- 関
- spinal epidural hematoma
- work natural fibers into a thread; "spin silk"
- prolong or extend; "spin out a visit" (同)spin out
- the act of rotating rapidly; "he gave the crank a spin"; "it broke off after much twisting" (同)twirl, twist, twisting, whirl
- a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion); "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"
- a short drive in a car; "he took the new car for a spin"
- a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
- revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy" (同)spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate
- form a web by making a thread; "spiders spin a fine web"
- make up a story; "spin a yarn"
- stream in jets, of liquids; "The creek spun its course through the woods"
- twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation; "The Presidents spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"
- of or relating to the spine or spinal cord; "spinal cord"; "spinal injury"
- on or outside the dura mater (同)extradural
- (羊毛などから)〈糸など〉‘を'『紡ぐ』《+『名』+『out of』+『名』〈羊毛〉》,(糸などに)〈羊毛など〉‘を'紡ぐ《+『名』〈羊毛〉+『into』+『名』》 / 〈クモ・カイコなどが〉〈糸〉‘を'『吐く』;〈巣・繭〉‘を'かける / …‘を'くるくる回す / 〈物語など〉‘を'作る,話す / 『糸を紡ぐ』;〈クモ・カイコなどが〉糸を吐く / 〈こまなどが〉くるくる回る / 〈車などが〉疾走する / 〈頭などが〉くらくらする / 〈C〉〈U〉くるくる回すこと;回転 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(車などの)一走り / 〈C〉(飛行機の)きりもみ降下 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(価値などの)急落
- 背骨の / せき髄麻酔
- 出血,(特に)大量出血 / 多量に出血する
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English Journal
- Fatal Cervical Spine Injury From Diving Accident.
- Voland C1, Vilarino R, Grabherr S, Lobrinus JA, Palmiere C.
- The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology.Am J Forensic Med Pathol.2015 Sep;36(3):216-8. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0000000000000176.
- Spinal cord injuries result after diving into shallow water, often after incautious jumps head first into water of unknown depth during recreational or sport activities. Mortality is generally due to upper cervical trauma. The authors present a case of a diving-related death in a young woman who und
- PMID 26108039
- Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma in a patient with acquired Factor X deficiency secondary to systemic amyloid light-chain amyloidosis.
- Arishima H, Tada A, Isozaki M, Kitai R, Kodera T, Kikuta K, Tai K, Iwasaki H.
- The journal of spinal cord medicine.J Spinal Cord Med.2015 Sep;38(5):641-4. doi: 10.1179/2045772314Y.0000000230. Epub 2014 Jun 29.
- Background Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is relatively rare. SSEH with anticoagulants including warfarin and rivaroxaban (Factor Xa inhibitor) have been reported; however, SSEH with Factor X deficiency has not been described yet. Methods Case report. Findings An 82-year-old woman with
- PMID 24974738
- Ischemic stroke differential diagnose: spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma can be fatal.
- Buyukgol H1, Ilik MK2, Ilik F3.
- The American journal of emergency medicine.Am J Emerg Med.2015 Aug;33(8):1112.e1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.01.018. Epub 2015 Jan 21.
- PMID 25748286
Japanese Journal
- 特発性脊髄硬膜外血腫の16症例の臨床分析―脳卒中との類似点を中心に―
- 原 直之,大隣 辰哉,西原 伸治,大田 泰正,栗山 勝
- 臨床神経学 54(5), 395-402, 2014
- 特発性脊髄硬膜外血腫16例の臨床分析をおこない,脳卒中と類似した点を検討した.初診時に片麻痺を示す症例が10例(62.5%)で,ホルネル症候群を4例(25%),無痛性の発症を1例(6.3%)みとめた.また激痛発症で迷走神経反射による意識障害をきたし,くも膜下出血様の症例もみとめた.MRI画像が確定診断に有用であり,好発部位は頸髄下部であった.横断像では血腫は,左右どちらかに偏った楕円形が多く,偏在 …
- NAID 130004505577
- 清末 一路
- 日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 28(1), 44-57, 2013
- … Symptoms of dural arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) vary from asymptomatic-mild symptoms to fatal hemorrhage. … Non-sinusal dural AVFs/spinal dural AVFs are highly associated with aggressive symptoms, and should be completely occluded by open surgery or transarterial embolization with liquid embolic materials. … Transvenous embolization should be considered as a first-line option for the treatment of sinusal dural AVFs/spinal epidural AVFs. …
- NAID 130004679951
- Anesthetic Management of Pregnant Women With Stroke
- , , ,
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica 53(8), 537-540, 2013
- … Hemorrhagic stroke, including intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage, often requires emergency surgical intervention. … Whether the patients receive general or spinal and epidural anesthesia is another clinically significant issue. …
- NAID 130003364282
Related Links
- Hemorrhage affecting the spinal cord is rare. It most commonly is caused by trauma, vascular malformations, or bleeding diatheses and can be intramedullary, subarachnoid, subdural, or epidural. ... Francisco Talavera ...
- Spontaneous spinal epidural hematoma (SSEH) is a relatively rare but significant spinal condition. Urgent surgical evacuation of a hematoma is generally indicated to prevent serious permanent neurological deficits. We ...
- 英
- spinal epidural hemorrhage
- 関
- 脊髄硬膜外血腫
- 関
- spinal epidural hemorrhage
- 関
- dorsal spine、rachis、spinal column、spinal cord、spine、vertebral column
- 関
- extradural、extradurally
- 関
- bleeding