- holding office; "the in party"
- to or toward the inside of; "come in"; "smash in the door" (同)inwards, inward
- currently fashionable; "the in thing to do"; "large shoulder pads are in"
- directed or bound inward; "took the in bus"; "the in basket"
- not open; "the door slammed shut" (同)unopen, closed
- (家・病院などに)引きこもった / 病弱で外出できない人,引きこもる人
- 《具体的な場所,位置》 / …『の中に』(『で』) / …『において』,…で / 《intoの代りに移動を表す動詞と共に》…『の中へ』 / (乗り物)『に乗って』 / …『の状熊に』(『で』) / …『に従事して』,に属して / …『を身につけて』,に覆われて / 《『in』do『ing』の形で》…『するときに』,する際に(when) / 《時間》 / …『して』,…『が経過したあと』 / …『の間に』 / …『については』,…の点では / 《方法・手段・材料》…『で』 / 《人を目的語にして,性質・能力があることを示して》…の中に / …の目的で,のつもりで,として / 《比率割合》…のうちで,につき / 《過去分詞に伴って》…に[…されて] / 『中へ』(に) / 『在宅して』,帰って / (乗り物などが)『到着して』,(時期・季節が)来て / 出回って,流行して / 《俗》流行の,当世風の / 《話》特定の人々にのみ理解される
- (…に対して)〈ドア・窓など〉‘を'『閉める』,閉じる(close)《+『名』+『on』(『to』)+『名』》 / 〈本・ナイフなど〉‘を'『閉じる』,たたむ / (…の中に)…‘を'閉じ込める《+『名』+『in』(『into』)+『名』》;(…から)…‘を'締め出す《+『名』+『from』(『out of』)+『名』》・〈店・事業など〉‘を'閉じる,閉鎖する・(ドアなどに)〈指・服など〉‘を'はさむ《+『名』+『in』+『名』》・閉じる,閉まる
- indiumの化学記号
- Indiana
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/26 14:44:15」(JST)
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Shut-in may refer to:
Look up shut-in in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- Shut-in (river), a river that's naturally confined within a deep, narrow channel
- A shut-in is a person who is either unwilling or unable to leave his/her home, often due to disability, or a mental disease such as agoraphobia. See recluse.
- Shutting-in, in the petroleum industry, is the implementation of a production cap lower than the available output at a particular site.
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English Journal
- Physiological evaluation of air-fed ensembles.
- Turner NL1, Powell JB, Sinkule EJ, Novak DA.Author information 1Office of Extramural Programs, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1095 Willowdale Road, Morgantown, WV 26505, USA;AbstractThe goal of this study was to evaluate the respiratory and metabolic stresses of air-fed ensembles used by workers in the nuclear, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries during rest, low-, and moderate-intensity treadmill exercise. Fourteen men and six women wore two different air-fed ensembles (AFE-1 and AFE-2) and one two-piece supplied-air respirator (SA) at rest (REST) and while walking for 6min at oxygen consumption (V.O2) rates of 1.0 (LOW) and 2.0 l min(-1) (MOD). Inhaled CO2 (FICO2), inhaled O2 (FIO2), pressure, and temperature were measured continuously breath-by-breath. For both LOW and MOD, FICO2 was significantly lower (P < 0.03) and FIO2 was significantly greater (P < 0.008) for SA compared with AFE-1 and AFE-2 in women, while in men, similar trends were observed. Significantly lower FICO2 (P < 0.009) and significantly greater FIO2 (P < 0.04) were consistently observed in AFE-1 compared with AFE-2 in men during LOW and MOD. For both men and women, average FICO2 exceeded 2.0% in AFE-2 during MOD. During LOW and MOD, average FIO2 in AFE-1 and AFE-2 dropped <19.5% in men and women. For men and women, average inhalation pressures (PIave) were significantly greater in both air-fed ensembles than SA (P < 0.001) during REST, LOW, and MOD. Inhaled gas temperature was significantly lower in SA than in either air-fed ensemble (P < 0.001). When the air supply was shut off during walking, the time taken for minimum FICO2 to reach 2.0% was <38 s for all three ensembles in both men and women, an observation that has implications for the design of emergency escape protocols for air-fed ensemble wearers. Results show that inhaled gas concentrations may reach physiologically stressful levels in air-fed ensembles during moderate-intensity treadmill walking.
