- make visible or noticeable; "She showed her talent for cooking"; "Show me your etchings, please"
- the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining; "a remarkable show of skill"
- a social event involving a public performance or entertainment; "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"
- give an exhibition of to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington" (同)demo, exhibit, present, demonstrate
- be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show" (同)show up
- finish third or better in a horse or dog race; "he bet $2 on number six to show"
- give evidence of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"
- showの過去分詞
- 〈物・姿・感情など〉‘を'『見せる』,示す / …‘を'『示して』(『説明して』)『教える』・…‘を'『明らかにする』,証明する;〈計騎などが〉…‘を'示す・《副詞[句]を伴って》〈人〉‘を'『案内する』,導く・…‘を'陳列する;…‘を'展示する;〈映画,劇など〉‘を'上映(上演)する / 見える,姿を見せる・(ある状態に)見える《+『形』〈補〉》(進行形にできない) ・《話》〈人が〉展示会(展覧会)を催す;商品を陳列する;〈映画・撃などが〉上映(上演)される・〈U〉《しばしばa show》『見せること』,表示・〈U〉《しばしばa show》見せかけ・〈U〉《しばしばa show》外観,様子;きざし / ・〈U〉《しばしばa show》見せびらかし,見え・C〉『展示会』,『展覧会』,品評会・〈C〉『見せ物』,興行,ショー,芝居,映画;(ラジオ・テレビの)番組・〈U〉《しばしばa show》《話》機会,チャンス;見込み・〈U〉《しばしばa show》光景,ながめ・〈C〉《話》仕事;物,事
- 見せること,示すこと;展示;展示会 / 外観(appearance);成績,できばえ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/16 18:48:59」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Shown is an American surname that reflects an Anglicization of the German surname Schaun. A common variant is Shawn. Examples:
- Elizabeth Shown Mills (born 1944), American genealogist
- Suzan Shown Harjo (born 1945), Native American activist
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- demonstrate、depict、display、exhibit、give、indicate、indicative、point out、present、reflect、signify、suggest