, this tumor shows diffuse involvement of red pulp cords and sinusoids, and does not involve the white …
- 5. 脾臓の機能障害がある患者の発熱の臨床的特徴、評価、マネージメントclinical features evaluation and management of fever in patients with impaired splenic function [show details]
… loss of splenic function (eg, presence of Howell-Jolly bodies on blood smear or low number of circulating immunoglobulin [Ig]M memory B cells). The best method for assessing splenic function… sinusoids serve as mechanical filters that remove rigid particles >1 micron in size from circulation,…
English Journal
- Single-Cell Transcriptome Atlas of Murine Endothelial Cells.
- Kalucka J, de Rooij LPMH, Goveia J, Rohlenova K, Dumas SJ, Meta E, Conchinha NV, Taverna F, Teuwen LA, Veys K, García-Caballero M, Khan S, Geldhof V, Sokol L, Chen R, Treps L, Borri M, de Zeeuw P, Dubois C, Karakach TK, Falkenberg KD, Parys M, Yin X, Vinckier S, Du Y, Fenton RA, Schoonjans L, Dewerchin M, Eelen G, Thienpont B, Lin L, Bolund L, Li X, Luo Y, Carmeliet P.
- Cell. 2020 Feb;180(4)764-779.e20.
- The heterogeneity of endothelial cells (ECs) across tissues remains incompletely inventoried. We constructed an atlas of >32,000 single-EC transcriptomes from 11 mouse tissues and identified 78 EC subclusters, including Aqp7 intestinal capillaries and angiogenic ECs in healthy tissues. ECs from brai
- PMID 32059779
- PMID 30020619
- Calcium Channels and Calcium-Regulated Channels in Human Red Blood Cells.
- Kaestner L, Bogdanova A, Egee S.
- Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 2020 ;1131()625-648.
- Free Calcium (Ca) is an important and universal signalling entity in all cells, red blood cells included. Although mature mammalian red blood cells are believed to not contain organelles as Ca stores such as the endoplasmic reticulum or mitochondria, a 20,000-fold gradient based on a intracellular C
- PMID 31646528
Japanese Journal
- IgG4およびEpstein-Barr virus陽性の脾sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformationの1切除例
- 矢野 智之,川瀬 寛,松井 あや,岡本 哲郎,鳥越 俊彦,平野 聡
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 51(5), 357-364, 2018
- <p>症例は32歳の女性で,下血の精査で施行した腹部単純CTで脾臓に38 mm大の腫瘤を認め,造影CT平衡相では内部はspoke-wheel patternを呈していた.Sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation(以下,SANTと略記)を疑ったが,他疾患も否定できず腹腔鏡下脾臓摘出術を施行した.病理学的には線維芽細胞様の紡錘形細胞の増生と …
- NAID 130007379920
- 大腸癌術後補助化学療法FOLFOXによる脾臓容積の変化の検討
- 岩井 拓磨,山田 岳史,吉田 寛,菅 隼人,進士 誠一,谷合 信彦,真々田 裕宏,内田 英二
- 日本門脈圧亢進症学会雑誌 22(2), 146-151, 2016
- <p>【背景】Oxaliplatinを術後補助化学療法に用いることで大腸癌Stage III症例の再発率を低下させるが,本薬剤の有害事象の一つに肝類洞障害がある.類洞障害は再発や転移をきたした場合に治療のリスクが上昇する.類洞障害の診断は肝生検により行うが,類洞障害の程度が脾臓容積と有意に相関することが報告された.本研究ではFOLFOX投与前後の脾臓容積を測定することで同療法による肝類 …
- NAID 130007552405
- Localization of type XV and type XVIII collagens in blood capillary basement membrane :
- Inoue Satoko,Takahashi Chieko,Naito Ichiro
- Acta histochemica et cytochemica 35(1), 63, 2002
- … But specialized capillaries, such as glomerular and alveolar capillaries, liver sinusoid, and splenic sinus expressed only al(XVIII) chain. …
- NAID 110003150934
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