- The Annals of occupational hygiene.Ann Occup Hyg.2014 Mar;58(2):241-50. doi: 10.1093/annhyg/met062. Epub 2013 Dec 23.
- The goal of this study was to evaluate the respiratory and metabolic stresses of air-fed ensembles used by workers in the nuclear, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries during rest, low-, and moderate-intensity treadmill exercise. Fourteen men and six women wore two different air-fed ensembles (AF
- PMID 24366205
- Eyes wide shut: the illusory tale of 'occult' microscopic endometriosis.
- Hopton EN1, Redwine DB.
- Human reproduction (Oxford, England).Hum Reprod.2014 Mar;29(3):384-7. doi: 10.1093/humrep/det441. Epub 2013 Dec 18.
- PMID 24352887
- Clinical Phenotype in Ten Unrelated Japanese Patients with Mutations in the EYS Gene.
- Suto K1, Hosono K, Takahashi M, Hirami Y, Arai Y, Nagase Y, Ueno S, Terasaki H, Minoshima S, Kondo M, Hotta Y.Author information 1Department of Ophthalmology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine , Hamamatsu , Japan .AbstractABSTRACT Background: To characterize the clinical phenotypes associated with previously-reported mutations of the eyes shut homolog (EYS) gene, including a truncating mutation, c.4957_4958insA, which is a major causative mutation for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in Japan. Materials and Methods: The study population comprised ten unrelated RP subjects with very likely pathogenic mutations in both alleles, four of them with a homozygous c.4957_4958insA mutation. The phenotype analysis was based on ophthalmic examination, Goldmann perimetry, and digital fundus photography. Results: The study population included six men and four women aged 34-74 years. The average age at first visit was 31 years (range, 14-44 years), and the patients typically presented with night blindness as the initial symptom and subsequently developed progressive constriction of the visual field. Myopia was noted in 9/20 affected eyes. For most patients, central visual acuity was preserved relatively well up to their thirties, after which it deteriorated rapidly over the next two decades. The visual acuity of patients homozygous for the c.4957_4958insA mutation was uniform. Visual fields were constricted symmetrically, and the extent of constriction seemed to be better correlated with age than visual acuity. The fundus displayed bone spicules, which increased in density with age, and attenuated retinal vessels. Conclusions: Although additional studies with more patients with mutations of the EYS gene are required, it appears that patients share a relatively uniform phenotype with near-normal central visual function up to their twenties. The patients homozygous for the c.4957_4958insA mutation showed a uniform course of visual acuity changes.
- Ophthalmic genetics.Ophthalmic Genet.2014 Mar;35(1):25-34. doi: 10.3109/13816810.2013.768673. Epub 2013 Feb 20.
- ABSTRACT Background: To characterize the clinical phenotypes associated with previously-reported mutations of the eyes shut homolog (EYS) gene, including a truncating mutation, c.4957_4958insA, which is a major causative mutation for retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in Japan. Materials and Methods: The stu
- PMID 23421333
Japanese Journal
- 「ひきこもり現象」の心理学的研究 : 「社会的自己」と「主体的自己」の関係性からの考察
- ひきこもり青年の社会復帰を支えたCl-Th関係とSV関係 : 日常性・身体性の領域から深い精神性の領域まで
- 当事者組織による「ひきこもり・リストカット・DV・虐待」等の相談活動と支援 (特集 「不適応・二次障害」と発達支援)
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- shut-inとは。意味や和訳。[形]((米))1 (家・病院などに)閉じこもった.2 孤独癖の.━━[ 名](病弱や老衰のために)閉じこもりきりの人. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、 百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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