- 関
- snRNP
- slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope; "a series of death struggles with small time in between"
- a garment size for a small person
- the slender part of the back
- limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a little dining room"; "a little house"; "a small car"; "a little (or small) group" (同)little
- have fine or very small constituent particles; "a small misty rain"
- on a small scale; "think small"
- of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces"
- (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs" (同)atomic
- constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation"
- of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division"
- (大きさが)『小さい』,小形の;(量が)『少ない』,わずかな / 『取るに足りない』,ささいな(trivial) / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(仕事・活動などが)『小規模の』,ささやかな / 心が狭い,利己的な / (音・声が)弱い,小さい / (文字が)小型の,小文字の / 《the~》小さいもの;(…の)細い部分《+『of』+『名』》 / 《複数形で》《英》(衣類・ハンカチなどの)小物,小間物 / 小さく,細かく / (声などが)低く,弱く / 小規模に,こぢんまりと
- 『核の』,細胞核の / [『原子』]『核の』
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English Journal
- Cryo-EM structure of a human spliceosome activated for step 2 of splicing.
- Bertram K1, Agafonov DE2, Liu WT1, Dybkov O2, Will CL2, Hartmuth K2, Urlaub H3,4, Kastner B2, Stark H1, Lu Hrmann R2.
- Nature.Nature.2017 Feb 16;542(7641):318-323. doi: 10.1038/nature21079. Epub 2017 Jan 11.
- Spliceosome rearrangements facilitated by RNA helicase PRP16 before catalytic step two of splicing are poorly understood. Here we report a 3D cryo-electron microscopy structure of the human spliceosomal C complex stalled directly after PRP16 action (C*). The architecture of the catalytic U2-U6 ribon
- PMID 28076346
- The Survival of Motor Neuron Protein Acts as a Molecular Chaperone for mRNP Assembly.
- Donlin-Asp PG1, Fallini C1, Campos J1, Chou CC1, Merritt ME2, Phan HC3, Bassell GJ4, Rossoll W5.
- Cell reports.Cell Rep.2017 Feb 14;18(7):1660-1673. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.01.059.
- Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a motor neuron disease caused by reduced levels of the survival of motor neuron (SMN) protein. SMN is part of a multiprotein complex that facilitates the assembly of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). SMN has also been found to associate with mRN
- PMID 28199839
- Identification of antibody against SNRPB, small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated proteins B and B', as an autoantibody marker in Crohn's disease using an immunoproteomics approach.
- Wang H1, Demirkan G1, Bian X1, Wallstrom G1, Barker K1, Karthikeyan K1, Tang Y1, Pasha SF1, Leighton JA1, Qiu J1, LaBaer J1.
- Journal of Crohn's & colitis.J Crohns Colitis.2017 Feb 14. doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjx019. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28204086
Japanese Journal
- <Original Papers>全身性自己免疫疾患(膠原病)の新規診断マーカーの開発を目的とした自己抗原U1-68K の疾患特異的低リン酸化体の簡便な定量法の検討
- 永井 宏平,齊藤 壱騎,有戸 光美,黒川 真奈絵,加藤 智啓
- 近畿大学生物理工学部紀要 35, 7-16, 2015-03
- … [要旨]全身性エリテマトーデス(SLE)や混合性結合組織病(MCTD)などの自己免疫疾患患者の末梢血リンパ球では, 自己抗原U1-small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 68k (U1-68k) のリン酸化が外れた低リン酸化亜型が増加していることが近年発見された. …
- NAID 120005616199
- A split luciferase-based reporter for detection of a cellular macromolecular complex
- Maita Hiroshi,Tomita Kenji,Ariga Hiroyoshi
- Analytical Biochemistry 452, 1-9, 2014-05-01
- … The spliceosome is a highly dynamic macromolecular ribonucleoprotein (RNP) machine that catalyzes pre-mRNA splicing by assembling Ul, U2, U4, U5, and U6 small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs). …
- NAID 120005460254
- 混合性結合組織病におけるU1 RNP70-Kd蛋白とU1 RNAによる立体構造を対応抗原とする抗U1 RNP抗体の臨床的意義の検討
- 縄田 益之,松下 雅和,松平 蘭,山田 浩史,金田 和彦,浅野 正直,山中 健次郎,村上 昭弘,高崎 芳成
- 順天堂医学 57(5), 477-487, 2011
- … 抗U1 RNP (ribonucleoprotein) 抗体は, snRNP (small nuclear RNP) の一つであるU1 RNPに対する自己抗体で, 厚生労働省特定疾患混合性結合組織病 (mixed connective tissue disease: MCTD) 調査研究班が提唱した診断基準において, 同抗体の存在はMCTDと診断する際の必須項目とされている. …
- NAID 130004712220
Related Pictures

- 英
- small nuclear ribonucleoprotein、snRNP
- 関
- 核内低分子リボ核タンパク質
- 英
- small nuclear ribonucleoprotein
- 関
- 低分子リボ核タンパク
- 同
- small nuclear ribonucleoprotein
- 関
- U4-U6 snRNP
- 関
- U1 snRNP
- 関
- U2 snRNP
- 関
- U5 snRNP
- 関
- cell nuclei、cell nucleus、nuclei、nucleo、nucleus
- 関
- little、petit、tiny